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New member
well bought a place been living there six months doing my thing. Winter coming so decieded better fill the propane tank. well turns out they wont fill my propane tank as a new customer unless i let them in to inspect the lines. well that cant happen and its starting to get cold here. i cant see hauling little tanks to run a furnace that will burn thru alot of fuel in the winter. i thought about a wood burner but it turns out you need to have that inspected also if put in new. what a fucked up state. you own the place and cant do anything without an inspection. ive thought about just putting the wood burner in anyway since its out in the country kindof thinking how the hell would they know if one was in here when i bought the place. any thoughts. cant tear down would loose to much.


New member
DIY Auto pellet-stove. Feed it once a day and you're golden. If you can grow, you can DIY!

thats what i had in mind. i can do it myself. my only concern is somebody seeing me doing the roof vent and calling the inspecter. although i think its remote chance of that but i guess its that or freeze.


Why can't you just shut every thing off while he is there? Unless the gas line runs through the GR? then never mind. You can always get a 100 LB tank . Mine lasts a month.


New member
Why can't you just shut every thing off while he is there? Unless the gas line runs through the GR? then never mind. You can always get a 100 LB tank . Mine lasts a month.

unfortunetly it runs thru everything
is that 100 lb tank running the house furnace. thats only about 25 gallons.


Active member
DIY Auto pellet-stove. Feed it once a day and you're golden. If you can grow, you can DIY!

Roger that! F#*K the propane! Wood or pellets....

As far as permits.... just check in with a neighbor you know and casually inquire about the situation.

In my experience, the vast majority of folks don't care whether you get a permit or not for things like wood stoves, air conditioning, heating, plumbing, electrical, etc. All these types of improvements generally require permits in every state, but I don't know a single person who has ever gotten one. Most contractors don't care either, but they'll say 'permit is owner's responsibility' in the contract if they're smart.

Neighbors who are a PIA are usually concerned about structural changes, construction noise, traffic, cutting down trees, etc.

Besides, you and a buddy could install any kind of stove in a day if the chimney isn't complicated (going through an attic vs. straight out the wall and up). Pellet stove chimneys are really straight forward and depending on your setup, you don't even have to build a chase for the chimney at all (though I think its looks a lot better with chase of some kind).

Get a stove in, finish the grow, get the gas inspection, fill up the tank, and use it for emergencies!

Good Luck!


New member
i figure it will only take about 2 hrs of actually being on the roof maybe less. i guess sometimes i get paronoid. my nieghbors are on 10 acre parcels and they have never talked to me and i have never talked to them. they come and go and wave if they see me so i think there decient people but you never know. im hoping they go away for thanksgiving and then ill do the roof part. thanks for the input guys. it can be a lonely road doing this sometimes.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
I've run into a similar situation with oil heat. No one would fill my tank w/o an inspection as a new customer, except for the company that had been filling it for the folks who used to live there.

Maybe you could check with the company that used to fill the tank for the past homeowner, it's worth a shot.


ICMag Donor
Why can't they come and inspect the lines?

All they have to do is look at your furnace and do a pressure test. It takes them about two minutes and then you can get fuel delivered. Anything else is going to cause more of a hassle. I would want to have to have an inspector come in and check out my stove and having him look around. The fuel company will be in and out.....


Tropical Outcast
well bought a place been living there six months doing my thing. Winter coming so decieded better fill the propane tank. well turns out they wont fill my propane tank as a new customer unless i let them in to inspect the lines.


Where I used to live I too had that happen.

I called a 2nd company and they told me the same thing as the 1st one did.

The 3rd and 4th one didn't give a damn'....
"Call us and we come and fill your tank!" was their slogan!


New member
Why can't they come and inspect the lines?

All they have to do is look at your furnace and do a pressure test. It takes them about two minutes and then you can get fuel delivered. Anything else is going to cause more of a hassle. I would want to have to have an inspector come in and check out my stove and having him look around. The fuel company will be in and out.....

the lines go right thru the room and they check each joint for leaks. I cant tell him he cant go in that room. also even though oder is in control with the scubbers turned off so no noise it only takes a lit bit of time to be able to get a wiff .it took months to set up it cant be torn down in 1 day. ive called different companies and they all say the same thing if you own the tank we can fill it with out an inspection as long as there is some propane already in the tank ,if you dont own it we cant fill it. I thought i owned the tank when i got the property but i was wrong it belongs to the propane company. a big mistake on my part. if i want to buy a tank from another company then as a new tank instalation the lines have to be inspected also.

Im going to go with the wood pellet stove i think and as long as noone sees me doing the outside vent and calls the inspecter i think ill be ok. i think ill do the vent and wait a week or so and if no one shows up ill only then hook the stove up inside. i only need till spring then ill tear everything out and have the inspection.

Lonesome Burt

Interesting thread. I use electric space heaters as back up if my central heat is out.

I only have a small grow,though. I guess with a larger grow, you'd be burning a buttload of power when everything was running.


Active member
Im going to go with the wood pellet stove i think and as long as noone sees me doing the outside vent and calls the inspecter i think ill be ok. i think ill do the vent and wait a week or so and if no one shows up ill only then hook the stove up inside. i only need till spring then ill tear everything out and have the inspection.

If you are on a 10 acre parcel, nobody is going to know what you are doing on the roof.... leak repair, replace shingles, whatever... they would need binoculars to figure it out and that would just be weird.

You are going to like that pellet stove much better than the propane anyway. Radiant heat from a stove is much more comfortable that forced air, hands down.

You'll get much better bang for your buck as well. No reason to heat the entire house when you can put the stove in the central living space.

Here's some current pricing info for propane (looks like its in cents/gallon):


All you on the east coast propane are getting screwed... time to move to Nebraska!


Another key with the pellet stove is that you won't be waking up in the middle of the night to feed the fire.
No need to do all that...just buy the biggest propane tank you can safely haul around and get it filled when need be...also get a spare..2 100 lb tanks would supply the CO2 neds and heat and cooking for quite a while. I use a vent free plaque heater upstairs and run co2 all year long and have not had to refill in a year or more, with a 200 tank..

Forget hauling damned pellets and smelling smoke...just get tanks and change them out..its easy as pie...and forget all the rest.


Dude it sounds like you have a decent size grow.

Why not just reuse the heat off of your lights and vent it right into the main living space?

Just make sure the lights are air cooled and sealed.

Seems like it would be a very good way to make use of the heat off the lights!


New member
i thought about the 100 pound tank replacment thing but it would look very strange to be changing out tanks while you have a 500 gallon sitting in your yard. of course a guy could hide them in a shed and run a seperate line but thats seems like it would be just the same amount of work or more than the stove. anyway i m going with the wood pellet stove. took me four hours to get the vent from the living area thru to the attic, now just the roof part. its been foggy here so if its foggy again ,roof here i come. i hope people can learn from this and dont make the mistake i made and assume iyou own the tank. check and have it filled the first time before you start, will save a lot of stress.