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Enjoying x18 in the spanish mountains


Well-known member
Hi :)

Today woke up with the sun shining in my face, so i spontanously decided to flee off the city for a day and make a trip to the nearby mountains....

I packed in the last bud of the X18 i was given by a friend (thanks jardi ;) ) and a few other things and went off...

It took me about an hour and a half to get to the mountains by puplic transportations, but it was well worth it... today was a beautiful autumn day in spain...

So i started to climb a rather small mountain through wonderful autumn scenes in the forrest... i enjoyed it very much... to breath the fresh air and listen to the sounds of the trees while watching scenes that only nature can create...

i really depend on taking a walk through nature by myself every now and then, and since i moved to spain some weeks ago i haven't really found time for that...

some pics of the way:

when i came out of the forest near to the top, i realised it was way too windy to roll a joint up there, so i searched a covered place to roll the x18 joint:

The aroma of the bud when not touched isn't the strongest, but not weak either, but when i crushed it it gave a very intense smell, i tried before to describe it somehow, but it's difficult - anyways here's my try: the aroma is mostly sweet and fresh with a little fruitiness in the background and something i just can't put my finger on... somehow everytime i smelled it ice-cream came to my mind - but some sort of ice-cream they yet have to invent :D

It def. is a very special aroma that i haven't found like this in weed before...

so...then i climbed up a little further and found a nice spot with good view and not too much wind so i sat down to enjoy that spliff:

The smell doesn't transfer into the taste perfectly but it's there...

Directly after smoking i began to descend, the wind was really icy up there ;) so the effects kicked in while walking...

normally i have a hard time describing the effects of herb in detail as it just depends too much from set and setting, but as you got an impression of these factors now i'll give it a try: after a few hundred meters i realised i was slowing down...typical effect of any indica ;) although it didn't make me the least bit tired, i was just a littler slower than usual... interesting was that while my body had slowed down, my brain was working faster - stimulated by the beautiful landscape and enhanced by the weed - in thoughts that were flowing from one topic to another, i noticed how my thoughts were influenced by the ilumination of the enviroment...

quite sometimes i stopped walking to just stand and let me impress by the unbelievable variety of pleasurable perceptions that offers a sunny autumn forrest (i do that when i don't smoke too, but after the x18 i found myself doing it more often)

for me it was more inspiring than an avarage indica with at moments spiritual and mythic components - very pleasurable all the time. The high lasted about 3 hours and peaked with a heavy desire for food :D

some more pics:

I smoked the x18 before, but this was the first time i didn't smoke other strains before or after, and it was def. worthwile... also i think it tasted better at fresh air (don't know wether it is a common expirience that weed tastes differently if smoked in closed rooms or at open air, for me it's quite different - and not every strain tastes better at open air... but of course this is HIGHLY subjective - as the whole smokereport, but hell that's what smoke reports are all about...)

Anyways it is a very nice strain with unique characteristics and does in no way have to hide from modern hybrids in matters of taste and effect!

Thanks to Tom, Raco (this is his selection) and of course Jardi to make this expirience possible for me :)


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey mate !

nice smoke report ! very nice picts of the place :) can t wait to be around...

smoking in the bush, nothing better !

i had some of this x18 during my trip in adam...definetly my best pick in herb there.it has a very very intense kush smell and taste, so far as strong as the sour diesel riri which is around here.

the buds were dense like rocks, i swear i haven t seen much buds as dense as those...

the body stone was also quite strong, but as you described it well, it has a nice head high too... eventually it would put my friends with low tolerance to bed :)... a must have strain.


see ya mate !


Great smoke report! It made me really want to try the X18. I especially like the comment about the light/illumination changing your thoughts and generally it sounds like the senses are enhanced a lot, must be a very nice.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
nice pics man thanks for sharing. I love seeing mountains pictures. which moutains in spain were those? I have always wanted to hike spain.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Cool! :D
Great report thx!!
I´ve smoked a lot of different 18s,some are very potent and I have yet to find one that I wouldn´t want to smoke :D


Well-known member
very enjoyable report

beautiful pics
they make the story come to life

looks similar to my tora bora
was that bud grown outdoor?

Nice smoke report. Where did you move from Bob? Based on the way you spelled Realize, I take it you were already somewhere in the EU? Been looking into the logistics of a move from the US to Spain but it seems difficult...again, nice report and great pics!


Nice report. I got some X-18 that I am going to be bring up with the next cycle. Its really amazing to me that the spainish mountains remind me alot of the California mountain. Real similar climate too. I really need to get my ass over to Spain this spring!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Stunning pics there bob, it looks just like the place I went mushrooming the other day 1400M high with sea view... but it could be pretty much any of the amazing mountain ranges in Spain. Trouble is it is so bloody scenic there are people enjoying it everywhere, you are rarely alone.

Enjoy the X18, you are right about high altitude bud smoking/tasting a bit different :smoke: Strong boots are handy, stoned as fuck, high up a mountain, a small stumble can easily develop into a close encounter with a spiky bush or even a cliff....


Active member
Awesome travel journal sideshow-bob!!! :woohoo:

Always great to hear from you.....wish i was there in that beautiful place too....:abduct:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:

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