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'Month of cannabis terrified me'

This is really weird... I actually thought that was a pretty good show, it showed that different strains had different effects, some caused paranoia, other caused bliss andd happiness, but in no case did it cause anger or violence, and even caused her to be more cautious while driving.

It seemed really balanced, or if anything somewhat pro-cannabis! For her to say that stuff afterwards is just weird... I wonder if she's been pressured to say that stuff?


New member
so uh, that lung specialist said that smoking one pure cannabis joint is like smoking three cigs. and that pure cannabis smokers lungs have collapsed and have holes in them.

this lady is so full of shit, i want to slap her ass into next week. its totally obvious that someone is paying her to say these things....

She said that the effects of a powerful version of the drug called "skunk" were "absolutely horrendous", though not long-lasting.

i hate how they say "powerful new version" like its somehow more dangerous...
2 words bitch "self titration" if it's 5 times as powerful then you only need to smoke 1/5 of what you would have had to previously smoke...
this bitch is going overboard...she probably freaked out because shes such an ignorant bitch and was probably told she was going to be paranoid and yada yada so she believed it....total placebo affect.

"Some nights I couldn't sleep at all, and would be pacing my room, becoming more and more paranoid and thinking everyone I'd met at the cafe, as well as the BBC crew, was talking about me."

BULLSHIT....no one has a hard time falling asleep stoned....they have PLENTY of knock-your-ass-out Indicas in A'dam so cut the crap lady....you slept like a fucking baby.

she said she gained half a stone over the course of the month due to cravings for sweet and salty snacks.

sounds like someone has some self-control issues....eat some more pringles you fat coward. choke while your at it.
"This is a complex plant, it can do an awful amount of harm..."

prove it bitch, lets go.

"A big issue is also the longer-term problems which may arise from cannabis use."

cite your sources...im waiting.

where she was injected with THC alone, and THC with cannabinoid, the combination found in less potent cannabis. After the pure THC, she had a severe psychotic episode.

injected? what kind of junkie crap is that? no one injects weed! no wonder you had a psychotic episode....your inexperience coupled with your stupidity being driven by an insane amount of PURE THC INJECTED INTO YOUR VEINS caused your psychosis. nothing else. end of story. fuck this bitch and her half-assed attempt at making pot look bad.
better luck next time twat.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Anything used in moderation is generally alot more beneficial than overdoing it. To inject THC is seriously a disgrace to the plant. What is wrong with these people?

Smoking pot is surely not for everyone, but that is for them to decide not the Government.

Antibiotics cause 100x more freak-outs and paranoia than cannabis!


Active member
Another example of junk science/propaganda from the BBC featuring a professional guinea pig.

'Month of cannabis terrified me'
A mother-of-three who smoked cannabis for a month as part of a BBC documentary has described how the drug left her paranoid and frightened. She said that the effects of a powerful version of the drug called "skunk" were "absolutely horrendous", though not long-lasting.
Nicky Taylor, from Kidderminster, took part in the experiment in Amsterdam, where attitudes to the drug are more liberal than in the UK. She also became psychotic after an injection of an active ingredient of cannabis.

The drug totally wrecked my mind
Nicky Taylor
This is not the first time Nicky has become a guinea pig - other programmes have seen her binge drinking, and undergoing plastic surgery.
Although scientific research has firmly linked cannabis use with health problems, the UK has, according to UNICEF, the third highest rate of use among young people in the Western world.
Although she had previously used cannabis two decades ago at university, Nicky said that she wanted to find out what would happen to her children if any of them went on to take today's version of the drug.
Some modern varieties are said to have up to five times higher levels of the active ingredient THC.
After taking a job at an Amsterdam coffee shop she smoked different varieties and strengths on a daily basis.
Her experiences with "skunk" cannabis, she said, made her feel "irrational and paranoid".
"Some nights I couldn't sleep at all, and would be pacing my room, becoming more and more paranoid and thinking everyone I'd met at the cafe, as well as the BBC crew, was talking about me."
Although weaker types of cannabis did not have the same effect, she said that her ability to function properly was compromised, making it even more difficult than usual to perform tasks such as putting together flat pack furniture.
"The drug totally wrecked my mind," she said. "There is no way I would want to repeat it again. Nothing made much sense to me any more."
Pure injection
Another noticeable effect of the drug was on her appetite - she said she gained half a stone over the course of the month due to cravings for sweet and salty snacks.

After the month was over, she visited scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, where she was injected with THC alone, and THC with cannabinoid, the combination found in less potent cannabis. After the pure THC, she had a severe psychotic episode.
"I thought that the researchers conducting the episode were characters from a horror film. "I was thinking about jumping out of a window."
A psychological score taken during the experiment suggested that the level of her psychosis was greater than that found in some people suffering a schizophrenic attack.
Fortunately, after the end of the month-long experiment, she has suffered no long-term effects, but has vowed to try to keep her children away from the drug.
Debate needed
However, she said a sober public debate was needed about cannabis, as there was growing evidence that it had potentially useful medical applications.
"This is a complex plant, it can do an awful amount of harm, but it can also do an awful amount of good," she said.
"On one hand you have people who think it is the spawn of the devil, and then you have people who think it's fantastic, so nobody ever gets to sit down and actually talk constructively about what we should do with the problem."
Martin Barnes, chief executive of charity Drugscope, said that most evidence about the potential health harms of cannabis had been gathered using lower-strength cannabis varieties.
"The average potency of cannabis available in the UK has increased, and while it is intuitive that greater harm potentially will arise from stronger forms of cannabis, people shouldn't assume that only the stronger types are harmful.
"A big issue is also the longer-term problems which may arise from cannabis use."
A spokesman for Addaction, the drug treatment charity, said cannabis was easily obtained, and normally the first drug used by young people.
She said: "Using the drug can provoke the onset of psychosis or worsen existing psychotic illness - so for people with a history of mental health problems or depression, taking this drug is not a good idea.
"What we need is open, realistic education and information on the associated risks of cannabis use and to make sure high quality treatment is available to all those who need help."

The documentary, "Should I Smoke Dope?" can be seen on BBC3 on Wednesday 26 March at 2200.

Story from BBC NEWS:

sounds like me after a few vicoden.

what about oxy? or morphene? what if she had taken valium or lithium for 30days?
how would someone feel after that bullshit.


i'm vaping some "skunk" as I type this. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with this lady, but I'm enjoying it.

Whats funny is I have noticed its only in the UK the anti-drug poeple refer to strong weed as "skunk" like its some new dangerous modified super potent make you kill your family weed.

I was in a seed shop in London and a guy came in looking for a detox drink and he said "I've only been smoking the strongest skunk for 20 years". I get the feeling the smokers just refer to it as "skunk" over there the way we in the states say "dank" or whatever your phrase for bomb weed is. UK people, tell me if I'm wrong.

"Kush" is the new phrase for this ultra dangerous pot in the US for the anti-drug drones here.

Stupid show. I work in television, don't believe ANYTHING you see. People are paid to say these things, and editing works magic.


New member
Marijuana and other drugs are nothing more than a government conspiracy to keep “free thinkers” in the dark and under their control.

Marijuana promotes free thinking and intelligence, so no wonder they concentrate harder on it than coke and H. Also, the drugs that really open your mind have even tighter regulations in most places of concern (mushrooms, LSD).

And I know for a fact that TALK TO FRANK (our government drugs propaghanda tool) doesn't even list the far out stuff they sure as hell don't want you touching.. DMT, Peyote Cactus, whatever else..

we're living in a box. and we're not supposed to get out of it.


New member
lol, the funny thing is too that everything i listed pretty much, grows naturally. which surely means, it's for all of us?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you are not a daily smoker and smoke allot it can bring on Paranoia because there not use to the high and get scared. I use to smoke everyday as much as I could of every strain there was at the time Skip forward 2o years of not smoking. there is no way I could smoke like I use to. If I smoke to much I get hot and start to sweat and then the paranoid feeling kicks in. I can only smoke a few hits now at most. If this test where performed on someone that smokes every day and has a built up tolerance there will be a big difference the outcome of the test.


Marijuana and other drugs Legislation are nothing more than a government conspiracy to keep “free thinkers” in the dark and under their control.

Marijuana promotes free thinking and intelligence, so no wonder they concentrate harder on it than coke and H. Also, the drugs that really open your mind have even tighter regulations in most places of concern (mushrooms, LSD).

And I know for a fact that TALK TO FRANK (our government drugs propaghanda tool) doesn't even list the far out stuff they sure as hell don't want you touching.. DMT, Peyote Cactus, whatever else..

we're living in a box. and we're not supposed to get out of it.



This is really weird... I actually thought that was a pretty good show, it showed that different strains had different effects, some caused paranoia, other caused bliss andd happiness, but in no case did it cause anger or violence, and even caused her to be more cautious while driving.

It seemed really balanced, or if anything somewhat pro-cannabis! For her to say that stuff afterwards is just weird... I wonder if she's been pressured to say that stuff?

I wonder if bears shit in the woods?
its killing our kids!!! make it stop!!!

has anyone seen idiocracy? i swear thats what this country is coming to.


Active member
On the whole this study itself is not a terrible thing. The woman's experience is more than likely a honest example of an average person trying weed under those circumstances. Where it goes wrong is in the presentation, it is misguided at best and willfully made to be that way at worst. Seems to me we are the folks who can and do fight back at propaganda like this by testifying to people about cannabis as we know it. Explain things through the eyes of a person whom this plant has helped in many ways.