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finishing out "Hermies"

So, I have six (2 Schnazzleberry and 4 AK) plants in a very small cab, i believe the hermies came from light leak, but that's neither here nor there right now.

About 4-5 days ago, i noticed the first one (of the larger plants) had a bannana, i pulled it out of the cabinet and started flushing it, figured losing one to save the rest is ok.

This morning I awoke to 4 out of the 5 plants left showing 'nanners...

Even worse, the ladies are at 7 weeks, i only have about a week or two left.

I'm in a pickle though, should i put them all back into the cab and finish out the last couple weeks? Should i remove the 'nanners before i put them back in the cab? Should i cut my losses, and flush them for another week outside of the cab and then harvest? Should i just say f-it and smoke a blunt and cry?

The dude who gave me the clones says to finish them out, but my other friend is saying nix them shits. :1help::1help::1help:

here are 3 macro shots of the trichomes to show y'all how far along they are.



ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about your nanners count. I would let them go, as seeds take 4 to 5 weeks to develop. If you're just a week or 2 out, you'll have some husks. I say go for it!

Nice pic on you sig, btw!

danny karey

Yep, I say pick the nanners of if ya can(you don't have to though, there's no way your plants will be all ful seed with just a week or 2).

Than I would check for light leaks, cause I don't think those lines have hermies in them.

They look frosty as hell man, great job on those.

id say definitely finish them out, and pinch off the nanners, no point in wasting a grow. the smoke will still be good, it will not be up to par if you chopped them now though. and fix your light leak and get new cuts for next time. they look good by the way.


Active member
I would let them go... like festivus said, if you're only 1-2 weeks away from chopping, just start flushing those bitches. You aren't going to get full seeds in that amount of time.
I would pull the bananas as you see them and then put them back in the cab. Just check every day for more and pull whatever bananas you see. If it starts getting out of control then just chop them down and you're done.

That's all still mostly good bud there tho, don't think its a total wash.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Remember, you can't get seeds anywhere but directly below each 'naner' unless you have a fan blowing. Personally, I haven't blown fans on my plants since the mid 70's for many reasons, but pollin is one of them.

here's all of them... and here's a labeled shot. the one with the female symbol is the only one that didn't have bananas. (these are under a 400W by the way, not in the photos though...)



yep...i would pick off the dix and finish em off...they look pretty close anyway:2cents:


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I'd finish them out, even if they do become fully seeded (unlikely, especially if you keep pulling the sacks) its a small price to pay for the better buds you will get from finishing them.

If it were me (and it has been, my first grow all turned hermi; heat stress.) I would sacrifice the convince of seedless bud for higher quality smoke because if you do harvest them early you won't get the potency advantage from sensimilla. In the end the bud will be worth the presence of seeds.

Also, to avoid pollinating the other one, put it in another room or outside if possible.
here's the castrated 'nanners... i put them all back in the cab.



the container is A LOT smaller than it looks, but those are all the 'nanners off all the plants...


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
theirs an awful lot of bud there to, it looks like its more bud then sacks. Tweezers would help...

Budley Doright

Active member
Some may not know...

cannabis is a bit unusual because it has 2 types of hermie flowers....

The sack type....and the nanner type.....

The sack type is a normal male flower and there are also separate female flowers on the plant....

the nanner type...like in this thread have male parts in female flowers....

The two types are called perfect and imperfect hermie flowers....

I find the ball types must be removed.....

The nanner types its often ok to simply leave them on the plant..... their proximity to moist female parts normally keeps them from doing much.....

I have found it better to non remove them with tweezers since that squishes the pollen out of the nanner.....


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I do the tweezer method on the nanners and if it gets worse I spray with high ph water to kill any pollen and also turn off any fan in the room (assuming temps allow for that).

Spraying the girls in flower ISN'T a good idea BUT if you isolate to nanner section it works pretty well. Easy way to stop seeds BUT not all of them.

More of a controlled hermie issue at that point, yes there will be some seeds BUT not as many as if you let them spit pollen on itself.

I would rather have semi seeded bud from 7 girls versus culling them and having none. Keep em all flowering and just get the nanners you can WITHOUT breaking them up BUT if they do open up then spray a bit of high ph water on the affected area.

To the above poster, yes you could break em open with tweezers IF you don't do it gently. If one opens have the water ready and spray that on that area to kill the pollen and hope for the best.


some strains tend to hermie towards the end. sometimes there's nothing you can do but pull off the bananas and wait for the cut. its hard to tell unless everyone knows specifics. anyways lots of people go through this towards the end with a new strain, don't worry. some plants are just more sensitive than others.

dont scrap it. you've gotten this far, it'd be a shame to kill a plant you've loved for this long. a few seeds will not kill your potency to enough of a degree at this point, don't worry. you've already succeeded by seeing you plants to finish... don't give up on them now.

pick of bananas as you see them, although at this point the pollen probably isn't viable (but that is neither here nor there)... and wait for your chosen harvest time.

some strains tend to hermie in flush if you are unfamiliar with them. no prob. be patient, be observant, use the search function, and enjoy your harvest.


ICMag Donor
Yup, pick the nanners and keep going like everyone is saying. I did Swazi Gold outdoors 2 years ago, had to pick off dozens of nanners every morning. Thought about chucking it but didn't. Got a decent amount of smoke with maybe 2 dozen seeds, so it was worth the trouble. Yes, the seeds are female, but IMO the hermie trait is passed on, possibly doubling with each new generation.

Budley Doright

Active member
Can we pose the question a little differently....

Do any of you have a clone you grow thats just a wee bit hermie...

and you dont pluck the male bits????
i wouldn't plant the seeds if I got any... i wouldn't trust them. I'm going to find a way to buy some seeds, it'll be my first time (buying seeds), but due to my recent joining of the Medical side of the cannabis community I'm a bit less afraid to do it now. Any suggestions guys??? I hear attitude is pretty reliable...