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Forget Lowryder and take Danish Gold as breeding material



For a while now Lowryder is used as breeding material for making autoflowering strains, but the big problem with this strain is sensitivity for moulds and low yield.There is a much better choice and that is the variety Danish Gold made by Esbe.

Lineage of Danish Gold

Danish Passion x Guerilla Gold

What i noticed this year is that it is a semi-autoflowering strain.The first phenotypes started to flower 29th June at 52N and the strain has a much better resistance against moulds than LR.Danish Gold dried buds has a very spicey smell and are very sticky with resin.

Some shots of the plant








Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:


danny karey

Looks nice man, thanx for the tip!!

Keep up the good work!



natural medicator
Very very niiiice plants elmanito :joint:
The coloration is very nice on them and I like that you grew out a male to full size. Makes it easier to pick them out for seed-making in my humble opinion.

I have a few extra questions if ya don't mind passing on some more info.

about how often does this semi-autoflowering occur in the seed plants?

is it more autoflowering or just photosensitive?

Does this plant have a better high than the lowryder, in your opinion?

Any idea on yields?

Happy growing :rasta:


about how often does this semi-autoflowering occur in the seed plants?

The plants i had this year were all semi-autoflowering.From this variety i had 20 plants outside.

is it more autoflowering or just photosensitive?

This plant is not directly an autoflower, but more very photosensitive.If you take cuttings and you put the cuttings under a light regime of 18/6 or 24/0 hrs, after a while they start to flower what we have noticed with some other Danish varieties and i think this will happen also with this variety.

Does this plant have a better high than the lowryder, in your opinion?

This variety has a much better and a trippy high than LR.Danish Gold also produces much more resin than LR.

Any idea on yields?

If you feed (organic) this variety enough during veg and flowering stage you can harvest between 600-800 grams.If you wanna grow Danish Gold in containers, use big ones minimum 50 ltrs.Its a very fast grower and like to eat much nutes, but its better to use organic nutes.
During flowering i used guano extract & molasses with every watering gift.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
the big problem with this strain is sensitivity for moulds and low yield.

That's a huge problem with LR too.
All the danes we have had here in the north, did better on mould resistance and yield than LR, not to mention they smoke better.. Flavor is better, plants look nicer and grow larger, altho that's not always a +

Only thing i can think of that's positive for LR compared to the danes here: LR can be planted from seed and will most likely finish up in time, while the danes need pre-grow indoors to finish in time, and it's still a pheno search for the quickest.. With time, planting and growing, i'm sure it will get better tho :) 61°



If you live much further north of Denmark than you can have the chance that the variety acts more like a late flower, but for some Danish its possible to flower in time before the frost comes like Typhoon.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Active member
ICMag Donor
I dont like using Lowryder at all for breeding anymore. I only use my autos which are 100% automatic under 24 hours of light, and way better quality. I also belive Lowryder is nothing more than Fin-314. A hemp plant from Poland. Not the so-called Mexican Ruderalis we were all led to believe.


I also belive Lowryder is nothing more than Fin-314. A hemp plant from Poland. Not the so-called Mexican Ruderalis we were all led to believe.

Um, wow..can you elaborate a bit on this please, MD?

cyber echo

It might have been crossed with Fin-314 u mean ? Fin-314 has less than 0.5% thc. I dont think lowryder is that shitty of a smoke. Or is it ? :p

vicious bee

There was also another Ruderalis imported into Canada many years ago. That may have been the start of Lowryder. The Ruderalis in Canada is believed by many to be the precursor to Mighty Mite.


I dont like using Lowryder at all for breeding anymore. I only use my autos which are 100% automatic under 24 hours of light, and way better quality. I also belive Lowryder is nothing more than Fin-314. A hemp plant from Poland. Not the so-called Mexican Ruderalis we were all led to believe.

That's actually been said quite a few times in the last couple of years. I'll admit that I am starting to lean this way. Also, I agree with you about using your own strains for breeding. You have some that are definitely ideal for breeding to indicas, like masterlow, and others for a more sativa-type of deal. These are head and shoulders above LR all around.

These are actually much better in terms of high, plant, and even mold-resistance than the original LR.

It might have been crossed with Fin-314 u mean ? Fin-314 has less than 0.5% thc. I dont think lowryder is that shitty of a smoke. Or is it ? :p

Sure, the hemp is low THC, but if you cross it a few times, you'll bring the "potency" right up.

But, back to the point.... Use Danish Gold as breeding material? No, this is the AUTOFLOWER forum, not the Hit and Miss Breed Something that Might Work forum.

I can only say that when there are autoflowers from something different than lowryder that are worth growing, I'm sure we'll hear about them automatically, not just early.

600 to 800 grams from 50 liters (minimum?) of substrate??? What non-auto strain DOESN'T get so much???

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
Those are beautiful pics,.

I'm growing some Mr nice ealry queen now indoors to put clones outdoors in uk in May next year, I'd like to get some of this Danish Gold too Is it on seed boutique?


this danish gold is not fully autoflower. I have grown unfond of the phrase "semi-autoflower", i believe "Darkness intolerant" or "Dark sensitive" is much better.

Either the plant is autoflower .. or it is not! It may off course be an early generation hybrid between an auto and a non auto. In which case the term "semi-automatic" is more correct but not entirely.

This Danish Gold does not hold any fully automatic phenos as far as i know, neither does it have any fully automatic parents i think. It will thus not be a good alternative for auto breeders. But a good alternative for outdoor early strain growers and people who wish to lower the flowering time of their favorite strain.

..just my :2cents:


When a plant starts to flower with 17 hrs light and 8 hrs darkness, you can say that the plant is almost an autoflower.This plant is far much better breeding material than an average Ruderalis or a Lowryder variety.

Lowryder is btw a mutant FIN-314 strain with a THC content of 2%, which was found by Health Canada officials in a field of FIN-314.Mexico has never had a ruderalis strain, which can only be found in Eastern-Europe.

Problem with Ruderalis is low potency and low yield.I grew some ruderalis varieties in the mid-nineties like a parent of the FIN-314 strain which had a better yield but very low potency, although the taste was not bad at all.

date: 062909


Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



I am coming at this from a little different direction than your typical ganja smoker, and it is now confirmed in my mind that my breeding efforts will be with the Lowryder based strains. No offense to you Elmanito, you girls are truly beatiful, are THRIVING outdoors, and I am sure quite good. Indeed, I would love to have her in my garden, smilin at me every mornin. My whole goal in choosing the autos was finding that balance in canabinoid profile that many med patients seek. There are many mixing collected wild hemp buds with elite sensimilla, to get both high THC and high CBD and possibly other canabinoids. My logic is that the autos with lowryder in the lineage have this profile conveniently mixed for you. The idea that Fin - 314 is the parent of lowryder excites me cause I interpret it as another clue in the path that I am following. I have finally gotten to really sample my bluesreaks, and they are indeed excellent in controlling my pain. Lots of reports on the great results in managing pain with other autos...further evidence. For My location in this world, a nod to you arctic, I would see great value in having separate projects for separate outcomes. Danish Gold would be Great for the outdoor grower that is cash croppin or lookin for quality head stash, while the true afs are the source of good medicine. Is my logic flawed here?


It is correct that Danish Gold is not the right strain if you are looking for CBD, but if Lowryder is for a high CBD content is always the question.
You have to find in the F2 generation the right pheno.

You will have more chance if you choose a landrace like Mazar-i-Sharif, Lebanese or if you can find seeds from Morocco.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



forgive me but i feel i should explain why i think its important to distinguish between a true auto and a darkness sensitive plant.

Because there is a substancial market of potential outdoor croppers in north scandinavia. Especially in north norway.

Now in these regions it doesnt get dark at all in the summer. Not even 17/7. But a full natural 24/0 to 22/2.

So if you can imagine that it gets very confusing for these growers when darkness sensitive plants keep getting referred to as autoflowers when they are really not! Because Danish Gold will not finish much north of Oslo usually. Its possible to hold as a mother plant.

Lots of Norwegians order guerilla gold and danish gold under the false pretense they will autoflower and then they dont finish or even worse, hardly start flowering at all. A massive amount of time and effort has already been waisted this way.

So in my case, and many with me danish gold just is not an option. For growers at 55-60 north there are plenty of options already so thats not what auto breeders is trying to achieve.

Thank you for your concern anyway, and thank you for understanding the potential misunderstandings i pointed to. Btw Fin314 is from finland not poland afaik?


Interesting discussion.

While the DG might not be a true autoflower, has anyone tried crossing it with something like Easyrider yet? Sure, breeding is a long, dedicated process, it can be a crap shoot and there are no guarantees, but that's how you come up with something that works eventually - endless experimentation and back-crossing to get more of the traits you desire. We're still in the early stages with AF's, after all.

Even if it's not a true 24/0 plant, perhaps getting something that works under 20/4 like many of the newer hybrids would be valuable to some indoor growers.

Not set up to grow right now but once I'm back in town next year, doing a cross may be an interesting diversion. Just for fun. ;)




forgive me but i feel i should explain why i think its important to distinguish between a true auto and a darkness sensitive plant.

Because there is a substancial market of potential outdoor croppers in north scandinavia. Especially in north norway.

Now in these regions it doesnt get dark at all in the summer. Not even 17/7. But a full natural 24/0 to 22/2.

So if you can imagine that it gets very confusing for these growers when darkness sensitive plants keep getting referred to as autoflowers when they are really not! Because Danish Gold will not finish much north of Oslo usually. Its possible to hold as a mother plant.

Lots of Norwegians order guerilla gold and danish gold under the false pretense they will autoflower and then they dont finish or even worse, hardly start flowering at all. A massive amount of time and effort has already been waisted this way.

So in my case, and many with me danish gold just is not an option. For growers at 55-60 north there are plenty of options already so thats not what auto breeders is trying to achieve.

Thank you for your concern anyway, and thank you for understanding the potential misunderstandings i pointed to. Btw Fin314 is from finland not poland afaik?

I know that the sun never goes down in the summer at the upper north.I had this year FIN-314 & Danish Gold growing and both started to flower at the same time and i even made a crossing between those two.Another fact is that the cuttings which were made started to flower even under a 24/0 light regime.

I dont know if you have seen the movie Insomnia with Al Pacino.:D

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



I have watched that movie, did you know that the American version was a copy of the original Norwegian Insomnia? Norwegian Insomnia movie Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuiqqRtXTz0 Imo Norwegian version is better.

The film was shot in my town by the way. :santa1:

.. this is a very interesting observation you have made. And also a very interesting cross. We didnt get any frost this year until like middle of november. I just might give it a shot thanks to you elmanito. Thanks for sharing these observations with us. Sorry if i sounded like a dickhead to start with there hehe.

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