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How to grow outdoors without electricity?


whoops the title should say DRY outdoors without electricity!

Heres what im thinking....

a small 300w greenhouse heater, with propane,
a camoflaged tent (3 man?),
drying racks.

Would this concept work? have seen anything similiar or another method worth a mention?



Active member
I would construct a tent of heavy duty tarp material and make sure that all sides inclusing the floor are covered (not as breathable as a camping tent)...a small generator for running a dehumidifier would be better than the greenhouse heater...

not that your idea is unworkable. i guess it depends a lot on the RH outside.


im thinking the generator would be too noisey for my guerilla situation.

i hoping the greenhouse heater will be next to silent...

the RH will be high im guessing though, will this turn my tent into a mold nest? im hoping the warmth will lower the humidity?


Active member
for sure it will... you may NEED a more breathable tent for your situation. Could you run some fans off batteries? That will help. large warm sheets of cardboard would be useful... just kinda brainstorming right now... free flowing the ideas.


Active member
you're definitely going to want venting at the top for the hotter and moister air to escape.


i planned to have slits in the top so the moist warm air could escape.... i was thinking about a car battery with computer fans, maybe as an intake too?


all praises are due to the Most High
build yourself a roof that protects the buds you want to dry from rain and direct sun-light, but that allows a lot of airflow; you can do this in a number of ways, like using nets for the walls to allow a lot of airflow, or simply have no walls at all, just a good roof that can handle and direct the water-flow nicely into the earth; you have to make it bigger than you would think to use the center of the roof without worrying about potential splashing from the sides.


Active member
computer fans are mad efficient. if you also had some dangling amidst your hung nugs. haha.. that sounded filthy. the more air movement the better.

how big a tarp could you hang over a wire stretched from one tree to another? PVR's suggestion for the structure does seem like the best

Airflow it the key, is there any reason that it has to be "inside" something. Another idea that you might try. Use poultry netting, chicken wire or what ever they call it on your area. It comes in different widths. Cut into 4" wide strips, and whatever length that your stiuation will allow. Hang the buds on it and tie a rope around the top. Throw it over a limb up as high as you can in a tree. Hoist up the wire with the buds attached. Lots of airflow up high. Not easy to smell from the ground either. Good camo too. Unless you grow where there are no trees.


just get a big tent from rei and throw all the herbs on strung up lines, keep the vents open but doors closed, put it in the shade, come back in 7 days and your stuff will be ready


thanks for your help guys, but i should have mentioned im in the uk... relative humidity will be high, 70+ im thinking, especially in mid october...

maybe a generator, silenced in a box? with a dehumidifer? would be better?

keep the ideas coming :)
or rain or heavy dew in the morning. [/QUOTE

It is always a trade off between stealth and some loss. At least where I live. When you live and grow in CA, you have many more options. Great grow thread you have.

just get a big tent from rei and throw all the herbs on strung up lines, keep the vents open but doors closed, put it in the shade, come back in 7 days and your stuff will be ready

Maybe if you live in Barstow.

relative humidity will be high, 70+ im thinking, especially in mid october...

IMHO you will need to get the RH down somehow, or get lots of air moving. Since I dont know your set up, rural, urban, or ?? Hard to advise the best way to go.


it will be in uk woodland or the outskirts of the woodland in thickets, over grown masses of brambles and spikey bushes.

id prefer the greenhouse heater to the noisey generator and dehumidifier, as there are paths near by travelled by ramblers.

im wondering if the greenhouse heater will turn the tent into a sweaty mold heaven? i think the only way to find out will be to test it and get back, with my findings.


Active member
It is always a trade off between stealth and some loss. At least where I live. When you live and grow in CA, you have many more options. Great grow thread you have.

I know. We are spoiled. My ideas, though, took heed of the facts that we are talking about someplace more humid and less... legal.

I think dangling a bunch of computer fans running off a car battery amongst the drying nugs might help a lot.

You probably wouldn;'t have started this thread, but is there any possibility of drying off-site?


Just had a brain wave, got the old hamster in the wheel spinning

Had this in my garage, and has been used before for drying and it works well. It has a shelve, so it has two drying levels. I wonder if the mini dehumdidifer and pc fans can be hooked up to a car battery? will find out and get back to you.

This country is turning into a police state and i only live a few miles away from the city. The police patrol my area on push bikes all the time now and they often patrol the area in vehicle's etc, we even have little cars that drive around with cctv camera built into the roof, recording people. It gives me the creeps! Carrying big bags of weed home is getting risky, even if you have a nice drying setup indoors, getting there has become a major problem. There have been alot of break in's recently, which makes things even more piggy.

I have another option, which would be to let a friend dry it for me? but i dont trust him totally, he likes to lie and is generally a bit of a weasel.


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lol.... i dont think he would totallly rip me off but im sure an oz or two might magically disappear :kos: