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South Park

I love the one where they go to Pueblo to play the bummer baseball tournament and all the kids from the opposing team are Mexican. LMFAO Too funny. I've watched South Park since it first aired but have come to appreciate it so much more since moving to Colorado and understanding the little inside jokes here and there that I didn't notice previously.


Active member
stans dad is the best character in southpark period

I agree


that show is really nice after you smoked some nice herb, after a hard days work

then you just fall asleep on the couch
good times


ahahaha>....South Park is the best cartoon on TV hands down.

my favorite episode is the Cheesing episode....oh man..that music just cracks me up every time..that heavy metal soundtrack tune..hahahahah....


"somebody who is annoying"

Kyle saving cartman's ass after he ate all that treasure
Manbearpig is one of the best.

I love the asian accents so the japanese weather reports from heaven, City Wok, the great wall, etc are always funny to me.
Yeah, was totally feeling Cartman tonight in PEE. It's sort of how I've been feeling lately driving around Denver. That monkey testing shit was funny. Kind of reminded me of how the "scientific data" that suggests pot causes brain damage was collected.

the Rock

Active member
i actually just saw my first southpark episode the other night(they were trapped in a cave looking for MBP . I must admit i laughed my ass off.After all these years of telling my kids how lame they were for wasting their time watching SP. It was on MTV is that the only place to see it now.


Active member
lol south park rules

i dunno how many times i almsot pissed myself or that i was just taking a hit and it made me laugh so hard i got a coughing fit:laughing:

Now does anyone have three fiddy so i can buy myself a hamburger?? I assure you that i am not the loch ness monster:laughing:
i have gotten stoned and watched the South Park Movie maybe about a gajaillion times :joint:... its pretty high up there om the list of best movies to watched stoned :2cents:


Garden Nymph
Sorry if this has already been posted.
If you ever want to see a South Park episode for free, go to southparkstudios.com.