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The creation of my first grow cab!



Well, I've finally worked up the money to spend on building a decent cab...so I got stoned and drew up some blueprints :joint:

Here's my attempt at artwork:


Bear with me here while I try to make those pictures understandable...

First off, my area for the cab is 42" tall, 13" wide, and 22" deep. The "Outside side walls" vary a BIT because of the way I have designed intake. On the visible side, the wall extends all the way to the floor, whereas on the side against the wall will end about 1" above the floor.

Next up, the "outside wall - facing back wall" is where my exhaust will be. This wall will also end about 1" above the floor for intake. The dotted line is where there will be a separator between my actual grow chamber and my carbon filter/exhaust.

"Inside bottom" has all sorts of colors and all over it because I was trying to visualize a few things while figuring out measurements and such :moon:. It would be more correctly labelled as "inside layers" due to having parts from a couple layers of the inside part of the cab. The green boxes are where the intake will come in through...The boxes with rounded off corners are the lights.

The intake - I am having the intake come from the bottom of 2 sides of the cab, and rise up through a light blocking vent (http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=135524) Also see "Outside bottom".

After rising through that vent on the bottom of the cab (which will be about 1" off the floor), the air will hit a 'ceiling' (the floor of the actual grow chamber) and move through the "hollow walls" that are built into the same two sides that the intake originally comes in through. The wall on the grow chamber side of the hollow walls will end a few inches above where the outer wall ends, allowing the air from the walls to flow into the chamber. I will have an exhaust fan pulling air into the top section (carbon filter) of the cab. I will then have a second fan at the end of the exhaust pulling the filtered air through and sending it out of the cab.

Basically being 2 square feet, my cab needs about 18k lumens. Six 23W CFL lights (138W) Putting me just a TAD shy of 18k lumens.

I plan on purchasing 4 CFL's on each end of the spectrum allowing me to have both 4 blue lights with 2 red lights while I veg my girls, and 2 blue lights with 4 red lights when while I flower 'em!:dueling:

Onto my struggles...

I have really no clue if my airflow desig will work.

I am not too sure about mounting my lights, if anyone could *ehem* shed some light :wallbash: on my situation it would be MUCH appreciated!

WIRING scares me :mad:. I've got absolutely no clue in the world when it comes to things like this. Some help in this facet would also be so greatly appreciated.

Any and all constructive criticism is more than welcome here. Any ideas, whether completely different or building upon something in this post, are more than welcome as well.

Anything my stoned self missed would also just love to be pointed out :nanana: