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big enough for mother/cloning

Hi guys Im eyeing a cab to keep bonsai mothers and clone in.
The dimensions are 23inches high 15 wide and 11 deep. Will this be enough for say 4 mothers and an area for cloning


not having other details makes it hard to answer that. one thing for sure is that you can check out other grows around here and look to see what other people have already come up with. there are many cab designs and as long as you ask they might let you copy there cab designs.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
before you go listening to people say you can't do something you should give it a try...

maybe these pictures help:

these are early on but this veg/clone/mother cab kept me going for over a year when i have space limitations on my grow. In these pics i grew 12-15 plants, took clones, flowered the clones in another spot, choose my mothers and put my others in 6"x6" sq pots for cloning... my friends still rocks the AK mom i got from this...

i am looking at the box right now its 22" wide, 24" tall and 12" wide. and i started those other ones from seed. I used it on my current run for veg and well, it seems to be going ok if you want to take a look.. :joint:

btw, thats a 125 w CFL above.
Natagonnaworrie thanks for your reply. I looked at your grow and those buds are beautiful, hopefully someday I can grow something half as good as that.

Now Im off to have another look for a cab.