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First Contact Imminent?


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
While i don't believe in aliens and the whole idea of aliens visiting us sounds stupid to me at this point.

There might be ''life'' out there. But talking about intelligence is a whole different ball game. Intelligence is just another survival tool nothing more. We have no way of being certain that in other conditions life needs or has evolved intelligence (the way we understand intelligence). If they are so superior that they can travel here and visit us. Why would they ? Do you go talking with ants ? Or maybe you enjoy conversations with bacteria ?

If there are such super intelligent beings out there i think it's fair to speculate that there are also thousands of civilizations like our own...So we are nothing special to these superior creatures.

Heck they could probably just create a planet like ours and species like we have in a heartbeat. They would have to have wormhole technology..wich is nothing but a theory and a flaky one at that. At this point just something that makes sci-fi movies work. But my point is..they have no reason to visit us. No reason at all..

And i love all the nutcases that think they are here to spread ''love''..That is just as bad as religion! Emotional stupid zealots! There is no difference in love or hate both are emotions both are equally useless. If anything these beings would be void of emotions and totally rational. People just like to polarise. They see all these negative things happening and they want something positive. So they make up stories..Somewhere there is a savior..Who can end it all in a second just be revealing himself. It's the same as religion.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Cloud Nine

Cloud Nine




Well-known member
i thought for sure this was going to be a Yummybud thread ... i was going to offer congratulations ... oh, well ... carry on.


Most people think,
Great God will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights. jah!


I think we may need to face the facts, the ALEINS ARE AMONG Us. o NO'SSS....

Smoke some good green and the aleins will abduct you and anal prob you.

But only if you smoke A TON.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Secretly everyone just wants to be anal probed..they couldn't give a shit about their other technologies.

Fuckin' perverts!


Active member
This story is like the first Cannabis Cafe in the US just opening. Yeah, right!

Xenu was here already...



Secretly everyone just wants to be anal probed..they couldn't give a shit about their other technologies.

Fuckin' perverts!

I'll take what I can get. The last time I got a piece of ass was when my finger broke through the toilet paper. Don't hate on alternative lifestyles.

mmmmm...Anal Alien. I think I have that one in my porn collection.

now that's what I call getting some strange!

Cookie monster

I'm thinking first contact will depend on what type of aliens decide to pay us a visit.

On one hand you have the human eating/water stealing type, they will just turn up and start harvesting and on the other hand you have the friendly want to help us out type.

The friendly type will probably discreetly make contact with our governments long before the common man learns of their existence, they most likely wont want to start a mass panic attack.

The unfriendly type will have blasted any sort of military resistance before we even know what hit us, all communications will be shut down and the harvesting of the human crops will begin.

Fortunately for me i will be selected as breeding stock and transported to the breeding planet Omicron Cookie 5.

Seriously tho..

I think the chances of aliens flying here in their space ships are remote at best and humanity's first contact with extra terrestrial life will be the discovery of some sort of bacteria or single cell organisim within our own solar system.


Well-known member
I agree with the article totally and have known about this for some time now. I learned from Dr. Greer with the disclosure project.

But I have to say "found on the internet" and an Anonymous source is a bit shady.

Come on Caveman, like Dr. Steven Greer isn't shady?

Isn't Greer the nut-job, that for a fee, takes naive & gullible people into the woods to essentially pray to Aliens with flashlights?

Greer and is moronic followers crack me up with all their mumbo-jumbo, quasi-scientific-sounding explanations of their telepathic attempts to contact Aliens with flashlights.

They employ such cool-sounding techno-babble as "Coherent Thought Sequencing"- "Koch Kyborg Pyramidall Visualisations" - "Photon Talk" -ect. in a lame attempt to make their ridiculous Modus Operandi somehow sound more legitimate.

They go into the woods at night with flashlights, and spend a great deal of time "thinking happy little thoughts" which is suppose to attract the cleaver Aliens. Who according to Dr. Greer occasionally appear in Space Ships "DISGUISED TO LOOK LIKE 747's." LOL! And after these far-advanced Aliens in their space ships disguised as 747's, zoom countless light-years through the cosmos to reach earth way out here on the outskirts of the Milky Way, are apparently not advanced enough, and capable of landing their 747 space ships safely without the aid of Greer and his Moronic followers vectoring them in with standard home flashlights. LOL! LOL!

It all sounds very credible & scientific indeed. LOL! :abduct:



Universe is way too big and way to alive not to contain other life forms. What those lifeforms consist of is the big question.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
While i don't believe in aliens and the whole idea of aliens visiting us sounds stupid to me at this point.

There might be ''life'' out there. But talking about intelligence is a whole different ball game. Intelligence is just another survival tool nothing more. We have no way of being certain that in other conditions life needs or has evolved intelligence (the way we understand intelligence). If they are so superior that they can travel here and visit us. Why would they ? Do you go talking with ants ? Or maybe you enjoy conversations with bacteria ?

I agree with you. Just playing devil's advocate on your logic.

Back in the day, Ant Farms were a pretty big deal and while bacterial conversation may be dull, we still poke and prob the bacteria to see what's up. Enter the anal probe. I'm all about anal probes if I'm the one doing the probing.


Active member
what i think:

space is so large and sparse and there is a upper end speed limit on how fast any matter can travel, living or not.

if intelligent aliens have arrived here then they must have the most insane technology to have gotten here in the first place. and we would stand no chance at all in defending ourselves if they were to try exterminate us. they havent so far and that doesnt mean that they're not watching us.

light has been traveling around our universe since the big bang, light waves can have many different ages too. i think aliens would be able to observe us in good detail from there own home planet without the need of traveling here, although they would be looking at an older picture of us since the light would have to have traveled to them over a number of light years.

so if they're here, they're not interested in us dying which is good. my guess is that they're not here yet but they're excitedly looking about the universe at a bunch of other alien life as well as us and building on their civilizations taking what they need from their environments as we are. Even for an advanced alien race it would take way too long to get anywhere in space without a warp drive.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I agree with you. Just playing devil's advocate on your logic.

Back in the day, Ant Farms were a pretty big deal and while bacterial conversation may be dull, we still poke and prob the bacteria to see what's up. Enter the anal probe. I'm all about anal probes if I'm the one doing the probing.

Well my point is. For these ALIENS to actually get here they have to be insanely advanced. People think floating discs are advanced but to travel the distances required they would have to bend spacetime! Quantum Physics stuff!

It's insane to think that our contact would be anything like in the movies. If anything observing would be more than enough.

What i'm really saying is they could very well just know everything about us in a second and assemble humans from cells probably or just replicate the whole planet if they wanted to. We can't even in our wildest dreams grasp what these aliens might be capable of.

We are pretty simple creatures i don't think there would ever be ''contact'' as these UFO folks are imagining.

And for those who think they might be coming to harvest our resources. We have nothing. IF you have unlimited energy wich they surely must have to get here they can create every element they need. Shit advanced nanotech would suffice..

i just don't see it happening..in a sense they would have to be ''god''..omnipotent..and then some..


I think there's a lot out there we don't know..

That's all i think...

Until i see something with my own eyes, at least.


Anne enn Normal
Chill people! We still have to find intelligent lifeforms on THIS planet! and i have a hunch this "Disclosure" is actually about: "we found an intelligent being...ON EARTH! and he says we must legalize Cannabis!!!"

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
First contact my ass! Exactly. Why do people assume this will be a good thing? Our own history has shown that this has disastrous consequences for the less "developed" civilizations. Ie, Columbus and Native Americans (reservations and the extermination of an estimated 95 million) , Africa and European colonization. Shall I go on? Maybe after a few generations of remote communications (AND WHO KNOWS WHAT EFFECT THIS WILL HAVE ON HUMANITY)? Then hopefully we visit them BEFORE they visit us!

Well this sounds familiar

Oh yeah, The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

almost verbatim from what Kathy Bates over zealous character says

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