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Marijuana Legalization Movement in US Gains Steam


Active member
As you probably already know from reading this forum, the marijuana legalization movement in the US has finally come of age. With news like the AMA reversing it's long-held position against medical marijuana, three legalization initiatives hoping to be on the next California ballot, and polls showing a majority of people in the West favor legalization, can the day cannabis is legal be far behind?

Groups like Americans for Safe Access, the Drug Policy Alliance, the Marijuana Policy Project and others are actively lobbying for legalization of medical marijuana where it's still prohibited. NORML supports decriminalization (but not full legalization!)

As lobbying groups start to redirect their focus onto legalization, the debate has shifted from medical to recreational use of marijuana. Now the argument for legalization is focusing on comparing marijuana with alcohol and tobacco, two other recreational drugs.

Why is marijuana treated so differently than alcohol and tobacco when science tells us it's so much safer?

To counter this argument the government's propaganda machine is going into overtime pumping out the same old tired lies in the media claiming that marijuana is some how more dangerous (stronger) than it used to be, that it impairs driving, that it causes (rather than alievates) psychological disorders, etc.

It seems that the only holdouts still resisting legalization are Law Enforcement entities from the DEA on down. Fortunately there is a group of Law Enforcement people that support the legalization of marijuana, and that group is growing quickly.

Time is now on our side. Legalization is coming. Get ready!

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Active member
Smokesalot asks:
My question is what can we do to keep the momentum going?
Good question!

What the movement needs to continue its march is:

  • Effective government lobying;
  • Effective public education;
  • Effective press liasions;
  • Well crafted public opinion polling;
  • Further Expansion and recruiting of grassroot supporters;
  • Contributing experienced political operatives where needed;
  • Assistance at all levels with ballot initiatives; and,
  • Providing experienced legal counsel in key court challenges

That's what's needed. So how do you, sitting at home on your couch or at your computer keyboard help with all that?

Simple: the single best thing you can do is to make a modest $25 donation to each of NORML, DPA, MPP and ASA.

These are the four key organizations that are on the front lines in lobbying government and the media, providing critical organization on the ground for state ballot initiatives and as intervenors before the courts in key court challenges.

All of these are critical elements in the drive towards expanded access for MMJ patients and for decriminalization and legalization of marijuana, generally.

These activities require skill, dedication, and, above all money. For the cost of a quarter ounce of high quality pot, your $25 contribution to each of the above four organizations will help ensure the progressive expansion of marijuana laws throughout the United States and the World.

If you want to assist in the legalization of marijuana - there is no better way than to vote with your wallet. Demographic trends prove that the votes are there. But in order to harness those votes and effectively alter public policy, the democratic and legal process requires money. That's the reality - and that's where we all need to step up. Think of it as a downpayment towards your first pound of legal recreational MJ. With legalization, these donations will pay for themselves more than a hundred times over during your lifetime, easily.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I can't wait to see what happens in California, i hope we can follow suit in Oregon soon after.

If we could at least get it legal to grow your own at home, i could quit guerrilla growing!
My question is what can we do to keep the momentum going?

Hand out free samples at shopping malls and monster truck rallies! :joint:

But seriously, to me it all comes down to the fact that as more people have actual experience with the herb and realize that it's far less problematic than even beer, the motive to capitalize on it as an industry will overcome the baseless politically correct anti-herb paranoia.

It will be the new gold rush!

(just don't say anything about medicating kids with MMJ and we'll be fine) :noway:


Active member
The best thing is to keep talking about it to people who are against it. Compare the health risks of cannabis to tobacco and alcohol. Discuss all the ways marijuana can heal people.

Talk about WHY marijuana is illegal. Who is profiting from keeping it illegal? Big pharma, alcohol & tobacco companies as well as Law Enforcement, private prisons, treatment centers, etc.

Talk about how the laws against marijuana cause far more problems than marijuana itself. Talk about the suffering of marijuana users who are in jail, the toll on their families and their futures.

We must keep the benefits of marijuana in the public view, vs the drawbacks of other recreational drugs.

I disagree with supporting NORML. Let them survive off the profits of their "First Cannabis Cafe" in America LIE.... They've become a for profit group apparently.


It would be nice if a truly unbiased piece of media hit the mainstream with regards to cannablis. If an article were attempted to be co-written by a well known activist and prohibitionist, they may actually end up agreeing and not spewing propoganda. Some people may start to trust our media though, a dangerous thought.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
It would be cool to have a Cable channel that was specifically aimed at the counter culture, including Cannabis activists/users.
fatigues hit the nail on the head. Listen to him and do as he suggests,support the groups or group of your choice. Give them your backing to maintain the pressure. Do it anonymously if you must,but do it. Change will come with your support

Respect bass


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
:woohoo: It's a great day ! :woohoo:

for a few months now, i ve seen the word spreading all around... LEGALIZE IT !!!

If US goes on this movement, others countries should follow... i'm praying for that ! :joint:

Thanks for the hope, Skip !

Now we have to intensify the :dueling: against prohibition, and grow more and more !


Get Ready...to go to Zion...Equal Rights and Justice heeeeeeeyyyyyyy


If you have not already read this book then read it it is free online (altho I bought a real copy which is worth it as it has pictures and was signed). Here is a link http://www.jackherer.com/chapters.html I am really serious if you are serious about legalization this book will arm you with all the information you need to know. Plus its like an underground history book its all the stuff the schooling systems conveniently left out. I bought this book and a sample kit from Hemptraders which includes wood, paper, fibers, a fabric sample swath with 100%hemp and mixtures of hemp/cotton/silk/ect. yarn, fiber, belting material. It really changes peoples opinions. When I tell a person you can make a house out of pot they look at me like im psycho i pull a chunk of board out made from it and it gives them something tangible and proves beyond a doubt that it is possible. Just my 2 cents


Active member
LowGrow, most cars use hemp products today. My VW Camper vans used to have hemp in the door panels and ceilings. It makes fairly good insulation apparently. I remember once, a long time ago, finding the hemp in the ceiling panels and wondering "WTF is that weird shit in my ceiling?" It wasn't till many years later that I realized it was hemp!
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One of the best things you can do is as you already know is contact your local politician. Find out the stance they have on Medical Marijuana. Then remind them you VOTE. You have Many friends and family that Vote too. All of who are in favor of Medical Marijuana. Use the power VOTE!from eighteen on. You can join the US Army and fight. Don't forget to fight a good fight on the home front too. Use Voting as your power to fight. Back the ones that don't stand in the way of repealing the current unjust marijuana laws.


stone fool
I agree with you Skip, norml is fired! There is something we do need. We need analysis of the medical data trends in med states. We need data supporting any gains mmj is giving us, and the data should show some by now. If we can show examples of saving money, lives, or resources, it is a tool that can be used in the fight.


Come Out of the Closet on Cannabis..

If we let folks know we are Cannabis people and all Cannabis people come out soon it will help change the tide in our favor.

I'd say NOW is the time to sell Cannabis themed shirts and stuff with the word LEGALIZE on it.

It is time to wear a Legalize shirt for sure.. There is a Movement!

I tend to catch things as they happen and I can say there is a cold wind of resistance forming. Do not think it is a Slam Dunk. Get active!

I am very serious there is a massive resistance being organized. I feel we must tighten our ranks and lock arms!


The UK is surprisingly on the edge of legalization now aren't you guys! They don't say much about the ignoring of fines and getting on with it. I was reading about UK Growers.. Cool attitude..


Well-known member
and it doesn't hurt to drop in the conversation that MJ has actually BEEN legal for the majority of this country's history
and if they wish to compare the 'problems' with it during the legal and illegal phases, it's no comparison


Write a letter to the editor of your local paper!

Mine is fairly conservative, yet they have often published letters in favor of reform. Lots of people who need convincing read the editorials.