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Prof Nutt: Britain Should Open Dutch Style Coffeeshops


Active member
Professor Nutt, the recently sacked UK Drug Czar, has come out in favor of allow Dutch-style coffeeshops in the UK. He believes they will provide a healthier alternative for young people than getting drunk in pubs. Mr. Nutt suggests allowing a few towns to try it.

Of course there was already a Dutch-style coffeeshop in the UK near Manchester that was shutdown years ago.

Professor Nutt also calls for a Royal Commission to study whether cannabis should be decriminalized.

Notice how the BBC inserts an anti-marijuana NON-STORY into this story about professor Nutt. This non-story is about a study on schizophrenia and marijuana that hasn't even been published yet! Yet they find it necessary to add it to this positive story about cannabis.

The BBC has bought into the anti-pot propaganda and is spreading it.

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The UK is turning into the United States circa 1980-2008. It's really sad to watch the regression. Rise up Brits and get angry, it's the only method that works.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the fact that the BBC has actually covered the story about nutt getting sacked and the subsequent kerfuffle is a step in the right direction for them. Still a long way to go.



Active member
Loving the drama this man is creating now! Go Dr Nutt! If I ever see you on road I'm gonna give you the biggest handshake like your blood!

Wasn't the works of the other academic disproved in the past or at least the connection in other papers? Personally I call BS! I have only even seen psychotic episodes in people who where not stoners who had a toke and I wouldn't call getting the fear a real psychotic episode. Alcohol, amphetamines and brown is all a different matter tho seen too much wrongness involving that :`(


Active member
What they should ALWAYS do if they are proper scientists and not biased is compare these so called schizophrenic reactions to other bad psychological reactions to other medications and alcohol.

The thing Prof. Nutt achieved, which no one before him had, is bringing alcohol and tobacco and prescription drugs into the drug debate. There's no going back now. We must insist upon comparisons to those drugs whenever they bring up cannabis. I'm sure cannabis will win out everytime. So let them do these bogus studies then compare their doctored results to real results from alcohol, tobacco & pharma drugs.

I will challenge any scientific methodology that paints cannabis as dangerous. Show me how it was done, and I'll show you how they faked it either based on false assumptions or flawed methodology. :)


Active member
I'm pondering if they are going for power of suggestion to gather the evidence. If you keep telling folk things they start believing them and once that happens the brain can make it real :( I can do this to turn on paranoia, just think about all their shit and my heart rate increases then I tell myself to grow up and it goes away again.

I'm guessing that's the reason Dr Nutt got sacked for pushing re evaluation of legal and taxed drugs that we all know deep down cause big harm in our community. I hope this is never slienced, looking at Dr Nutt currently I think they have to kill another scientist to make that happen.

mr noodles

The UK is turning into the United States circa 1980-2008. It's really sad to watch the regression. Rise up Brits and get angry, it's the only method that works.

canada is going reagan and bush style since harper is in place . we have c-15 over our head . basically growing pot is mandatory jail time , even for personal use


New member
what about this study? http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/09/02/cannabis-schizophrenia.html

"According to the study, cannabis use in the United Kingdom between 1972 and 2002 has increased four-fold in the general population, and 18-fold among under-18s. Based on the literature supporting the link, the authors argue that this should be followed by an increase in schizophrenia incidence of 29 per cent between 1990 and 2010.

But the researchers found no increase in the rates of schizophrenia and psychosis diagnosis during that period. In fact, some of the data suggested the incidence of these conditions had decreased."

Open Eyes

Dr Nutt is cool and has a head on his shoulders unlike most of those twats sitting in their comfy chairs in westminster.

I think the BBC are biased regarding cannabis and their view is not a nice one. They have repeatedly tried to pin the sacking of Nutt on the fact that he said:"Cannabis is less dangerous than Alcohol and Tobacco."

What they do not tell you is that this is true and leave the viewer to make up their minds based on the amount of government sponsored propaganda they have been fed.

Institute coffee shops dutch style and you will see an instant decrease in the violence associated with the usual weekend binge drinkers most of whom smoke pot anyway. I bet most of them would rather toke in a nice, comfortable, warm, seat with food and drink around then deal with the nut jobs that cannot tell when they have had enough to drink.

If you live in the UK the only parties that have a positive, non knee-jerk, policy on cannabis are the LIB Dems and the Greens. I am voting Green since the tories want to ramp up legislation against cannabis and labor are full of self-righteous, self-serving, kick-back taking, bigoted idiots who are not telling me what i can do and cannot do with my own body.

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