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E-Cigs - any experiences?

many friends have made the switch from menthol and non menthol and love it!!! check it out anywhere they sell it... they usually let u try it first... so many friends swear by it now!!!
thats the funny part is all who have switched, i have caught out on the dorm benches having a real one on occasion...theres nothing like the real thing once and a while... thats for sure...i have never been addicted persay... never more than a half pack in a day... but i love the social experience... and i enjoy smoking in general...


njoy npro is a good one looks just like a cigarette the end glows lasts quite a while on one cartridge. i just ordered the original njoy ncig it looks like a pen but its supposed to produce more vapor. id go for them they cant be worse than real smokes and most cases cost less and besides you can smoke em any time anywhere i think they'll catch on big soon once its more available locally. tons of flavors too and options to buy the juice to refill them yourself i had one on the airplane was fun blowing a big cloud of 'smoke' as the stewardess walked by


I thought this thread was about cheap cigarettes online haha,I get mine at azcigs.com for about 20 bucks a carton


No they taste just fine,or I wouldnt smoke them.All the major brands too made in Russia or somewhere in eastern europe.The carton itself is only 13-14 dollars it about 6 bucks to ship each carton.I'm paying about half of what I normally would and smoke are cheaper down here than up north


The topic.Are you cereal?I thought the topic was cigarettes and if anyones quit using e-smokes.I havent tried esmokes but I have found cheap smokes online.You all can thank me later lol


I used them to quit smoking last year.

Don't use them unless your going to try to quit smoking reqular cigs as I think the smoke isn't that good for you.
No, cigs aint good for you either but I think it's probably worse.

Took me all of 5 weeks to quit using it.
Great product.



Which one did you use because some are downright dangerous I hear.Man a police copter has been circling the hood for a half hour now.