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LED Light Build


Hello I am working on building a LED light setup. I have been researching this for a while and have posted my plan on a few boards. So far interest has been very minimal but hopefully I have finally found the right place.

I have spent time trying to source the right LED's and so far these are my top picks:

LEDEngin 660nm Red LED
5W ($11.70):http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/LedEngin/LZ1-10R205/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtEjy7lsqBi5WAoek1MvCy0oPxaXt07YY8%3d
10W ($32.50):http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/LedEngin/LZ4-40R210/?qs=1WK3E8%2b1vGDGOElVXLEMRA==

LEDEngin 465nm Blue LED

5W ($9.90):http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail...=sGAEpiMZZMtEjy7lsqBi5XD8V766MN4p6ssznWBK6ZI=
10W ($32.00):http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail...GAEpiMZZMtEjy7lsqBi5Un/%2bkHi8siyEiBbrl3jH/c=

Along with the Red & Blue emitters I will be adding in some Warm and Cool white LED's. The options here are greater but some of the main contenders are:

Luxeon 3300K Warm White LED: http://www.futurlec.com/Luxeon_LED.shtml

Cree XP-G Cool White LED: http://www.cree.com/products/xlamp_xpg.asp

Cree XP-E Cool, Warm or Neutral White LED's: http://www.cree.com/products/xlamp_xpe.asp

Does anyone know what the ratio of Red to Blue light is optimal?

Also I am thinking about being able to independently turn on the cool and warm white LED's to better serve the plants in both stages of growth but I am not sure if this is necessary.

Also LEDEngin now produces a far-red 740nm led. As I tried to figure out its place in my design I started to read about the photochrome system and how 660 and 740nm light basically work as a feedback mechanism to regulate various plant growth patterns. Overall 740nm light seems useless or possibly harmful. I still have a very limited understanding of this so please chime in with info.

Anyone with experience or knowledge please post!

11/23 Edit
I decided to try and get as much useful info as possible in this post.

To power these LED's I am going to use dedicated LED drivers. Here are a few good sources of different drivers:


The advantage of using a dedicated driver is efficiency and ease of use. For a decent sized light I will need to use multiple drivers to handle to total voltage of the LEDs.


Yea, I am going to start small at first. Cost is the main issue for LED's in general. I might just use them for supplemental or side lighting.
dont quote me on this but i beleive i have read on here in the led forums how 5 and 10 watt leds are actually less efficient in the end than smaller watt selections like 1 watt lights...something about wavelengths and actual effects in yeild... not sure tho...no expert in any electric or electronic areas, maybe ask ledgirl or the weezard, he has a homemade led set up. the led forums on here have extensive knowledge on the subject throughout the posts by members who grow led and create their own... i suggest paying a visit and reading up, u will probably understand it all better than me... good luck!!!


Yes some 1W LED's are much more efficient then the 5W versions and I have also heard that the higher watt led's have more heat issues. The problem im having is finding a red led with the 660nm wavelength and a respectable lumen output. If anyone knows of any let me know!

Also MODs if you think this thread would do better in the LED forum please move it for me. I was wary to post there because I thought it was only for discussing the vendors lights.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Also MODs if you think this thread would do better in the LED forum please move it for me. I was wary to post there because I thought it was only for discussing the vendors lights.

Time to show why I get to sit in the corner office sawing babies in half.

Seems to me you're designing a piece of growroom equipment. Where better than Growroom Design & Equipment to host your thread?

That said, this is a heated subject at the moment so, let's all be extra polite when approaching it. :friends:
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Indeed. There have been some issues on other forums that I have been on. Keeping it here is fine with me.


I have been reading the LED thread in the Micro Grow forum. There is some great info there but I have yet to find a suitable 1W replacement for the 5W LEDEngin diodes.

Also someone mentioned that they found 7 Red to 1 Blue to be the best ratio. Any comments?


Yes they would work fine for keeping a few mothers alive. IMHO I still don't think LED's are worth it unless you have very specific circumstances. Using some good CFL's or T5's would probably be better and easier. The cost of the LED's are simply too high.

I know that sounds odd coming from the person putting all this work into building a LED light but im doing it more for the fun and experience then practicality. If you want to build one I say go for it, post your build and findings to help other people out. I am willing to help anyone out to the best of my abilities.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Best ratio? Depends.

Best ratio? Depends.

I have been reading the LED thread in the Micro Grow forum. There is some great info there but I have yet to find a suitable 1W replacement for the 5W LEDEngin diodes.

Also someone mentioned that they found 7 Red to 1 Blue to be the best ratio. Any comments?

Aloha, Ledgro

I've had decent results with the 5W. emitters at 10:3.

Also, had good results with 15W emitters at 4:1

Presently using a 5:1 with a dimmer on the 660s so I can play with the R:B.
If I bring it down to about 3:1 when starting flowering it stops the "stretch".
Then I kick the red back up to fatten the buds.

'course the "ratio" is misleading.
All I can tell you is how many red emitters:blue emitters.
The light ratio would depend on their actual output.
So, I just "tune" by the color, as judged by my un-calibrated eyeball.
And 6 Amp dimmers are cheap and easy.:listen2:

And, I really like the Ledengin 15W. 660s.
They're only a little more expensive but they run at a more efficient temperature range.
You can get a bit more light out of them than the 10s, while running them at 2/3rds of their max current.
The 10W. emitters need to be driven way too hard.
I doubt that they will last very long
The flying leads made fabrication easy and the heat transfer is excellent.
Check my albums for details.

Welcome aboard, da led boat,
lemme know if I can he'p.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Please, let's keep the "he said, she said" outside this thread. Stick to LEDs... and puppies, everyone loves puppies.



Another interesting led-project. How much power are you planning to use?


At first I will probably keep my cost to around $200 for the LED's. So basically my total output will be limited by the deals I can find.

Im really happy to see the interest and get some good info from other members. I can't wait to start putting this puppy together. Thanks for the support.


Nope I don't grow anything but veggies outside in my garden at this point lol. But my personal view from diy electronics and research into LED's is that an LED light will outperform HID's but currently the major drawback is cost.

If you were to put together a 600W LED light and have the correct spectrums it would kick the pants off of an HPS/MH. Currently high power emitters are expensive, if you say purchased 600 you might be able to pick them for $3 each on the low end so you would end up spending $1800 on just the LED's. Then you have to add the drivers, power supplies etc and your cost would probably be closer to $2000!

Now it looks like most current manufacturers of LED grow lights are using less watts but because the wavelengths are specific to plant growth they have more usable light so it tries to make up for the difference, whether the current version do or don't is a matter of much debate. LED's wont take over until you can buy an equivalent wattage for a decent price.

I think that once people can buy a good 600W LED Growlight for $1000 bucks they will take over. Hopefully that will happen in the next 5 - 10 years.


I have been looking into Edison Opto emitters. They have 1W versions that should be great for plants.
The two I am most interested in are:
EFED-1AE1: 1W 450-470nm Blue LED
EFEE-1AE1: 1W 650-670nm Red LED

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