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Burning stems and leaves as a means of disposal?


Is there a real security concern if, after harvest, one were to throw the organic trash (stems, leaves, cuttings) onto a fire in a fireplace? I am only talking about a couple of small plants and I'm not suggesting dumping all the material on the fire at once; but can you envision a smoke or smell problem (both inside and outside of the house) if the cuttings were slowly added to a fire?

Keep in mind that it would be at night and the weather would warrant a nice fire. I'm not suggesting billowing smoke from a chimney at noon in the middle of August. However, I am referring to a home in a residential neighborhood with neighbors. Considering that the alternative is driving the material to a dumpster, I'm torn as to what the better option is. . .



Wait 'til after midnight and then slowly feed them to the fire...or make oil out of the leaves
i wouldn't try the fire place you never just to be safe but if you really know your neighborhood and the people around you then give it a try but do it carefully


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Sure, why not, after a few minutes the plant will be gone. The initial burn will fill the air with a sweet aroma, but that too shall pass. You can always cover it up by tossing a few handfuls of Elm leave on top. Mmmm. Elm.


I can't help but think that if you threw the stems into your fireplace then your nextdoor neighbours might be able to smell it, but obviously that depends on a few variables. Anyway just something to consider!


Thanks for the replies. The deed is done and the timing couldn't have been better: the burn coincided with a rainy, windy night. Whatever smoke/smell left the chimney was quickly swept away -- disappeared like a fart in the wind. Nothing remains but unidentifiable wood and plant ash.