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Boomers Going Public With Marijuana Use


Active member
With the debate about legalizing marijuana picking steam, it seems more and more baby boomers over 50 are now going public with their use of marijuana as a recreational drug.

As the taboo against smoking cannabis falls, so does the taboo against talking about it in public. As more boomers come out of the cannabis closet, they can have a great influence in the debate since so many of them are successful professionals, and not your typical teenaged stoner stereotype.


thanks to Gomer for finding this article! :)

Kola Radical

Better makes as much money as possible before Wall Mart takes over.


It's true!

Yesterday my grandpa called me asking where he could get a recommendation. I never thought he'd be a patient.
Drug counselors bemoan the softening views on marijuana, saying that it complicates their efforts to steer addicts away from illicit substances.

every article i read like this....its the same people who are against it. drug counselers and COPS. are people seriously too dumb to see that OF COURSE a cop doesnt want legalization...your bringing his gravy train to a skidding halt.

some people....

"It's more of a struggle for us when the parents just see heroin or cocaine as the dangerous drugs and sort of turn their heads with marijuana," said Carol Porto, who runs an inpatient drug treatment center in Calvert County.

no its not....thats the right thing to do.
if your kids try pot then think "hey its not that bad", then they're going to try heroin and coke since you told them MJ is going to kill them and you obviously lied about that. they will think ur lying about all drugs if you lie about marijuana. stupid parents poision their own kids.
Mainstream media finally recognizing what we here have known for some time.
at least the facts are now coming out.

Respect bass


Active member
I agree, openness is the way to go. Also, I'd be more worried if my son was using speed than if he occasionally dosed on K, since K is a dissociative (and thus has a psychedelic aspect to it) and it's far less toxic than amphetamine. Also, the dealer who told him it was "just like speed" was obviously retarded, I wouldn't buy from that guy...

for sure education is the way to go but the whole idea of my kids taking/abusing any kind of powder or pill, illicit or not scares the bejesus outta me!

everyone has the right to bring up their kids the best way they see fit but imo being cool about em using Ket or and sulphate doesn't sit well with me.....

the dealer who said it was just like speed is exactly my point, you just don't know what you are buying whether it be from a trusted friend or not!
Thankfully my lad was sensible enough to remember what he'd been told about ketamine & knew it wasn't like amphetamine with completely different effects so he gave it a body-swerve

reports have shown that the purity of most powders on the street over the last 5yrs has an average of 5-6%, let's say we don't mind our kids frying their brains with ket or speed etc, doesn't it worry you what the remaining 90%+ consists of?


Active member
"It's more of a struggle for us when the parents just see heroin or cocaine as the dangerous drugs and sort of turn their heads with marijuana," said Carol Porto, who runs an inpatient drug treatment center in Calvert County.

no its not....thats the right thing to do.
if your kids try pot then think "hey its not that bad", then they're going to try heroin and coke since you told them MJ is going to kill them and you obviously lied about that. they will think ur lying about all drugs if you lie about marijuana. stupid parents poision their own kids.

As a parent and smoker myself who dabbled with other drugs as a teenager, I agree with Pistil_Party09, knowing your enemy if you want to call it that?

We sat our kids down and had an open conversation about what drugs should be avoided AND WHY!
Education about what they would likely come across and/or be offered etc,

We don't have any problems with our 19yr old daughter having the occasional smoke or our 17yr old son smoking weed. He once came to me telling me that he'd been offered ketamine with the guy saying " it's just like speed mate"
thankfully he knew it wasn't 'just like speed' and politely declined

we can't wrap our kids up in cotton wool or be with them 24/7 so it all really boils down to trust and hoping they've been educated enough to make up heir own minds based on information they know they can trust


New member
Maybe its just me, but this statement doesn't make any sense:

"It's more of a struggle for us when the parents just see heroin or cocaine as the dangerous drugs and sort of turn their heads with marijuana," said Carol Porto, who runs an inpatient drug treatment center in Calvert County.

How is it more of a struggle - there is no correlation between the three mentioned that I know of.

Someone said the common opposers of the current change in feeling toward marijuana and its use - LE and counselors. Seems to me that job preservation would be their "motivation."



all praises are due to the Most High
I have seen people at town hall meetings in California screaming that, "The growers are not growing medicine, they are making drugs to sell to their children". You cannot even reason with a person that has taken that stance. That person would be your enemy no matter how hard you try.

those people are the true enemies of society, not the growers.

it is thanks to those people that a drug black market exists; and I'm very sure that it is those same people who have a job that depends on one way or another in that said black-market stays in place.

if they want to keep today's black market in place, you know it is not at all for the sake of their children, quite the contrary actually.

some people are just too obvious in their interests...


I'm in the same boat as randude101. I have to wait until I retire to be more open about it. I look like a cop and my closest friends don't even use cannabis. Job and culture keep it on the down low.


Randude, I wear that same straight-arrow costume every day at work and my businesses. I don't have drug tests to worry about, but I do benefit from not being seen as a 'stoner'.

I've settled into an easy way to support 'the cause' or at least avoid letting people get away with anti-pot propaganda. Every time the subject comes up I defend cannabis as being a wonderful, safe, effective, medicinal or recreational drug. I tell how I smoked it all the time all through college, ending up at the top of my class and landing good professional jobs right out of college. I talk about how I gave it up when I bought my first house, since I was scared of all the DEA asset forfeitures happening. I talk about how there was zero withdrawal or cravings, absolutely no symptoms typical of drug abuse. I talk about how I never missed cannabis, but could not give up beer the same way (i.e. alcohol is definitely more addictive -- I'm sure you'll agree...).

Anyway, it's all my life story, so it's easy to tell. I just leave out the part where I'm a current user, instead I had to quit because of the oppressive, dangerous nature of the 'War on Drugs'.

Kind of like having 'one foot out of the closet'.

Guest 88950

boroboro, congratulations on not letting anti pot propaganda prepetuate itself around you.

bring that other foot out of the closet and stand on the front lines with those of us who dont fit the typical stoner profile.

Esskie, ive always thought the more sensable approach was drug education NOT drug scare and your example of good decision making by your kid reinforces my belief.


"It's more of a struggle for us when the parents just see heroin or cocaine as the dangerous drugs and sort of turn their heads with marijuana," said Carol Porto, who runs an inpatient drug treatment center in Calvert County.

no its not....thats the right thing to do.
if your kids try pot then think "hey its not that bad", then they're going to try heroin and coke since you told them MJ is going to kill them and you obviously lied about that. they will think ur lying about all drugs if you lie about marijuana. stupid parents poision their own kids.

As a parent and smoker myself who dabbled with other drugs as a teenager, I agree with Pistil_Party09, knowing your enemy if you want to call it that?

We sat our kids down and had an open conversation about what drugs should be avoided AND WHY!
Education about what they would likely come across and/or be offered etc,

We don't have any problems with our 19yr old daughter having the occasional smoke or our 17yr old son smoking weed. He once came to me telling me that he'd been offered ketamine with the guy saying " it's just like speed mate"
thankfully he knew it wasn't 'just like speed' and politely declined

we can't wrap our kids up in cotton wool or be with them 24/7 so it all really boils down to trust and hoping they've been educated enough to make up heir own minds based on information they know they can trust

I agree, openness is the way to go. Also, I'd be more worried if my son was using speed than if he occasionally dosed on K, since K is a dissociative (and thus has a psychedelic aspect to it) and it's far less toxic than amphetamine. Also, the dealer who told him it was "just like speed" was obviously retarded, I wouldn't buy from that guy...


New member
my ideas on pot

my ideas on pot

I have been using mj since 1969 at Ft. Lewis Washington during a nineteen hour allert to go to vietnam. I must say that the mellowing effect has saved my life several times since by changing my mind about killing or being killed myself. I tended bar for twenty five plus years and never saw anyone get nasty while on pot it self. The US could solve several of our problems by personal legalization.