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Rubiks cube


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Never seen a thread on them before. I can get this far without using the online solver. How bout you? Platinum Amnesia btw.




o snap ur almost there! i have one by my bed thats about half finished. i havent touched it in months.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
To be honest with you I don't have the patience to do it sober.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
solving that things ususally means 2 things. 1, you are smart. 2, you are single. lol


solving that things ususally means 2 things. 1, you are smart. 2, you are single. lol

Hey, nerd's need love too!

Actually I solved one when I was a kid. But I had to buy an instruction book to solve it. I had some friends who had memorized all the moves that you need to solve it and had gotten it down to under 5 minutes.

Yeah, we all got beat up a lot.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Yup, single father. You called it. Nerdy as fuck too, on the inside at least.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I get the feeling it will be about useless after I've solved it. Possibly more than now?
OP did you figure out the algorithms yourself so far? From what I understand there is a very specific strategy to solve those, I don't know how you could do it without looking up the algorithms. I guess it would take a lot of intelligence, or a lot of time and trial and error to figure them out

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
there's an online solver?
i never really knew so called strategy to the cube
ive beaten it a few times when i was younger, mostly due to persistance.
i might have to looks this up and break out the cube again


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
fear.loathingSF said:
OP did you figure out the algorithms yourself so far? From what I understand there is a very specific strategy to solve those, I don't know how you could do it without looking up the algorithms. I guess it would take a lot of intelligence, or a lot of time and trial and error to figure them out.

This is as far as I can get by myself, I've had it figured out this far for a long time now. I can consistently do this in under 2 minutes but that's it. After this I'm just stumped. I've looked up the algorithms to finish it from here but it's too much to even attempt to remember, especially if you smoke like me.:joint: The first layers are pretty easy to figure out after messing around for awhile.

CF said:
there's an online solver?
i never really knew so called strategy to the cube
ive beaten it a few times when i was younger, mostly due to persistance.
i might have to looks this up and break out the cube again

Thanks for stopping in. There's a solver somewhere online where you can "fill in the blank" with the colors and it will tell you how many moves you can do it in and tell them to you. It's easier than taking the stickers off.(my previous high tech method)


Solved mine a few times when I was 6... or 8, I can't remember. Put it down and didn't touch it until college where for some reason it was a popular thing to memorize the patterns & algorithms for solving. Set to figure out the "basic moves" that everyone around me was doing on my own. Once I could "do it" with immediate reactions to the layout I never felt like I needed to get faster - I had friends who were solving in 13-26 seconds... I never got below 2 minutes.
I still have the same cube I owned as a kid... I'm pretty sure its somewhere in my basement, gathering dust, waiting for me to sprout a lil brainiac to give it to.

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