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400 w White widow grow

I`m growing a single white widow under a 400 w HPS, this is because my F.I. Hermaphed on me, so the widow gets extra attention. I`ve been following a few of the other posts on white widow, to compare a time line to see approx when she should be done....thinking about 65 days. I have a few veg pics and a few day 33 flowering pics, and its been a week since i took these so ill take a few more soon. Hopeing to get my SLR cam this month, then pics should get alot better. I`m having an issue with the leaves looking a bit weird too, ill try to get a close up, but I dont think its a nutrient thing, béc i`v never come across this before. Only ever done a half dozen grows, so im still learning too, any input is helpful.


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A few more.....
I tried to post them in my IC album to post the pics directly to the page, but was having extreme difficulties trying to resize them and got frusterated and gave up.


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Thanks salty,
I took a few pics of the leaves, and just wondering if anyone can tell me whats happening to some of them. To me, it looks like a healty leaf but the little blotches look like the dark green pigment is kinda flaking off, and little black dots appear in the blotches. Otherwise the plant looks really healthy.

Also can anyone tell me an easy way to resize photos for my IC, i tried a few times and they always still end up too big to upload.


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im not sure, but may be a calcium deficiency. plants look great. i was wondering when you topped the plant, i like the shape of that bush and want to aim for the same with my WW...
Thanks lazer, i didn't top my plant, i just bent the top right over and have it growing up the one side. this way alot of the buds are now at the same height. I've been bending and shaping alot this time because i have the room this grow to experiment a bit. I think I'm going to start flushing pretty soon.
Heres a few pics of day 43


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WOO blade that WW is looking awesome well done! I just want to eat it. I can't give you any help on your leaf problem sorry. Have you looked at Stitches sick plant thread? It has a lot of great info. Heres the link http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

I have some WW in soil at the moment 2 weeks into flower so far. I let them go 54 days last time and came out really well.

Keep up the good work.

Peace keke :joint:


Active member
Don't sweat it...it's time to flush and they look like beauties. They're going to look worse and worse as the flushing goes on...let her die... There's a DNR order on her...

Let us know how she smokes...
thanks ibjamming.....last nuts were on the nov 13, so tomorrow, 16th, ill start first flush. WW seems to suck up alot less water then anything else ive ever grown. I usually water every 2 days, but the widows is deffinetely ever 3 or 4 days. I didnt get the soil mixture quite right this time( ran out of perilite, so only got 1/3 of what usually get) so that could be part of it too.


Looking very nice.... what breed are those WW seeds?
I have some going that are not going to even be close to those....
blade, im also curious to what breeder that seed was from?

i have 5 seedsman ww fem. germ'ing right now and i would love to have mine look close to as good as yours do. that lady is frosty!

What nutes are you using?
I had a friend give me one seed out of a feminezed 5 pack that he brough back from Amsterdam. Im almost possitive its a white widow from Greenhouse Seeds. I've really been enjoying growing this widow, its deffinetely the favorite strain i've grown so far.

I use Advanced 3 part Micro, Grow, Bloom
I also use Big Bud for weeks 2,3,4 of flowering then switch to Supernaturals Bud blaster in weeks 5,6 then flush 7,8.
I use propogator and superthrive for transplanting and rooting.

I would use advanced Voodoo juice but its 3 times the price as the propogator....but i am starting to experimenting with the piranha and teranchula from advanced


Nice looking grow Blade, My leaves are usually looking kind of crappy about the time I start to flush as well. Looks like you will be enjoying the fruits of you labor soon.

Good job bro!!



Still flushing, gonna leave her for awhile longer though. These are day 50 pics, hopefuly be trimming by day 60, but we'll see.

I'm Curing 1 W.W. Now. Started In A Tent With A 400 Watt MH. She Went Through Allot. I Wish I Could Of Done More But I Panicked.
But With The Help Of Everyone Here At ICM We Made It Full Term. My First Complete Grow. I Took Her To 75 Days, Got 3ozs. Dried (This Was Hydro) Which Was Way More Than I Expected.
Your Plants Look Fantastic!

Thank You
Longhair......Where did your WW come from????
This plants been a bit different for me....every bud 4 inches bellow the top and lower are looking crazy crystally and nice brown hairs. but ...the top few inches of all the top buds(all the big ones)as you can see in the pictures, are quite a bit less crystally and very few brown hairs.
I have a 400HPS in a well vented tent with the plant about 12 inches from the light. I dont think that would be causing it??
Does anyone know what causes this???