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Got Swine Flu? Share your symptoms


Active member
Central leatherstocking region reporting in,Daughters school shut down with over 2/3 students callin in sick,3 surrounding schools also closed.
Splitting headache ya cant get rid of,general flu like conditions except worse,nausea,fever,just plain fuckin sick!That goes on for a couple days and then you wake up and think its gone!Its not,comes back and kicks ass for about a week.
Its already hit and gone MY circle,but its still around!!Get better peeps!:joint:

YES,it is swine flu,ANYONE getting the flu this early is getting the swine flu,rite from the doctors mouth!
only the very young and the very old need worry,a healthy body can fight back!


I caught the SOB a week ago and still have terrible aches and throat scratchy and dizzy. The schools here are full of it. I havent puked but the fatigue and dizziness is a mo fo. Doc told me everyone has diferant symptoms , some worse than others. I was around 3 people who had it and i thought i was lucky but it took time to settle in my body. My damn shoulders are killing me from this bug.


Vaccination bisness is HUGE!!!

Pharma-companys are currently spending more money on marketing (=propaganda/fear monger) than developing medicine. Bigger profit.

After bird flu failed, they were "lucky" to have swine flu before those massive amounts of tamiflu-vaccines went bad...

To me it looks like risks from vaccanation is much bigger than getting swineflu.
I'm not gonna support these Pharma-companys. Donald Rumsfeld is not gonna get my money! LOL


Symptoms happened so fast...
I first had a sore throat.
Then i got the coaghs which became very painful
Head aches beyond any before
Runny nose
Puke and diarrea at the same dang time
temp at 102.3 far.
Sleep for 12-18hrs for about a week
It was so bad i stopped going to work, stopped eating, i didnt even smoke for a week almost...
It is nasty nasty on the body.... It had to put me down but i was down for days.... soup, tea, nitequile, other random meds, hehe
You Wont feel good


it is correct that hospitals and many doctors are not testing for the swine due to costs. my case was confirmed on Friday by my private physician... test came back positive. i remember him looking at me with his fake sad eyes.
anyway it's been up and down and i can see how it could create complications with peoples bodies that are a little less...how can i say...fit. the doc told me that there wasn't enough tamiflu and i wasn't at enough risk to receive a dose. when i told him i didn't want tamiflu anyway opened one big can of worms.
so far i haven't taken any of the prescription drugs, just: otc meds, chicken soup, oj&ginger ale(when i can), and rest.

for people leaking out both ends or with stomach discomfort try eating/drinking something sour, believe it or not it helps.
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Vaccination bisness is HUGE!!!

Pharma-companys are currently spending more money on marketing (=propaganda/fear monger) than developing medicine. Bigger profit.

After bird flu failed, they were "lucky" to have swine flu before those massive amounts of tamiflu-vaccines went bad...

To me it looks like risks from vaccanation is much bigger than getting swineflu.
I'm not gonna support these Pharma-companys. Donald Rumsfeld is not gonna get my money! LOL

lucky to have swine... i don't think so. something tells me it was man made.


lucky to have swine... i don't think so. something tells me it was man made.

Yep, that's why i had "lucky" inside "s. ;)

It's probably not manmade, but it has been kept alive for 50 years in labs before it somehow started to spread again.
...Well, there was outbreak in 70s in US-militarybase. And they had vaccine for it back then also. 25 died after vaccination, 1 person died because of virus.

And not to get this thread going all conspiracytheory, let me share my symptoms, I'm not 100% sure it's swineflu. But certainly looks like it.
I have basicly symptoms of normal flu: running nose, fever, sore throat. But nothing too bad. I've been taking it really easy after symptoms started. lots of rest, and liquids.
My son, 5 yo has it also. He had first sniffle, then it went away and he got headaches coming in waves, he votimed couple times one night, but not after that. Now he is having sniffle again. Little fever. He's still able to play but watching TV and bright lights gets his headache going really bad.


I can't shake this feeling that selling vaccines has a lot to do with the current "panic"


i felt like Dewey Cox detoxing haha,, my body temperature going crazy, and my body it felt like i had just done 12 rounds with Ali,,,very painful body aches when it was over as well,,,,peace
Uhh I had it like 2 weeks ago, the first few days I was in unbearable muscle pain just laid there moaning, then like 4-5 more days of feeling like shit(normal flu) before I was fine.


The Voice of Reason
retard flu.. I dont buy it.. where has this flu been the last few years? is it a newage flu? then when did the virus make that small step from regular to evil? probly in a gov. Lab :D

there.. that should give this thread some juice in the veins.. :D

there are new flu's every year... always have been, always will be...
There is simply more opportunity for it to spread further and more rapidly in the modern age where air travel is mundane and commonplace...
the flu virus(es) is(are) constantly mutating...
It's not the first 'swine' flu...
You can only get a particular strain of the flu once... every time you have ever had the flu it has been a different mutation of the virus...
Viruses only replicate and mutate, they have no capacity for good and evil...

There... that should be plenty of "juice"...
Sorry for the interruption... Back to the topic at hand...
Actual experiences from people who have tested positive for H1N1 swine flu...


The Voice of Reason
alot of people already contracted swine flu and dont even know it. its a non issue imo. if your worried make sure your getting sun and taking your vitamin d. most cases of the flu come from vitamin d deficiency. just like plants some of us are deficient in vital nutrients thats why we get sick. take vitamin d ,c youll be fine.

All cases of flu come from exposure to the Flu virus.
Vitamin deficiencies can reduce your ability to fight off the virus, they cannot give you the virus.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
last year I got really sick with the flu not sure if it was swine flu bu it war really bad, sickest I've ever been in my life.

symptoms for me:

- symptoms started really fast, came home from school was feeling okay then it hit me all of a sudden.

-no sore throat like a cold but I had a really bad headache, felt really weak, could barely stand and walk.

-then I got worse and I just basicly slept in bed all day like 20 hours of sleep a day for the first 5 days.

- I had no appetite and had to force myself to eat anythng so I barely ate anything for 5 days and lost tons of weight.

-I was also having really bad chills so i'd sleep under 2 blankets and I'd wake up every couple hours soaking wet from sweating a ton I'd sweat so much I'd literally be soaking wet and had to change clothes couple times a day.

-finally I had a bad cough and had breathing problems for many days, I had to use asthma inhalers as I had trouble breating and felt like i was going to die.

and like I said I had zero energy I could barely get out of bed to drink some water and i'd just go back to sleep. I started feeling better I think (slowly) after the first 5 days then I got fully better like 12 days later. I was taking antibiotics also as my doctor said I had a sinus infection.
I swear I felt just like yummy and it took me 2 months to recover at least. Got tinitis for 2 months, bad sinus e coughing later as a result for weeks. WORST OF ALL WERE THE BODY PAINS. My clothes felt like they were scrathching my skin always, like fibromyalgia,I guess, worst feeling ever! Damn Yummy for once I can relate...


got it from my uncle. had it for six hours went on a bike ride, drank a bunch of juice and smoked and it went away.


i think for a percentage of people its much worse though. Moldy Dreads and Yummy got it bad.


New member
A 13 year old boy who played competitive level hockey in my area died two days after contracting the virus at a hockey tournament. However there was never an autopsy done before the funeral so we'll never know if the patient suffered from other problems contributing to his death.

Weird virus, my doctor told me to check out Dr. Mercola on youtube when I asked him about it. Mercola basically says the US Government is blowing it out of proportion but still definitely something to watch.

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