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MJ making me depressed?


Dude have you seen the whole world? Go out and experince the world. I am only 20 but it is my dream to see the world and experince everything. Weed makes me very happy, and it makes me enjoy things more. But that is just me.

At 50 man you should be trying to find things you enjoy


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I am going through this myself, nothing seems to kick me out of it. I doubt it is the weed itself BUT we try and think of SOMETHING that might be causing it. Midlife or after midlife crisis possibly?

for me... turning 30 next year scares the shit out of me. I have decided to do the one thing that scares me the most "sky dive"... I am so damn afraid of heights it is pitiful SO I think that might light a fire under my ass.

If I die on the way down however my friend gave me a great idea, why die in your own city and INSTEAD go skydiving in hawaii. What a way to go!!! if it goes that way lol

Turn whatever bores you and locate something that can light the fire under your ass and LIVE AGAIN. I don't think it is the smoke though, I think that thought passes because it makes us mellow BUT in reality we were happy when we were smoking before and odds are for many years and depression comes and goes WHILE the weed is pretty constant.


Active member
I just made a stew out of three kinds of meat -smoked venison, elk and beef with tomatoes, onions etc- and it smells wonderful but who actually cares?

I´ve probably done more than most, seen a fair share of the world, had adventures you name it I´ll probably say: Been there, done that.

It might be seasonal affective disorder.

Today I got it bad, I´ll try another walk and some Metallica...Springsteen just brought me down, I mean "Streets of Phillie" is depressing at the best of times. LOL!

I just can´t kick the feeling of feeling sorrow for myself and just seeing that life has very little left to offer.

Oh and I´ve been on mood meds for most of my grownup life do to OCD so I´m on that road already. Chatting about it with you guys is an asset that is much appreciated.


whats in the mood meds?... dont trust doctors, most of them are just whores for pharmaceutical industry.

weve been sold that happiness comes from being a good consumer producer, but some where deep down in our collective unconcious we know we have been cheated from truly living... so far removed from a natural healthy life, we feel a void in our hearts but most will never see it, the system for what it is. Its corrupt, totally and utterly. We have been denied spirit and forced to live in a debauched existance. I feel your unhappiness is normal, its shows your humanness. Cannabis can help, but thinking a joint will make all lifes problems dissappear is misguided.


dont take mdma! trust me ive had my fair share of it and i wish i never made the acquaintance of that chemical crap...

It burns out your brain receptors, fact!


Active member
I´ve been smoking medical weed for about a year (smoked in my teens but stayed off it for 30 years) and it´s really helped me with my chronic pain issues (osteoarthritis, neuropathíc pain etc) and enabled me to stay off opioids. I grow my own, mostly AF strains do to climate, and the quality is good.

At least as good as the stuff I tried in Adam last year.

So far all is good.

But I´m feeling a bit of a personality change ie I´m maybe more laid back than usual but I´m starting to find things I used to like don´t really grab me anymore. I go to work, smoke, chill etc but...

I also turned 50 a while back and it might be an age thing -never quite made the headlines with my band, didn´t go to grad school etc.

Any ideas?
to be fair... your body clock and metabolism will be slowing down the older you get... so even if you never smoked weed... you probably would still feel different as years pass! maybe try stop smoking weed alone, i find that I sit here thinking 'ive fucked a load of shit up in my life, and if if wasnt for 15 years of smokin weed every evening i might be a Gzillionaire by now. (im 30 v soon, surely my life hasnt started yet)
You will never be able to feel the same as you used to... and it will make you anxious if you think about it! just take life as it comes.... look after your family, and dont associate any of your life with lowlife ****s... you need plans to keep your mind occupied... A Holiday once a year is always a top top remedy to curing some depression.... it also gives you an aim, and some excitement within!.... If i feel shit i sometimes shoot over to Ireland to visit family.....its good for the soul! (staying in, xbox, weed n porn = oh shit wheres my life gone!) :joint:


"we've been sold"

"we've been sold"

Harold said: "weve been sold that happiness comes from being a good consumer producer, but some where deep down in our collective unconcious we know we have been cheated from truly living... so far removed from a natural healthy life, we feel a void in our hearts but most will never see it, the system for what it is. Its corrupt, totally and utterly. We have been denied spirit and forced to live in a debauched existance. I feel your unhappiness is normal, its shows your humanness. Cannabis can help, but thinking a joint will make all lifes problems dissappear is misguided."

I think your assessment is insightful. We are being sold an error for the sake of profit. And yes, that vague sense that something important has been stolen, pervades daily manifestations of the subconscious rage. Anarchy is breaking out in pockets of the collective psyche. Where does one go with this insight? How does one act on his convictions? Someone wise once told me. "Don't fight a tiger in the teeth, starve him" Withdraw your participation, show others that it works, spread the word.

Regarding the "bad guys". I've repeatedly been surprised to find no bad guys. I guess if you can believe there are a handful of people pulling all the strings, in a collective sense they become the bad guy. It's very difficult not to like someone one on one if you really get to know them. More than bad guys, it seems like there are bad ideas that good people have mistakenly adopted. Groups become entities in their own rite, like flocks of birds, schools of fish, etc. Self-perpetuating, self-reinforcing ideology that we are exposed to from a very early age. Entities and ideologies that operate and perpetuate over generations. Once invested in a thought system, true or erroneous, the ego's nature is to protect it as if it were protecting itself - because it is. Finding "allies" is a way of reinforcing an idea in the face of contradictory evidence. Logic, morality, and other such expedients of human coexistence are manipulated to fit that view. People need a better idea to get excited about. peace.


I too try and symphathize with bad people, genuine forgiveness is a hard quality to gain but i feel it would be best if most of these creatures were banished out of this world forever! especially most of the elite, they have done so much damage its unforgivable.

i believe in evil, as a force, as real as gravity...


Active member
Harold et al; This is really interesting and I share most of your views. The mood meds have helped me have a life, I´ve been on sertralin for about 20 years (before that a lot of crap meds) and it´s helped me have a life with a minimal amount of intrusive thoughts -those MF´s can really eat away at your psyche.

I had a big fight with the wifey, cleansed the air and it wasn´t all my fault! We do this once every couple of years, we´ve been together forever so I guess it´s become a habit.

A good one.

Then I went to my deerblind, had my rifle ready but didn´t see anything. I love the silence in the blind, just sitting absolutely still for several hours is great for getting balance. I haven´t done that much lately...

I know very few bad guys and the ones I do know are former bad guys.

You guys ever hear the band "Hellyeah"? Great band, the metal helps me relax (like I said ADD/ADHD).

Reload wasn´t such a bad album....

Peace bros.


Active member
Just vaped a bowl and man this feels good ;) I just realised I´ve been using a muscle relaxant for the past three weeks! I left that out today and I could notice my mood changing hour by hour.


Active member
sometimes after a long ass night of smoking, im talking like 4-5 blunts with friends etc and some beers, i find it hard to go to sleep because my mind is always worried about every little dollar, bill, my future, failed hopes, etc. i dont know if its depression, i dont feel sad or want to kill myself, but i do feel stressed out about certain things when im high. when i first smoke i feel good but maybe like an hour later when it wears off my mind is back to stressin on things.


Active member
This is really weird, I feel like I passed through a tunnel, these GD musclerelaxants! I´d rather be stiff and sore than comatose/depressed. But there is a part that is existential, I´ll have to face that and take a good look at life.

I actually saw a -79 Corvette for sale a while back...wonder what that might cost?


I supplement with b vitamins (i take b12) to keep me in high spirits. Mood is related to libdo, you'll notice your back will keep nice and warm and supple when you feel in the mood for love... so dont discharge yourself too much to keep your back happy :rolleyes: lol.

ive heard some anti depressants deplete your natural b-vitamins btw

Kola Radical

Get off the heavy Indica. Do a nice, uplifting daytime weed.

Also.. when I get depressed, especially in the winter, I try to find some boomers or other psychadelic.

There is nothing like the feeling of waking up the next day after a bout of phsycadellia. It is the most peaceful feeling in the world. Once a year or two is enough for me.


Well-known member
I recently turned 51, divorced 3 years ago, no kids, no family, nobody. Really trying to get close to a woman friend. Went out for dinner and a movie last week (2012). Going to G&R in january, problem is shes married. I'm going to do every thing I possibly can to win this. If I've learned anything, treat your woman with love and respect because being completely alone in your 50's is the most depressing time of my life. Christmas and birthdays by yourself is no fun.


dude dont buy a 70 covette.

1.Buy a 09 range rover and drop some 24's on it. Put some beat in it and cruise around and pick up 20 year old chicks.

2.And then if that doesnt do it for you, fly to south america and make a ton of hash and try to smuggle it back.

3.If that does not do it, do that base jumping thing with the little human flight suit on.

Well and if that does not work, start over at 1.
i just skimmed through, so i apologize if this has already been mentioned...

get your band back together.

it doenst matter if you get signed and hit it big. since you mentioned it, you obviously had a ton of fun playing. get your guys together again, rehearse for a few weeks and book a show or two in some shithole bar. you might be surprised at how playing a gig again (albeit a small one) makes you feel.

heres hoping you feel better man!


Overkill is under-rated.
Being high doesn't make me want to stop doing stuff, it just makes me see that most of the stuff I was thinking of doing don't really matter! Heard that once and thought it was funny, sorry off-topic...


Active member
Smokerman: Having a relationship with a married woman is tough psychologically, she goes home and your left alone. It´s a bitch but hang in there if she´s the one for you. Family is important, very important. Seeing parents getting old is also a bitch, my Dad is lost to dementia and Mom passed some years back...so I´m the oldest now...or actually my brother is! I´ll have to remind him of that...

I was looking at bikes again but do I really need one? I´m even a bit afraid of what might happen if I take a spill with one. We´ll see about that.

Music is important, luckily I have my instrument and my lyrics.

I tried hallucinogenics (acid from China Town SF -really cool gold dragon on them) once and was fried for days and I´ll never do that again -scary!

But to each his own.