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Ladybugs...what do they eat?



Hi Folks,
I've been growing at my current location for almost three years now. Sometime during the first year...ladybugs (Japanese beetles) started appearing. so now they're well established. I quit growing for a month last summer...but as soon as I start up, the little critters appear.

I understand that they're a desirable species and while I don't like them in my coffee cup, they're welcome in my garden.

Is there something I can do to help them survive?

good drown

lady bugs are very different from japanese beetles. i released 500 lady bugs in my indoor 30 square foot grow, they eat bugs. japansese beetles eat plants, if i had released 500 in my room when i did(over 1 month ago) they would have most likely destroyed my crops

good drown

when i was a kid, i used to collect as many as i could in 16oz plastic soda bottles and burn them. i knew at a very young age these things were bad news for plants


lady bugs are very different from japanese beetles. i released 500 lady bugs in my indoor 30 square foot grow, they eat bugs. japansese beetles eat plants, if i had released 500 in my room when i did(over 1 month ago) they would have most likely destroyed my crops

Thanks very much. My neighbor told me that they were Japanese beetles but they look just like ladybugs to me. And since they don't appear to be eating my plants...I'm going to assume that they're Ladybugs.

I like having them around and I suppose since they manage to stay alive...they must be finding something to live on.

hopefully this is what you were finding at your outdoor spot...if so they are very benificial and eat a number of harmful insects including aphids that you wouldn't want on your plants.

Edit: I've just re-read your post and although i haven't answered your question i feel that this will clear up a few things anyway.


hopefully this is what you were finding at your outdoor spot...if so they are very benificial and eat a number of harmful insects including aphids that you wouldnt want on your plants.

Actually, these are in my indoor garden. And this shot is what they look like. Orange with black spots. Thanks for the shot BJD.

I've founds some dead ones in water glasses...been thinking about leaving a shallow tray of water to provide them with something to drink.

PS I don't have very good close-up capability but I'll try and get a shot of one.


We are Farmers
Ladybug for sure but your neighbors confusion may come from this. "Ladybugs are also called lady beetles or, in Europe, ladybird beetles"


Ladybug for sure but your neighbors confusion may come from this. "Ladybugs are also called lady beetles or, in Europe, ladybird beetles"

OK maj...good info. Hey thanks guys for clearing that up for me. And I'll definitely be encouraging the little guys however I can.


We are Farmers
Ladybug Facts

- One ladybug eats around 5,000 aphids in its lifetime.

- Ladybugs are also known as ladybirds or lady beetles.

- Ladybugs hibernate in the winter.

- Ladybugs have cold blood.

- Not all ladybugs are females.

- Ladybugs use their feet to smell.

- A ladybug will bite if you squeeze it.

- Some ladybugs can have as many as 16 spots.

- Some ladybugs species are migratory.

- Ladybugs chew from side to side.


Wow, more info then I ever imagined! I haven't had any vicious Ladybug bites yet...but I try to be particularly nice to them.

So if they hibernate...then they actually live a long time. They've been here for over two years and I never introduced them. They just arrived through an open window I suppose.

The ones I have I think have 4 spots. I live alone...well me and my plants, so these little guys are sort-of like pets to me. Whenever one of them wanders into my livingroom, I carry them back to the grow-room and put them on a plant. (boring life, eh?)
Doesn't sound boring to me E.T...I'm sure your plants keep you plenty busy. As for the ladybugs, well, as long as they've got a food source I'm sure they will be more than at home in your garden.


Doesn't sound boring to me E.T...I'm sure your plants keep you plenty busy. As for the ladybugs, well, as long as they've got a food source I'm sure they will be more than at home in your garden.

Nice of you to say. I'm retired and so my plants tend to be the focus of my life. I keep trying new things...hydro, coco, sog. There's no end to the possibilities with this hobby. Plus I like getting high.

I've always liked insects...well except mosquitos and cockroaches. I lived in the desert in socal for awhile and had a pet walking stick. He loved crickets and would casually munch their heads off first...so he could eat the rest undisturbed.

To my credit...I never named him.

good drown

still dont see it. but they are shiny green, and like 4x bigger than lady bugs


still dont see it. but they are shiny green, and like 4x bigger than lady bugs

Looks like I'm not the only one confused about Japanese beetles. I found this shot of one and can see why there's confusion. But no spots. Photo below...

My Ladybugs seem to be survivng so apparently they're finding something to eat. I tried taking a shot of one I found sitting on a tiny seedling...but couldn't focus close enough.

Hope everyone is ready for winter because it's here.


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