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3000w 8 unit hydro design help, pics of equip, unlimited space


Ok....my brother is a good small scale grower (closets) but looking for another opinion without cutting corners on the grow room. I will be getting bubbledust and white widow clones from him to start, my first time. Basement space opened up locally, room is maybe 28ft wide by 40ft and i am fine with framing, rocking electric and plumbing so thats all no big deal. Looking for best yield in ideally shortest time but no real rush. Equipment is listed below and photgraphed so i can find out what else im mising and how i should assemble it. No real budget, whatever i need i will get, all hydrofarm and can fan on the lights and fans.

8 unit waterfarm, 4-6 gallon minis and main is like 25 gallons
3 - 1000w hydrofarm hps with 6" in an outs with glass lens
2 - 8" fans (heavy duty can fans)
1 - 10" fan - same as above
1 - monster ozone setup/purifier with lights in it ? (never seen this before)
1 - pretty big carbon filter maybe 20 lbs
have dehumidifier and ac (dont think i'll need ac)

I can figure out what else i'll need, or exactly how big to make the room.

Better to set it up tight in a 10x8 room or open it up with a 14x8 room for the 8 plants ?

just not sure how to setup the lights and fans, need to run sealed room ideally, dont want smell going out the attic and getting picked up my neighbors. Looking to run 2 - 1000w in the room with the 8 plants, that way i can setup 2 more lights in a similar setup in another room if i like how this goes in a few weeks.

I was thinking sealed room would go - hole in wall and should i get a small 6" fan to cool both lights or run the 8" i have ? Any recomendations on what co2 level to run in there around 75-80 degrees ? Or a diff temp if it would be better ? also is 5-6 oz a plant a realistic desire in this setup ?

Looking for all info, been reading up on here for a couple months, but the setups i see are mostly dirt or monster hydro setups, i know every situation is different so be creative and let me know what you think here. Will look over and see what i forgot to mention as well, thanks - pics below


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The bets yield in a shorter time would be a table or more of scrog plants...those water buckets take a lot of veg to fill in more space...over having some tables that do put pots close together..some of those put in quite a bit of clones close...some people don't like that.


Overkill is under-rated.
Check this thread out, will answer several of your questions:


I would probably skip the waterfarms if you haven't run them for at least 3-4 crops. Just use pots of soil and spend the money on more lights, you can always go to hydro later but if you want weight, lights, soil, nutes and CO2 will get you there fast.

Flowering room at 85*F and 50% RH, will require some air conditioning and a dehuey for most basements. Also see my grow in my sig, and Dongle69's 6000 Watt room.

Blow it up!


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh and 5-6 ounces per plant requires some significant veg time, at least a month, which means you'd need a big veg room. I'd do a bunch of 3-4 ounce plants, maybe two flowering rooms, and a big veg room for it all.


Power Armor rules
A framed room would make environmental control a whole lot easier. Air cool the lights in a line with either the filter or ozone at one end, throw the dehumidifier and A/C in there, and you're all set.



well thats one hell of a write up lol. Looking to keep it simple the first time around and go from there. Also already have all of this stuff including the waterfarm so i will use that one way or another. I like the multiple rooms within one and will go with that later on, have to get some graph paper and figure that out. I can handle the flowering rooms temps and whatnot, but was thinking about just doing a complete start to finish, one batch, one room to see how i do. If that goes well then i will build 2 or 3x the size how ever i want.

What are your feelings on hps all the way through ? guy i got all this from did that and said it worked great. I have the dehumid i will run to a subpump to autodrain it and have an ac i could box in and run to that as well if need be.

In your write up you have the veg room pulling air from the flowering room ? And how do you know if you have too much ozone in the room ? Which co2 burner or creator would you think best for setup like this ?

Will be mylar and white high gloss paint inside all rooms as well. Carbon filter/scrubber should sit on the floor with the fan on top of it pulling through the filter and up into the room ? Or does that need to be mounted on the wall somewhere if im in a closed room ?

as far as multiple veg rooms thats kind of tricky if im growing hydro, no ? I was thinking id setup 2 seperate complete rooms with 2k watts a piece where they would sit start to finish so i wouldnt have to get into moving plants and i have the space to spare. Let me know.


A framed room would make environmental control a whole lot easier. Air cool the lights in a line with either the filter or ozone at one end, throw the dehumidifier and A/C in there, and you're all set.


im going to air cool the lights no problem, but why would i put a filter or ozone on one end if the hoods are covered with lenses ? I have to figure out if i even need the ozone if its a sealed room ? figured just co2 and a filter as well as ac and dehumid


Overkill is under-rated.
A framed room would make environmental control a whole lot easier. Air cool the lights in a line with either the filter or ozone at one end, throw the dehumidifier and A/C in there, and you're all set.


Only problem with that is you can't run CO2, if ducted from outside he can seal it all up. Either way, an ac would probably still be required. Seal the room (except the hood chain) and then a GEN2 or HydroGEN CO2 burner would be a good fit.

Don't run ozone where plants are, I run mine inside my airlock, so that little room is always odorfree.

Just so you know, I just got a similar sized basement last month. Setting it up with 16KW ;) Let me know if you need any ideas.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
damn..... isnt in great that you pretty much just have to have the equipment delivered to a discreet location with an internet connection and you can come here and pretty much get spoon feed all the info u need to pull off a major grow? im not implying u know nothing here we go, im just saying we could take a complete layman and walk him through a grow here on OG ahem! i mean icmag. this is truly a great place indeed......


Active member
im going to air cool the lights no problem, but why would i put a filter or ozone on one end if the hoods are covered with lenses ? I have to figure out if i even need the ozone if its a sealed room ? figured just co2 and a filter as well as ac and dehumid

yes that's right.. there is no need to worry about smell, when you are pulling the outside air into the lights and then exhausting back outside. It's a sealed room and no part of the room environment is entering into the exhaust flow of the lights..

no need for scrubbers... no need for Ozone.. I been doing this for awhile. Works well for me..

Happy growing man.


damn..... isnt in great that you pretty much just have to have the equipment delivered to a discreet location with an internet connection and you can come here and pretty much get spoon feed all the info u need to pull off a major grow? im not implying u know nothing here we go, im just saying we could take a complete layman and walk him through a grow here on OG ahem! i mean icmag. this is truly a great place indeed......

i dont need my hand held here buddy, just trying to get the design right, quit hatin lol.


With the above lights and equipment am i better off with a nice open 10ft by 15ft room, or run a smaller 6ft by 10ft room ? Or does it not really matter ?

Ideal Co2 PPM and RH levels ? (saw lazymans at 50% already)

Grow hps all the way through or get conversion bulbs half the time ?

Best material to get an airtight room sealed up well, will odor make its way through sheetrock or greenboard ?

lazyman - you're saying if i was venting the room, run the intake to the next room where the ozone is and exhaust back into a different room ? 3 rooms total ? what exactly does this ozone purifier thing do that it is harmful to the plants ? guy i got it from said he uses it to make sure the air he gets to the plants is clean.


Ozone in high concentrations is bad for everything, especially you and your dog.

Start your CO2 at 600-800 and continually ramp it up till it hits 1000-1500 and cut it off in the last week or two.

Forget about expensive conversion bulbs. Countless people veg with HPS, it's fine. The big difference is if you veg with fluoro's or if you go with HID (HPS, MH). As long as you're using HID for veg you'll get significantly higher yields.

And he's saying he just runs o-zone in the room connecting the grow room to the rest of the house/or whatever. There's no venting the ozone back into another room. It just keeps the smell isolated into your grow room because the only way out is through a room that has constant ozone running.

As for humidity ideal flowering is really 40% or less. In fact there have been reports of significantly higher resin production in lower humidity. 50% is fine to run because it's easier to achieve for a lot of people and is all you need to drop to so you can avoid mildew and yield loss. 60% is fine for veg tho. If you're running a dehumidy, it's cheaper to keep it at 50% than at 40% as well.

and billy big bud wasn't hatin, he even said so himself. He was just mentioning how great of a resource we have available to us and how much easier to is for someone to get a stellar grow started as opposed to the internet-less 80's where people were stealing street lamps and ghetto-rigging them in their basement. People used to have to grow for years to figure out some knowledge we take for granted now. Think about it.


3 - 1000w hydrofarm hps with 6" in an outs with glass lens

Better to set it up tight in a 10x8 room or open it up with a 14x8 room for the 8 plants ?
The ideal footprint for a 1k is about 5.5-6' square. So with 3 1ks you're prolly best off going for a 6'x18' area, give or take a bit. You don't have that much room so you're prolly going to have to fudge a bit. A 600w light has an ideal footprint of about 5' square (I think, going by memory).

Check out Cannastats for all the info you could want on these lighting questions.
I was thinking sealed room would go - hole in wall and should i get a small 6" fan to cool both lights or run the 8" i have ? Any recomendations on what co2 level to run in there around 75-80 degrees ? Or a diff temp if it would be better ? also is 5-6 oz a plant a realistic desire in this setup ?
If I were you I'd wait until I had the setup running right before I worried about CO2. Design your build so you won't have trouble when you add it, though. Good luck.


Yeah I veg with HPS. And forget the high-gloss paint, you want matte white paint, it's more reflective (and Mylar is kinda overkill unless you've already shelled out the cash). And odor questions, well, depends on whose nose you're worried about. Humans, your judgement sounds good enough. Dogs, fuggetaboutit, can't fool those noses no matter how hard you try (matter of degree though, best practices will make it harder for dogs to smell it, they'll have to be very close).

(Is there some fucking magic trick I'm supposed to do to delete a post?)


I think 6 foot square is a little much for a 1000 watter. I mean that's 27 watts per square foot, you really want to try to have at least 50. I like having closer to 75 if you can.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i would never hate on anyone trying to grow. if you read what i said you would notice i pointed out i wasnt refering to you specifcally, i was simply saying that the members of this site could walk a layman through a grow if they had the equipment and a willingness to learn. sorry you felt my comment was a jab at you.


i would never hate on anyone trying to grow. if you read what i said you would notice i pointed out i wasnt refering to you specifcally, i was simply saying that the members of this site could walk a layman through a grow if they had the equipment and a willingness to learn. sorry you felt my comment was a jab at you.

yea i know you didnt mean it like that, thats why i had lol after my statement. Its all good. i was on Grasscity before this but after i got the basics between that and a friend of mines setups, and then a thread on there about the stadium vertical grow brought me over to this fine site. Seems to be the best place out there where people can actually talk about this and have pics and all. The last question is really whats the best way to odor tight a room (material to build on apply) ?

I think ive decided to go with the 2 1k and the one waterfarm in one room. A couple weeks later i may build another room next door and try growing with soil with the other 2 1k lights, really see how the difference is.

lazyman - best light cycle that works for you on a larger scale in on/off ?

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