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400W Medicine Cupboard



looking good there mucker ,,lets hope ya mum dont chuck em out whilst you in the dam :wallbash: disconnect the stannah b4 ya go lol


Active member
nice personal grow you got going on bro

i got a small personal crop going on a the moment
400w in a closet(smallest grow ive done in 10 years lol) but could be the best with the extra atention the girls are geting

your abusive x purple afghan looks very nice
looks like a winner from here,lets hope she smokes like she looks
purple afghan x thai is very interesting this could be really good id love to try it when harvested

we should arange a litle smokeout over christmas
we should all have some buds around then

see you in dam for a smoke soon


Wow that mango is looking great! Is that the KC Brains strain? I've been thinking about growing a mango strain recently. Give us a smoke report when your buds are cured?

It's from half a pack of Positronics seeds a mate had, and KC Brains made it while working for em so it's the same thing as KC Brains. I'm hoping it's a good smoke cos it's a lovely plant to grow and looks like it yields good.

mine at new years again ?

Me car's had it! No joke, might have to get a new un!

looking good there mucker ,,lets hope ya mum dont chuck em out whilst you in the dam :wallbash: disconnect the stannah b4 ya go lol

That is actually quite funny, you cheeky fecker! I shall cut em down before I go! lol

I'm surprised no-one noticed the fairly bad PH spotting I have going on. I forgot to add some lime to my soilmix so it is a bit too acidic. I've been increasing PH of my feed to 6.5 then to 6.7 and the runoff is still 5.2-5.5, so that is annoying. I shall have to make sure the next set of plants to go into flower is in soilmix with lime added.

At day 45 I gave the plants their last feed, then at days 48 and 51 they got a hefty dose of water with a glob of molasses dissolved in it. Today they got a couple of litres of plain water each and there is some nice yellowing of the leaves going on. I'm chopping em next weekend which will be 60 days-ish and they should be nicely flushed.

I'm still feeding the G13 however as it looks like it will take 70 days at least, it will have to sit in the dark for 3 days while I'm in the Dam, but that shouldn't do it much harm, here she is at 50 days:





You can see how severe the ph spotting is, this plant is the worst affected, but the KC33 pheno Mango also has it bad.
Hows the 400w in that cupboard? Ive got a 250w in a cupboard a little bigger than yours and think of moving up to a 400. The lighting calculator says max 258 watts in my cab so anyone think a a 400 would yield more?


Active member
This is my first time with a 400 in a small cupboard. I had a 250 in a slightly smaller space for a while and that worked great. Elevator Man has been using a 400 in a space the same size as my cupboard with great results so I think as long as you can keep it cool, a 400 is fine in a small space, and it should yield more than a 250.


Active member
Day 54 for the PA x OG and she is looking stunning, hasn't fattened up all that much but has turned purple, and the purpling is increasing every day, interested to see just how purple she gets. Her last feed was day 45, then she had 5 days of water with a drop of molasses, is now 3 days into 10 days of plain water, I like my plants to be well flushed, even if it does reduce yield a lil bit. She has some nice fad going on and should have pretty yellow leaves buy the time she gets the chop at day 61 just before I fly out to Amsterdam for the HTCC.








Active member
Hows the 400w in that cupboard? Ive got a 250w in a cupboard a little bigger than yours and think of moving up to a 400. The lighting calculator says max 258 watts in my cab so anyone think a a 400 would yield more?

How's about's 2 x 600's in an airing cupboard, 2.2ft x 2.2ft,
my mate manages to keep that cool, and gets some some big nugs!!

All lookin great mate, hope mine turns purple! :woohoo:

are you all set for heading over on monday im going to do an early shift so,
ill be home after 2.......



Active member
Yeah mon, Monday is cool by me, dog shits or rn3 or both? hmmm, decisions decisions.

I'm getting myself ready, been working hard on building up my tolerance before we hit the dam, this oil has been wiping the floor with me, I have prepared a nice sampler for ya for Monday.

















Active member
I made some hash too, also put a sampler of this to one side for Monday, I predict a heavy session, get some heavy puffing in before the dam, acclimatisation innit! lol







Active member
I may lay off the t&t with having an early flight,
i dont wanna be shittin my back out at the airport, not fun!

Mmmmmmmmm that hash is lookin' nice!
ill clean the bong and get the hash dome ready!, i got a bit of oil here too...


Active member
That hash and oil was all from the PA x OG, I took her down at 56 days, wanted to leave her 60 but I found one tiny spot of brown,dead bud and panicked that it was mould, so shopped her. Turns out it was just half a dozen calyxes on one lower bud had mysteriously died and turned brown, no signs of any mould, which is good as my lights on environmentals today were 24.2C, 47% rh, which to me is about perfect, and if I got mould with these conditions, I'd be highly upset!

She was a beauty, and oh so resinous, thank god I kept the cut, and thc4sim has it too, and we will share it round, so I doubt it will be lost any time soon. Then Elevator Man has a sister pheno, and I have a few seeds I made from her, so I'm happy the genes are preserved for future enjoyment.

Not weighed her as she's drying, but yield looks to be higher then the OG clone she same from, I look at her as a shorter, more chunky version of her mother really.












You can see she has a few ambers in the macros,and nearly all pistils are orange, but56 days was a tad too early I think, 60-62 would have been about right methinks.Because I chopped a bit early, she only got 11 days flush, so she faded a bit, but there was still some green in her leaves, and the purpling was increasing so if I let her go a few days longer then I imagine she would have had some glorious autumn colours. I'm prepping another cut of this lady to go into flower in a couple of weeks, I'll run that one to at least 60, probably 65. Thc4sim always flowers his stuff till it's just right so I'm keen to see how long he lets his go and what she looks like, have to twist his arm to snap some pics! lol Whatever the case, she is a good bit quicker then her mother OG which takes 75-80 in soil.


Active member
I also chopped the White KC at 56 days, she also could have gone 60-62, but is not impressive and I needed the space so she had to go. Very leafy, tiny calyxes, not that much resin, not that smelly, just not impressive.











Active member
I turned all the trim from the White KC as well, and the volume of hash and oil it produced was about a quarter of what the OG produced, so I think it's fair to say it had only a quarter the resin coverage of the OG. The hash and oil doesn't taste as nice either and it's potent, but not as potent.






I'm worn out after posting all these updates, time for a nice spliff.





Active member
Purple Thai, 60 days 12/12 from seed, 1.5 litre pot of organic soilmix, fed organics (seaweed, molasses, guano, worm liquid)








Elevator Man

Active member
You're gonna like this when you get back then - here's the pheno I've got of the OGK X PA (ladies first!). This was grown from seed outdoors by a friend, and then I got a clone of that, and which has really taken off after one spray of HALO - very bushy indeed, and with much tighter internode lengths than the OGK.

I think, given how fast this is growing, that I'll put this into flower next, as it could turn out to be a winner, and others can veg more then.

No idea what it smokes like, except my friend did give me some outdoor buds from multiple strains the other day, except typically for him, he couldn't remember which was which, so I could have smoked some already - who knows? ;)


Active member
That's great news about the other pheno you have. That one looks like it leans to the PA side of things, the stem colouration and leaf form remind me strongly of the PA daddy.

Is it me or do I see some small webs on the top of this bud? I shall hav to thoroughly inspect for spider mite when I get home, looks like i have some of the lil bastards in there.


Is it me or do I see some small webs on the top of this bud? I shall hav to thoroughly inspect for spider mite when I get home, looks like i have some of the lil bastards in there.

i think ya better run to specsavers:yoinks:that plants covered

Elevator Man

Active member
That's just what I was going to write - I can count about ten of the buggers having a party on that bottom-right leaf - whistles and everything! If I can see them from here in daylight, just wait till they start waving their glow-sticks around...;)


I have a Reeferman G13 going too, and it has surprised me by how much it stretched, didn't stop gaining height until at least 25 days of flower and it doesn't have the broad indica leaves I expected, but still looks quite Afghan, just not your stocky, broad-leafed Deep Chunk type Afghan. She hs grown past my light so is off in a corner and not getting the best in terms of light, but the small box and the mylar everywhere help with this and she seems to be filling in okay now she has finally stopped stretching! Here she is at day 38:
g13 & hybrids dont seem to grow broad leaves, can be stretchy & not y*eld much... it is the effect that it is grown for.
would wait to judge the g13 crosses by the fruit - they dont look like much growing them.

enjoy your garden!