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I am an old guy that quit smokin for about 20 years and recently started back again and I have naturally tuned into the net to see what's up these days. Man, things have changed a lot. Much better weed, little or no seeds. I have been getting smoke from a college kid and he says that his dealer has a menu to choose from...wild.

I have enjoyed reading about the old days on this site, brings back many great memories. Some things I haven't thought about in a long time like seed burns on your favorite shirt...

That got me to thinking about "shotguns" from a joint or pipe...remember that? I had a wood pipe that was actually a tobacco pipe (never burned tobacco in it though) that we would give each other shotguns with sometimes. One thing we did was the recipient would squat and slowly stand while getting a shotgun all the way up. It would create quite a rush. We had a name for it, but I forget what we called it. Burned my tounge countless times giving shotguns with a joint...ahh those were the days... :joint:


New member
Welcome graybeard. I remember that process myself. over the past weekend deerhunting we were discussing smoking techniques and I told the next generation about how we would heat up 2 spoons til they were red, put some smoke on the spoon and hold them together with a pliers. The killer was that we would do this sitting under a blanket. The only thing you inhaled was smoke, period. This new generation just doesn't get it. We did though as we could barely get out of the blanket we were soooo stoned.

I bet the shirts were polyester, right?
As teens we never did the stand up part, but we quickly learned never to do a shotgun from a metal pipe.......(if you haven't tried, don't, just think about it for a second). Also from an army bud I remember the "Green Elephant" so named because it was usually done with an Army Shirt. Hopefully a clean, unworn shirt. 1 would give the shotgun thru the end of the sleeve and the receiver would have his face as far as possible into the shoulder/armpit end of the sleeve to get only the smoke. (This is where the clean/unworn part comes in). That 2 spoon method is new to me tho. Just why did we do things like that??? I cant remember...But I do miss hash on a pin under a glass. Hell, I miss hash, blond Lebanese or something like that...


Hank Hemp

Active member
Ah, the shotgun a almost lost art. It was one of those thing the Nam dudes brought back. You know a Hippie would never name something "shotgun". Am I right?


Hey, I had forgotten hash on a pin under a glass...but yep done that a few times with blonde hash. One time I got some black hash we called "pig shit"...yes I'm from the south lol. The first time I got some we smoked some and I had to drive about 100 miles back to college and I got paranoid and had to pull into a rest stop and chill for a while...lol.
Ah, the shotgun a almost lost art. It was one of those thing the Nam dudes brought back. You know a Hippie would never name something "shotgun". Am I right?

Good point but don't remember anyone saying they used a 12 gauge in the army. We did comment on the local rednecks that had an "Easy Rider Shotgun Rack" mounted in the their pickup trucks. Yes, I am from Hicksville, as far from it as I can be, I hope...now lets see if we can saw that thing off and make it a lil shorter, hehehe


We are Farmers
Power Hitter, good times fogging out in a pup tent with one of these



Power Hitters, I forgot and don't wonder why. Used a honey dispenser or 2 that way. Think its still made, it was shaped like a small bear. Clear even, just had to get it out before the plastic tip melted.

While on memory lane, anyone remember the "Dry Ice Trick" for that shitty homegrown that came around in the summer. As if that leafy crap could have been better. Damn near ruined a fridge with it. Life in a small town will make you learn to be self sufficient. Or buy things at least two counties away, or across the state line.


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
Ah, the shotgun a almost lost art. It was one of those thing the Nam dudes brought back. You know a Hippie would never name something "shotgun". Am I right?

You got that right, Hank! It was the Nam vets. The origin of SHOTGUN. :joint: We all thought it was pretty cool. We would get so very wasted doing shotguns. What a wild n crazy time. Peace.

Fred el Gato

I remember using the electric turbo hitter ran on a 9 volt. Smoke so dense it was blue. Also remember as kids at the drive-in, so as to not attract attention, we'd use the car lighter. Break a little of a bud and drop it on the hot coil, nice nostril hits.


Ha! Fred's post reminds me that the last movie that I saw at a drive in was Up In Smoke when it first came out, I guess it was 1979. How fitting...There was three of us and after buying a case of beer to battle cotton mouth we only had enough money for one ticket so my two buds got in the trunk...we had to put the spare in the back seat. Couldn't do that with todays cars...lol it was a 1973 Grand Prix...my first car.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Good point but don't remember anyone saying they used a 12 gauge in the army. We did comment on the local rednecks that had an "Easy Rider Shotgun Rack" mounted in the their pickup trucks. Yes, I am from Hicksville, as far from it as I can be, I hope...now lets see if we can saw that thing off and make it a lil shorter, hehehe

Yp point men some times carried a 12 gauge pump, could have been a 10 with double aught shot. Not me. :joint:


I remember the Power Hitter. I remember it being black. We used to toss it across the room to pass it.


shotguns and elevators
roach clips with the feathers
rolling mats
smoking stones
mexican granite pipes
4 finger lids for 20


Active member
You old timers are funny. How about vaporizers and glass on glass bongs. lol. Keep on keeping on old dudes. Thanks for setting the path.


stone fool
Some of my fondest stoner memories are of lovely young ladies bending over to give me shotguns, their perky young titties falling into view, and them and I both enjoying that as well as the smoke...........nice to remember.


Rubbing my glands together
I must be getting old. Haven't seen a Powerhitter in 30 years.
Agreed Haps, always loved the view from the outside looking in. Of course perky, floppy, big, small, young, or old never really mattered, boobs is boobs! hehe


shotguns and elevators
roach clips with the feathers
rolling mats
smoking stones
mexican granite pipes
4 finger lids for 20

Hell yea!! I think "elevator" is what we called the shotgun while u stand up...
I had a black "smoking stone" with a gold fan leaf on top, didn't use it much, but it looked cool. I was always one of those guys that could smoke a J down to nothing with bare fingers...but always had a pair of hemostats handy if we were at my house or car. I had a cowboy hat with feather hat band ala Charlie Daniels/Richard Petty and had an alligator roach clip clipped on the back of the hatband and the feathers hanging off the back of the hat...kinda like the smoking stone...didn't wear the hat much, but it was cool. 4 finger "Lids" ahh yea, mostly leaf, stems and seeds with a couple buds thrown on top to make it look good. I would always pour it out on a double album cover and and set the buds aside and then get the stems out and use a playing card to get the seeds out. Put what was left back in the baggie and that was rollin weed. I could roll a decent joint while driving. The buds would get smoked thru the bong usually. Back then I had a huge seed stash and in hard times would throw a pile back on an album cover and always find a little weed in there. I would purposly let a little go down with the seeds when I would de-seed a bag knowing it would come in handy when I didn't have money or it was "dry" (couldn't find any weed to buy)

You old timers are funny. How about vaporizers and glass on glass bongs. lol. Keep on keeping on old dudes. Thanks for setting the path.

I had a ceramic bong that was really cool, it had a one hit bowl and a little built in tray out front that would hold some reefer so you could pass it around and everyone could load their own hit. It had a carb on the back that you used your thumb on...I called it "The Masakist"...of course it was black too. I also made several "water pipes" out of pyrex beakers back in the day...stick around kid you just might learn something...

Some of my fondest stoner memories are of lovely young ladies bending over to give me shotguns, their perky young titties falling into view, and them and I both enjoying that as well as the smoke...........nice to remember.

Ah yes, I remember one or two well. I remember giving shotguns to the ladies and turning my head sideways...had to get the nose out of the way...and my glass eye would look em straight in the eye while my good eye would be looking down their shirt...funny as hell, but true...