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126 Watt LED...By Sleepy.

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BUT those that were chosen to do this are gonna tell it like it is good or bad better or worse no matter what and that IMO is what is important for ICM.

truer words never spoken.
i really, really, really, really, want these to work.

but we also dont want the "lobbyist effect" either.
while it was MIGHTY nice of LEDGirl to donate these to the cause and hook these up for you guys.....doesnt mean you hafta sugar coat any bad findings.
i know, from expereince, its hard sometimes, after someone has been so kind and giving to offer a bad review if its honestly how you feel. its hard sometimes.
honesty is a MUST when these tests are being done. i know i feel pretty chapped after buying one of those POS UFOs. im bitter on em until i see growers with REAL time data! cant wait.....

BUT....that being said...
LEDGirl gave these to the right people....
and she wouldnt do this, i hope, if she didnt have full confidence that you....and all of us watching.......will not like the results.
i know im pretty excited for all of you that got to test these!

much thanks to LEDGirl for the open and honest trials...
and much thanks to all those involved in finally, once and for all, showing a complete grow from start to finish with these things.

im sorry if i missed it, but, are you going to be running the sour 60 under these as well?

go get em gang!



truer words never spoken.
i really, really, really, really, want these to work.

but we also dont want the "lobbyist effect" either.
while it was MIGHTY nice of LEDGirl to donate these to the cause and hook these up for you guys.....doesnt mean you hafta sugar coat any bad findings.
i know, from expereince, its hard sometimes, after someone has been so kind and giving to offer a bad review if its honestly how you feel. its hard sometimes.
honesty is a MUST when these tests are being done. i know i feel pretty chapped after buying one of those POS UFOs. im bitter on em until i see growers with REAL time data! cant wait.....

BUT....that being said...
LEDGirl gave these to the right people....
and she wouldnt do this, i hope, if she didnt have full confidence that you....and all of us watching.......will not like the results.
i know im pretty excited for all of you that got to test these!

much thanks to LEDGirl for the open and honest trials...
and much thanks to all those involved in finally, once and for all, showing a complete grow from start to finish with these things.

im sorry if i missed it, but, are you going to be running the sour 60 under these as well?

go get em gang!


Excellent post.



Active member
thats the weirdest thing i just clicked on the ad banner for these same LEDs at the top of ICMAG only a half hour ago and i was wondering how well they worked for the price (which is comparable to 400w HPS) and then bam i see this thread under the new posts... ill def be watching good luck with the new equipment


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Sleepy, quick question, what's the claimed equivalent in HID? Is this 126W meant to replace a 250, a 400, a 600?

Details, man, details! :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'm not sure if I've ever been to the vendors forum, unless I got linked there from another post :biglaugh:

I'll check, thanks for the reminder :wave:


Active member


Lonesome Burt!!...this unit would be perfect for a cabinet...a buddy of mine has a 6 foot tall wardrobe (2 doors), frome home dePot, has a 2 foot T5 in there...this would fit beautifully!!! AND NO HEAT!!
Maj.Cottonmouth!!...yeah, it is very nice of LEDGirl, isn't it? now maybe we can try and shit on her less...glad you are on board, Maj.Cottonmouth.
NiteTiger!!...thanks, i'll play with my camera settings some more and review your thread once again!
Amstel Light!!...well, it won't happen the way you want...sorry. you can go back through any of the grow threads i post here if you would like to see how i run a 400 watt HPS, go to my profile and select statistics...then click on threads i have started. you should be able to draw some conclusions from those threads. it will not be a 'level battle field' as you want...each of the testers does what they do in their own way...i will try to keep up. glad you joined in.
mrwags!!...thanks for posting, wags...all of us will try our best to give an unbiased report. plain and simple.
Amstel Light!!>>glad we made you smile.
ArcticBlast!!...hehehe...well, S_a_H is in the lead...for now.
Chief Rbud!!>>...yes, the heat...after one night with the new fixture...i see a drop of ten degrees!! this will save me $$ in several ways, not to mention less stress! good to have you aboard.stillsmokin843!!...get comfy...nothing will be rushed...enjoy the tests.
SirSmokalot!!...hey, sir...glad you popped in...thanks for the kind words!!
Strains!!...hehehe...no pressure, eh? ...i will do what i can...the rest is up to the plants. i only give them liquid and light. or something like that...
Bobby Stainless!!...hey there...grab the vape and some funyuns...pass me a beer.
hubcap!!...i am glad you posted this...we will all give raw data. if it works, you will see how well...if the results are different than sucessful, you will all see exactly how. there were no qualifiers given to me with the free light, other than to grow some herb with it. as i choose. wags and i have been pals here for many moons, and he suggested to me we both grow the same strain. i agreed. otherwise, i would have selected some other strains, and grown them. if the vendor wants the light back when i am done, so be it. the light was delivered to me with 'no strings attached'. lets see what we can do. welcome aboard.
Mr-B!!...ahhh i'm happy to be with a group of 'like-minded' people once again...good to see you, Mr-B!!
Strains!!...i think we should all do a K++ to LEDGirl...we are fortunate she didn't tell us all to go pound sand after the warm welcome she was given...and irishboy, too. i think wags mentioned a recipe hunt for some crow...hmmm...we shall see...we shall see...
Ribsauce!!...funny how that happens, eh? join in!!
Moppel!! great to see some old friends checking in!!!:woohoo: get comfy, Moppel...move the cats, and get a snack...
NiteTiger!!...the 126 watt lights are comparable to a 400 watt HPS, i think...smaller footprint, though...i usually get 8-10 plants under my 400 watter...this one will fit about 5...its way different...my HPS speads the light farther, dissipating the effectiveness...this one is concentrated, right where you aim it. it is quite slick. silent and no heat!!
Strains!! thank you, give yourself a bell...:moon:hehehe
NiteTiger!!...check it out, there is a lot of info there...this lady did her homework...lots of data and comparisons...http://www.hydro-grow-led.com


Initial impressions:

  • Less Heat (No ballast, nor any heat from the light itself)
  • Less Noise (HPS gives off a low hum)
  • Dehumidifier is running less
  • Plants are drying out slower (good or bad, i don't know, its different, though)
  • so far i like it.


hehe sry for the hijack sleepy wont happen again. Bring more cowbell, we need it, have you seen in her grow diary http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=145484 how ppl really went of the hook and was downright idiotic? heres what papyoso said in there some 20min ago or so ( its been goin on for 2 days now) :

It is beyond belief how rude, insulting, stupid and ignorant some of our members have become! I am totally embarrassed how our members could bring themselves to trash, troll and belittle this forum which is provided to you by a SITE SUPPORTER.

On ICMAG we treat site supporters with respect, not ridicule.

Further attacks without basis on facts, trolling, bashing and arguing will lead to the banning of all participating parties!

I have now spent way too much time cleaning up this thread. LEDGirl has spent way too much time dealing with personal attacks instead of showcasing her product.

I do believe it is time for ALL of you naysayers to politely apologize, and sit back and wait while the testers complete their grows...like about 8 to 12 weeks from now we will have some results.

Meanwhile, I will be watching - and if you don't like this - the door is that way ----->


jeebus. Good luck maing looking forward to seeing those seedlings under purple sun :woohoo:


Active member
light looks great.i have a first gen hid hut ufo and it works great in veg.after reading about all the bad results with the ufos i just left it in my veg box.i cant wait to see a full grow with one of these.it has me thinking to do a one plant scrog with my ufo and see what happens.props to ledgirl for donating lights!


just don't molest my colas..
make sure to add extra perlite when you start those seedlings. don't wanna drown those girls during the test. if these things blow up it'll almost be like having to relearn grow room design and feeding regiments.


[Strains!!]...i think we should all do a K++ to LEDGirl...we are fortunate she didn't tell us all to go pound sand after the warm welcome she was given...and irishboy, too. i think wags mentioned a recipe hunt for some crow...hmmm...we shall see...we shall see...+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Initial impressions:

  • Less Heat (No ballast, nor any heat from the light itself)
  • Less Noise (HPS gives off a low hum)
  • Dehumidifier is running less
  • Plants are drying out slower (good or bad, i don't know, its different, though)
  • so far i like it.

Damn, i wish i understood english better, but what did you mean by that piece i put in bold? i dont understand. :wallbash:



Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor

Initial impressions:

  • Less Heat (No ballast, nor any heat from the light itself)
  • Less Noise (HPS gives off a low hum)
  • Dehumidifier is running less
  • Plants are drying out slower (good or bad, i don't know, its different, though)
  • so far i like it.

1) The thing after being on for 24 hrs the glass cover barely feels warm at all.

2) This point I do not agree with. Even though my ballast as well puts off a hum all the fans in the LED unit I think are louder then the ballast and small fan I pulled out of the area. For stealth reasons growing autoflowers this is crucial because of the hiding places like cabinets and closets I can hear it in the night running. So maybe with less fans or better quieter fans I think would be better.

3) Now for the plants drying out slower is true and I already learned a lesson to water the seedlings less because I have wilted seedlings. Because I do not want to taint the test grow I hooked my 400w MH back up and turned it back on but not to give light but to warm up the area and hopefully dry out the seedlings faster. Sure there are better ways but it is all I have now to use.

But I think with the plants drying out slower thats going to give me time to escape for a few days and not have to worry about watering.

Also a higher chance of stuff growing on the soil surface the longer it takes to dry out I would think.

4) So far I like it and have showed it to a couple people I know that grow and everyone is impressed if it works.



In search of Genetics
Tag your it !

Pulling up a chair, i will be buying some of these here soon for my own independent studies, most likely will doc as well for peeps here.

Cant wait!


Active member
more info...

more info...

420ish!! yes, props to LEDGirl!! glad to see you...
TickleMyBalls!!...thanks for the tip, i will be sure to not over do it...yeah, interesting...if these do work, it will be a new way to grow for sure!
Strains!! kinda like eating humble pie...when you are shown something to be correct that you have steadfastly denied...then you get to "eat crow". bitter, but sometimes necessary...sorry, i forget we all don't speak engrish...hehehe
S_a_H!!...very interesting...thanks for the info!
Centrum!!...excellent...can't wait to see your results!
420ish!!...hello, welcome aboard...i will be using the following medium:

Just Right Xtra Potting Mix ...


  • general_hydroponics_icon.jpg
    Cocotek Coconut Coir: a high quality, low sodium, medium contains pith, fibers and coconut chips. This blend creates a more diverse and less compact growing medium
  • general_hydroponics_icon.jpg
    Ancient Forest Humus: has incredible microbiological diversity the ultimate natural compost
  • Large Perlite: non-toxic sterile odorless material improves drainage and aeration that promotes strong root development
  • Premium Earthworm Castings: red Earthworms are fed and an all organic diet and vermicompost generated contains a diverse and abundant microbiological community
  • Miadenwell Diatomite Silica Stone: a rich source of plant available silica which is widely documented to stimulate dramatic growth in plants thereby increasing their resistance to disease
  • general_hydroponics_icon.jpg
    Rare Earth: derived from ancient seabed deposits of prophylactic clay that are blended with fulvate ore
  • general_hydroponics_icon.jpg
    SubCulture M: a mycorhizae root inoculant that contains a wide diversity of endo and ecto mycorrhizal fungi that colonize plant roots
  • general_hydroponics_icon.jpg
    SubCulture B: a probioticinoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants
  • Natural Sulfate of Potash is a natural potash mineral contains 51 percent potash 18 percent sulfur. It also contains trace amounts of calcium and magnesium. Potassium is second only to nitrogen in terms of the abundance needed for plants.
  • Bone Char contains more than 16% available phosphate (P[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]O[SIZE=-2]5[/SIZE]) and 32% total phosphate
unfortunately, i see some fungus gnats in some other pots i used it as a top dressing...so i will need to take care of them.:wallbash:

when i start the seeds, i will post a link to my test thread.



No dought these things will grow "a" plant.. But how many do you need to cover the same footprint with useable light is my question. I'd like to see a yeild comparison with someone who is accustomed to running multiple 1000watters and pulling lbs. Not a two or three plant test. These lights must get 3gpw if your gonna compare a yeild in a 2'x4' space verses a 5'x8' space. The sun doesn't work that efficient does it?

Amstel Light

No dought these things will grow "a" plant.. But how many do you need to cover the same footprint with useable light is my question. I'd like to see a yeild comparison with someone who is accustomed to running multiple 1000watters and pulling lbs. Not a two or three plant test. These lights must get 3gpw if your gonna compare a yeild in a 2'x4' space verses a 5'x8' space. The sun doesn't work that efficient does it?
could you not just multiply the factors?
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