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cloning and hydrogen peroxide?


I use an 8 each round daisy cloner. Until now I have never had a problem getting roots, but this last try was 0 for 8 after 18 days. I am trying to identify my biggest issues. I use olivia's gel and olivia's hormone juice.

Cold temps. The temps were 61-63 degrees throughout. I figured this would slow it down, I don't have a heat blanket.

With previous clones I left them in too long (not ready to transplant) and the clones ultimately developed root rot. This time I added a couple tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 3% in an effort to pre-empt rot. Would that have neutralized the hormones and stopped the rooting?


stone fool
It is possible that the h202 would have an effect, cold temps certainly will, as will the gel your using if it goes bad, did you keep it refrigerated, the gel? I haven't used gel in years. I would chose a warmer place for my cloner and try again.


I use h2o2 at 35% one drop per gallon per day, phd 6.5, 70 degrees if possible. have a 100% luck. BUT last time I did a run I moved my cloner by an air vent and only had 7 out of 20 take. water never got above sixty five and they have been in for almost 21 days. The cuts have grown quite a bit and not a root in site.. O well

So im thinking its the colder temps.. or maybe a bad moon month... hhmmm