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my parental figure just asked me for a "joint"


h^2 O

brought her friends over because they were going out to the park or something, and then my "parental figure" goes "I'm not doing it, you ask him" and then this other non-related parental figure asks "hey do you have a joint I could steal?" I pointed at the few mexican buds and said i don't have that much but I could give you enough for a bowl or something"...and I gave the lady a bowlpack.
What I feel is wrong about this is the lady is an adult with a job and a house and I think it's really shitty to take pot from kids.
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quit crying and say sure, but can i have 20 bucks to replenish my stash that you just depleated.

kids these days....... been trying to get my parents high for twenty years


Ha, my Dad always mooches nugs .. it's all good though I got plenty.


Be thankful the reaction was not to gather all friends for an 'intervention'! :)


good drown

i used to give my dad buds all the time.
seems you didnt think enough to put them away before they came over, so you knew they at least wouldnt mind it. wouldn't seem that outta the question if they see buds just laying on the table. that makes it seem like you have plenty. most people keep it in bags or jars, out of view.
why'd you only have mexican?


Why do kids have pot anyway? Focus on your education instead of getting high. Trust me, you'll be glad you did later.


my son use to 'steal' my bud like e v e r y day and didnt think I knew. When I ran
out, then I hit on him for some and you shoulda seen his expression...HA!!!

Cookie monster

A few years ago at on christmas eve my father asked me to roll him a joint saying he has always wanted to try marijuana.

I should explain that christmas eve is when my whole family get together and head to the pub and well we're irish so it goes without saying that everybody is drunk at the end of the night.

Anyways after warning him several times about being really drunk and smoking weed i gave in and rolled him a joint.

About 20 minutes after he smoked the whole thing to himself he turned white and then green.
Mumbling something which i can only assume was some sort of sumerian or alien language he stood up to go to bed, took a few steps and decided that crawling was the safer option.

2 hours later we found him curled up in a ball snoring away on the kitchen floor with the dog looking really worried and licking his face.

He's never smoked since.....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I held a huge BBQ party @ my folks house one day in '82, it was my
biker bros & some bar buddies mostly, my brother & his gf Tina came
by too. Tina walked up to me and requested a joint for my mom but
mom didn't want me to know about this, it was going to be moms 1st
buzz. I hunt down the best stash & requested the holder to roll one
for mom, she and Tina then take a walk to burn it down.

mom came back blazed (I peeked through shrubs to see if she'd really
puff it hard and she did) and I teased the hell out of her for it. I miss
my mom she passed away just this past May. I hoist this kief bump to
fond memories.......



my dad got me a sac I ended up getting rid of cause of some things that went down, but my dad did get me weed.. my mom on the other hand, i texted my bro to see if he knew anyone that would have a gram till I could get a hold of my other contact, and my MOM READ the text.... talk about embarrassing, I didnt want her to know.... lol


New member
Hey kid get used to it. It's just part of being a committed stoner, eventually your folks will get wise, and when they do its up to you to be cool about it. So now when you come in after thanksgiving dinner reeking, they kinda have to be cool. Life is full of compromises.


Active member
it's really shitty to take pot from kids
You know that's quite a statement, and valid in many ways.

Today kids are more likely to steal a pill from their parent's medicine cabinet than smoke a doobie. So it kinda reflects upon the parents, esp. if they take prescription "destressers", mood elevators, or pain killers that are just "helpers" and not necessary for a critical illness (like some states require for mmj).

Kids see their parents taking prescription meds for such recreational reasons and getting a buzz, so they want to as well (also all their friends are doing it!)

So the real issue here is the recreational use of drugs. We need to approach this long overdue debate from that perspective, and not the medical use anymore.

Why are alcohol and tobacco and so many other addictive and dangerous prescription drugs legal to use anytime someone wants to alter their mood, but cannabis, the safest of them all is not?

That is the question we must ask our leaders again and again until they finally come up with not just the answer, but the solution.

Don't want your parents stealing your stash? Then LEGALIZE IT!