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seedlings dieing quickly in coco..please help


Weed Robot
Fuck it bro everyone here know tomuch i guess i'm just a chump that has never grown wish i didnt earace the youtube video's i had but go thru my profile you will find what i know


breathe deep
now that were all friends again ;)

Thanks for the advice guys. I looked at some damping off issues and that looks to be the case, but i brought them to the brink of dehydration before i gave them their first watering...and as stated humidity has been REAL low.

Against my better judgement i gave them a tiny squirt of RO water with Botanicare Aqua Shield in it. about seven more have kicked the bucket today.
I turned the heat mat back on.
A sad day here in the hills...

powdered donut

New member
How low is your humidity? Less than 30%? In theory, low humidity should inhibit fungal growth(damping-off). However, if sensitive young roots get too dry plants can become stunted/die. I lost a lot of good seeds due to overly dry conditions. From your posts though it seems like your plants have made it past the stage most vulnerable to dryness. I dont know whats the active ingredient in AquaShield but h2o2 is an effective disinfectant that kills fungi and bacteria indiscriminately. Also, try tying up the stems with a toothpick and some string so they dont fall over and cut off fluid flow, at least that will give them a fighting chance while you try to fix the problem


breathe deep
Thanks PD. The aqual shield is a bacteria that fights the nasty bacterias. It is often used in hydro and i have it for my aero cloner. It is formerly known as hydroguard. It is derived from 'composted poultry litter'.

Thanks for the thought on the supports. By the time they are going to fall over the stem is gel and tying it will be a funny looking ordeal...


Weed Robot
optic is the only person here that doing ...
next time you want to ask a question ask to real growers how to every one here has no profile to back there work
only me and this dude


Active member
Have you got decent drainage holes in you pots or planter. I does sound like they are suffering from stem rot cause along the lines of too wet a soil, or dirty equipment.

I often pop seed like you have done on a bed of coco but if you dont have you eye on the soil it can get too wet and will stay that way because these very small plants want very small waterings. Its easier (until you have coco watering sorted) to start in small pots with coco something like a ice cube tray would be ideal. If you bury the fresh rooted seed at a vastly different soil level that could also cause the stem to get sick soft then die.


thats a good point, thc. often times, ill fill my solo cup, or tiny dura pot only 3/4 of the way up, then as the seedling grows out a bit, ill put more coco around the base of the stem, almost up to the cotyledon. not only does this support the stem more, it creates a more stout, bushy plant.

inreplyavalon, i dont know what to say that hasnt been said. i mean, we all know their dampening off, we just cant figure out why, can we?

heres what we have to ask ourselves
-is the coco too wet/too dry? is it that nice spongy consistency?
-am i ONLY irrigating with water? why? thats all they need right now.
-is the rootzone, really warm? remember, we only really need the seedling mat to get the seeds to germ. once they ve germed, you shouldnt need it really, maybe another day or so.
-no fans, right? no breezes rocking the seedling back and forth really abrupt.
-if the humidity is in the teens, maybe get a dome?

kinda got me stumped on this one, man. sorry about the losses, just try and save as many as you can!

dominican--nice plants, mang. :D


breathe deep
how much h202 of 3% should i give them as a last ditch effort. I have lost easily 25/50 and the rest look to be heading towards death. Need to try something.
Thanks everyone for helping out.


i got a sample of that roots organics a while back but didn't like it because it didn't have a lot of fiber, more so peat... whats the consistency of it like? maybe initially too wet but im confused never lost a plant in coco :puppydoge


breathe deep
DominicanG not sure who you are directing your statement to? Did someone treat you with disrespect? I appreciate your participation in this thread but lets get over the my plants are bigger than yours...

THC thanks for helping out. The small dixie cups have about 3-4 holes put into them. They drain pretty well from what i can tell. They were also all cleaned well with hot water and soap after spending a few nights in the 30 degree trunk. Your other ideas are good to think about as well. I dont put my seeds deap at at. really only two seed diameter below the coco. I soak the coco first and then squeeze it as hard as i can before planting the seed. Has worked well in the past. I did just plant a few other seeds and only filled the dixies half way so they should only have about 3-4 ounces of coco in them.

It seems a nice balance of dry to me. I only water it a touch, not enough for water to come out the bottom, or maybe just a tiny bit on a few. If anything i think they may have been underwatered as i let them almost dry out. I am proficient at feeling the weight of a cup and comparing its weight to a moistened cup. or so i thought ;)
I only used a small amount of calmag and LK at first. Half of the recommended amount. The Coco i am using starts at about 450 ppm, and i probably flushed the cups down to about 350. I then fed with 1ml of roots excel after the first true leaves showed.
Rootzone was definitely warm. I kept the mat on as they all seemed happy at first, and the temp of the room they were in was 78-80. Maybe i should have turned the mat off after they broke the surface.
Definitely no breeze. once they started to damp i ended up putting a small fan in the room to stir the air a bit. They already had their first set of true, and something needed to change.
I try not to use a dome because if i do the seedling will stretch a lot once they have true leaves.
Thanks for sticking with this and I. respect
GrenAttik the consistency is a bit stringy. Like a lot of the husk maybe? Doesnt seem to hold water excessively.

I planted a few more and used Botanicare Aquashield as my initial soak with just 2 ml of liquid Karma. Squeezed out the coco real good. Wish the girls and boys luck. Unfortunately i used the seeds i was most excited about first. Doh!


im telling you man, next time around canna coco and tap water. thats it. i mean, if you have excessive ppms coming out the tap, then id ro it, but other than that, some canna coco with a little tap run through, seed goes in, placed on mat, floros placed above---bam, seed germs--keep mat for a day or so, mat goes away, light placed (i like about 7-8 inches, you can do what you like :D) above, as plant develops a sturdy stem, i place more coco up to the cotyledons, i water lightly--maybe once a day, success every time.

i think your coco may be the culprit. perhaps its retaining too much water, and not allowing for enough airing out? maybe the pre-treatment, which i can tell you, seems a little excessive for new seedlings, is harming some kind of balance? either way, if you switch to a pretreated coco, like canna or botanicare, all of this will become worries of the past. i pay 19 bucks for the big bag. worth its weight in gold, and i can use it again, if i dont go mucking it up with unnecessary additives, which i usually dont :D . gotta be the coco, because you seem to be doing everything else right, right :D?


Weed Robot
DominicanG not sure who you are directing your statement to? Did someone treat you with disrespect? I appreciate your participation in this thread but lets get over the my plants are bigger than yours...

it just points that you should listen to those that can grow or stay haveing problems with your grow...thats all.. a word from the wise and experienced not a book grower..

peace and good luck


Listen not to enter this pissing in the wind war here. Lol. Not everybody that doesn't have a show and tell is a 'newb', but i generally agree cause there is a lot of B.S. that gets spread.....


Sounds like the coco . Straight coco IMOP is not aerated enough... Mix it with perlite 50/50 or 60/40 coco to perlite. You will get good drainage, and will need to water every day. Which draws in oxygen into your medium. As well use a measuring device and document to learn from your errors.

Hmmm, let see notes of past.....

**DISCLAIMER ** These are exact tried and true. But taken into account that at any giving time you might have to add additional water to the area on the outer perimeter if it begins to dry...

Day before the plant: (while seeds floating in a cup water 12hrs ) water medium tap water (dechlorinated )and 8 mill AquaGuard and 4 mill HydroZyme per gall, 0.25 mill of superthrive. NO NUTES. Let set should be moist but very fluffy. Very important is to keep medium like this.

Before they pop through: Just water 1 -2 mill directly on area where seed is usually 1 mill is plenty. Only water area on edges IF starting to dry .*** Put a dome or some more cups flipped over ( make sure everything has drain holes in bottom!!) cups till they break through surface.

After they break through : Remove dome or cups, 2- 3 mill water ( i use a plastic syringe) in a circle about 1/2 inch away, around the stem. Again water the container with additional water if needed, 10- 15 mill around perimeter.

At this time 2 days after they brake through i need to add more medium.

Give a good watering with 10 mill Aquaguard, 6 mill hydrozyme 1/4 mill superthrive per gallon.

Now i am putting 8-10 mill in that 1/2 inch circle around plant, make sure it is healthy and like it's new space before ( usually 2 days after the additional medium ) moving on!

Last phase : 1/4 nutes (check PPM) and Superthrive 1/4 mill gallon ( half strenght if you know the strain, only!) Ph 'D to 5.5 -5.8.

I only add the Guard and Zyme in veg when introducing new medium (or every 30 days).

Ps The light should be enough heat ditch the mat or at least get them off/ propped up . And raise the light a few...


hasnt anyone ever grown weed in dirt and let it dry out untill the plant just fell over?

have u tried this in coco?

dont over water coco early on, its very easy to do, and yet with no salt build up early on people water like there ph is going to shit bricks or something, and with no need for substantial nutes for atlest the first ten days feel they need to over water to atleast give the plant something.. ease up, dont water untill it starts to dry, you can learn your rooms parameters and the plants moisture levels so easy, just dont water and wait for it to weep(not that u should do this if u know what your doing it just might show u how much moisture your coco really holds), then next time rewater before this happens, once u have roots in coco u cant really over water, just tryin to help as i know its frusterateing to be told to water water when your watching your plants fall over and die from just that, coco is very easy and forgiving early on, dont worry so much. relax and enjoy it.