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San Diego's Finest Cuts



koopa has a nice thread up with some side by sides... have to find it.

I THOUGHT THE SDxSB s1s would be rad, too....

i still have another 15 but those are reserved for 'end times' haha

edit: and then theres that single male we found... hopefuly he does some good things. a BX with the SDX is what the world needs : )

edit x2: heres the link to koopsa thread w great pics.
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ya i really really love the socal master.. And i think she is good enough to keep alongside the bubba... Shes got just enough difference to her. I almost think she is more potent than bubba, but i like the taste of bubba more.

And ya i LOVE the larry berry... Such a enjoyable high... Im sad i dont have anymore of her :(
oh well.. I liked her too much, and smoked her up too fast


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
That is a solid thread. (Koopa's in Flower Pix) i see only the most subtle differences between the scmk and bubba there. the smokes great but has anyone got either of those 2 to yield very well at all? I know i enjoy puffing my bubba (few more weeks :woohoo:) but i am getting very frustrated with getting them to yield. I used to have a scmk that looked identical too. Very deep purples almost black, same structure, similar smell. I have trouble telling them apart once cut/dried. I do know that i like the effects of both..

actually here is a shot of the pre98 bubba from TODAY.

anyway, i was dropping in because i owe this pic to Cali..
this is his Cindy on day 41. the second, and largest of the 2 i have. Still very clear triches but i took a sample, you know.. for science. :joint:




Active member
I took 5 Socal MK down a couple weeks ago and was getting 2.5 - 3 oz per off of plants no taller than 26 inches. That too me seems above average. I waited an extra two weeks after they looked done and feel that that is why I recieved those results. Just my honest opinion.





Made contact with an old,old friend from anza socal.

back in 84 he was showing tribes how to deal with the soviet union.

anywho.... he kept some old school around before sam the skunkman cross bred the road kill.

I walked up to the house..skunk ass soooo thick i freeked out.

so after looking at this skunk plants in clone..veg and flower...

picked out 3 clones with 12 inch roots.

the clones had to be tupperwared because the stink.

He reminded me that he has heard alot of peeps miss this cut.

so....mabie if i can get my shit together and see if its worthy of anyone's space...she will be a cheap stinky slut.

looks like a pure x master kush with silver bracts and and a smell that is almost brings a tear to the eve..

pics later...:joint:


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Mito - how long did you veg?

you're in soil i believe, right? One thing i know for sure is that next run i am going to use larger (3.5 - 4 gal) pots and maybe veg a little longer. My veg was less then 11 days from clone. I also have 12 squeezed into less then 16 sq ft. My carbon filter is on the floor (propped up on a bucket actually) using a good amount of my 4' x 4' space.

How many plants do you have per sq foot (if you don't mind, feel free to ingore this question if you like) under how many watts?

I would like to run my SCMK again or my Pre-98 Bubba but i would like to see more yields.

Right now it looks like my SFV and Cindy are going to be the heaviest but for dankness i love the Burkle (also hard to get a good yield comparitively speaking). I am waiting to see if my Bull Rider makes a move in the next few weeks here. I see some definite potential, but nothing beats the C for speed.

BTW, those plants looks super. Nice work on those ladies, damn.




Active member
@Natagonnaworrie- Vegged for 1 week under a 125w @ 64k lumens from 8 inches above. Actually I am in the medium grodan rockwool cubes sitting on top of 3x6 slabs @ 3 per(so one in the center of every square foot). I usually stick to 9 - 12 per table give or take under 1kw magnum XXXL's with global greenhouse 1k ballasts(these have since been switched in favor of next gen's).
As far as spacing matters, if there not touching they are fine, IMHO.
I am vegging out a friends SFV OG and purple at the moment. Glad to hear the SFV is sizeable. your pics look great and all of looks tasty. which Cindy is that?

Thank you for the kind words, Natagonnaworrie.

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If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
oh, i was way off on the medium huh?? only one week veg and you're pulling nice numbers from the MK. Sweet work man. I'm gonna have to keep tinkering, but i think i want to stay with my soil mix for a while longer. It gives me peace of mind when i am away for long periods of time. One reason i got out of e&f was because i never liked the idea of all that water around electric.. just paranoid maybe, but i like my soil gig these days. If i was pulling 3 zips off my Bubba though i'd like that too.

the cindy is a pineapple pheno from PNC that originally came from Cali's stock. Probably my favorite plant in the garden right now. I love a lot of variety but i think i could run all Cindy and OGK and be happy... just my :2cents:

...and maybe a SSH, NYCD, Amnesia Haze, ST#3, GDP, Larry, Blue Dream and BB. thats it... wait, :chin:


ya the 'growing' / 'clone' scene really has changed over the years... I feel like a lot of 'medical patients' act like they are deserved something/ entitled to things. Before the 'medical movement' people would grow one, maybe two strains... And they would hold onto there clones like it was there only way of survival... Nowdays, access to 'elites' is ridiculous for medical patients.. You can literally go into a 'store' and buy clones.. Even have a selection of strains to choose from many times....
Its funny, when someone cant have something (a certain clone) they go apeshit about it.. I guess its just human nature to want what they cant have....
But to think its some "elite growers code" is kinda funny to me :p
Some people have gone through a lot of risk/ time/ effort etc. In order to acquire, and or breed there 'prized clones'
I feel like a lot of 'oldschool' growers, are totally fed up/ annoyed with medical patients, and the 'gimme gimme' attitude.

you know jeffi have been on both sides ofthis and never had a problem either way. if a bro gives me something on my word that's it. i'm cautious about even breeding for other than personal use. if i'm not suppossed to give it away i won't tell most i have it. just saves time, hurt feelings. usually i have enough good things i can share no one even askes about the one's i don't name or offer.

shit, maybe i am a grumpy oldscholler!


edit: and before you start calling me an asshole (which i wear the badge proudly) and a hoarder, for the record in case you didnt already know i am the guy who brought the Grape Romulan from a very closed circiut in the triangle down to the so cal "i have a doctors recommendation so i deserve the best clones because i am just entitled to it" scene for others to enjoy. I also spread without restictions to a few clone vendors the matanuska thunderfuck clone i paid over $1k for.


dude you are such an old school hoarder!!! no just playin' got your pm. it is what it is. hope the patch work holds up. things go thata way sometimes. know for a fact you are a generous bro. still welcome in my book. let it be what it may. if i get it its yours still. tickets man tickets. we all gotta ride.......

That 619 (if it is an s1) did nothing for me, that's for sure! Have you had other bad experiences with s1's? I was thinking the Sour Dub s1 would kick ass...apparently, you were too? Sorry if you have this documented elsewhere, I didn't search first...but a backcross of the Sour Dub seems to have awesome potential...

Shan i ran an s1 headband andit was as good as the original, also running an s1 of sub's granddaddypurpleskunk (gdpxsk) and i'll let you all know if it's as good as the mom.



Active member
my post was meant for a frined on here whos wife has skin cancer, an shes talkin about euphoria for weeks now an how it would help her. i asked about it a few pages back, cause i've been on a search for it to get a cut to my frined so he can supply his wife. i was just tryin to get him stoked..

i gave my other friend (cut supply) meds for the next 2 months, for his son, with cerebral palsy.. until the euphoria finishes, an then i will give him all the finished meds.. an only keep 2 cuts..thats our deal. sure im lying..which in no way is right, but im more concrned about helping people...

guess im just a shady fool to some of you. but thats cool.. : )


sure im lying..which in no way is right, but im more concrned about helping people...

alls i know is a man's word is a man's word is a man's word.
i am sure you could help people without lying to others.

but the 'robin hood' technique works though, too.
its a crazy world we live in.

enjoy your plants.


BlackBerry Kush, Dried. These went 52 days. This has gotten the "best I have ever seen" commentary from several veteran smoker friends. I have to admit, it does look wicked in the bag.



Black Cherry. I will be uploading some more pics of these as they come down. I took this one today but will leave the others to push more pigment. I picked these beans up as a 10 pack from breed bay in 2006. Cross was c99 Cherry pheno x Blackberry f2. It matures to a dark grape hue and reeks of nectarines and watermelon. What more could you ask for?

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
The Raskal's SoCal, or the 619? I had 2 strikes with the 619 Master, just couldn't get her to do anything for me and culled it.

Im doing the 619 right now but this will be the last. It's putting on weight but just isnt that frosty and it's odor is very unexciting.

Speaking of excitement levels...
Thank You SUBROB
The Pepper show last night was a blast. A mass of humanity bathed in songs about "dirty hot sex". Who could ask for more. Thanks Sub for sharing the 411 and the ummm...ins & outs about the show!


Hell yea Sub thanks for a great time, I was bummed pepper didnt play longer since I kinda wasnt watching the show most of the night.....

Tried out some awesome buds though, some grape rom from Danknuggler was a bit early but still kicked ass! Looked great too, and then I smoked some Diesel wreck from BHT and that was the shiiit too. Good times, smoking GI all night of course as well!!! Tons of friends there, it was really cool. Thanks again, good to see you GT! Also grey, spicoli, and everyone else! PEACE


Active member
grey: lyings wrong i know man,but like you said its a crzy world, an for some really crazy. all i wanna do to my frined is take the crazy shit away, an bring the joy of life back to her...robin hood style..haha. : )

i went to the show last night to, i wasnt lookin for any ic'ers..but i sure smelled you guys..haha. my gf loves pepper, she loved the show as did i, THANKS FOR THE INFO SUB.

humble : that 3rd blackberry pic looks like some shit out of a comic book ! look at those colors..like some crazy cryptonite..haha

Jalisco Kid

Active member
GS I was looking forward to those sdx s1's. I am real divided on access to genetics. I remember those who liked to rub it into peoples faces that they are in a click. Too me those growers are pathetic, then you have clowns that want for no other reason then they know a name like kushes. No intent on breeding just to feed their egos. I remember when I first was offered some killer strains,I traveled 1000's of miles to get them. These were the days when you offered up your first borne...
Now you have people growing different strains every cycle, never learning what each strain,hell each pheno has to offer. Diluting everything, now it is next to impossible to find landrace strains even at home.
On the other hand I made a cross of S indian I called Smelly Delhi. I had her for about a year. Did not pass it around and lost her while away in mexico. It still hurts. live and learn.
So start coughing up those strains guys...lol Suerte JK
Humble if you took the time and treated her well would you consider that BbK a producer? Nice pics I can take 20 of the same bud different angles never get the sparkle or true color.


Now you have people growing different strains every cycle, never learning what each strain,hell each pheno has to offer.


Humble if you took the time and treated her well would you consider that BbK a producer? Nice pics I can take 20 of the same bud different angles never get the sparkle or true color.

No way. Just doesn't have the structure. We'll see what the SpaceQueen male has to offer in the hybrid. Thanks for the props on the pics. Sharing the best that I can.

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