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Colorado Forms Medical Marijuana Trade Group!


Active member
Medical marijuana providers in Colorado have formed a new trade group to help set standards for dispensaries.

In addition, this group will:
develop quality-control guidelines to protect patients, produce a regular magazine and perhaps even start an online medical-marijuana commodities market for dispensary owners to purchase their product.
If any collective/dispensary, lawyers or doctors are interested in joining a similar California Collective Coalition, check out this. I envision a collective of collectives that will also function as a lobbying group for mmj providers as well as doing what the Colorado group is doing.

Source: http://www.denverpost.com/headlines/ci_13768533
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The industry is moving so fast. We're WAY ahead of the lawmakers, which is good because it will force them to accept us as legal and valid buisness people. Keep up the good work!

sac beh

Go for it, Skip. Best of luck! I'm excited about this news in Colorado. Seems like we're doing a lot of things right.

Kola Radical

I see trade shows in Las Vegas. Get your strains ready.

BTW... isn't this the last year for the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam?

Have the next one in Colorado!


many and i do meen many people here in colorado have thought this up time and time again..i am sure all in time it will happen or maybe not at all. to many grey areas but good luck

Blue Dot

But won't most of the dispensaries that are crooks oppose this?

More regulation means less profit for them.

Basically why cali dispensaries are opposed to regulation.

The day they have to stop selling oldy/moldy would mean the death of them.
Why would anyone think regulating something natural? I know there needs to be some guidelines, but I'm not sure what that would be. I know that when you get lawmakers and Lawyers involved in something then its not going to be good for everyone. They will regulate profits or make sure that no one can make a profit. What the hell is wrong with a person making money. How long has people been smoking marijuana medically without regulating it? Let it be legal and let those that grow it sell it. People put the so called drug dealer down. Whats up with that? These people have been supplying you forever, and without them you would have been up shit creek.
I am all for legalizing but not for government control. Growers have spent a life time of growing for several reasons of which is justified and respected by me as a farmer like any other farmer trying to make money, but as we all know that government has put all small farmers out of business just so the big timers can take over. Its all going to be about government making money and a lot of hidden things you just can see and not aware of. Get ready for legal med. marijuana and small quantity's to possess, but also get ready for take over of growers that have done it a life time.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I see this as a certification thing.

Some people will only by USDA certified Organic foods, people who don't care buy the cheaper stuff.

It will be no different with grass.


Active member
Why would anyone think regulating something natural? I know there needs to be some guidelines, but I'm not sure what that would be. I know that when you get lawmakers and Lawyers involved in something then its not going to be good for everyone. They will regulate profits or make sure that no one can make a profit. What the hell is wrong with a person making money.
It's not the government forming the trade group, it's the dispensaries. Such a trade group ensures that prices are reasonable and that the bizes are protected.

sac beh

They will regulate profits or make sure that no one can make a profit. What the hell is wrong with a person making money. How long has people been smoking marijuana medically without regulating it? Let it be legal and let those that grow it sell it. People put the so called drug dealer down. Whats up with that? These people have been supplying you forever, and without them you would have been up shit creek.

As a grower or dispensary you have a right to not be associated with this group, even though they offer protection and benefits to you. No one is saying there's something wrong with making money. It comes down to priorities--which, by the way, is the same with the health care debate, but we won't get into that.

Priority Question: What purpose does cannabis serve and why does it exist? What is the purpose of Colorado's medical marijuana laws? Will you answer that their purpose is to make money or to give a dealer a hobby? Or would you answer that their purpose is to benefit humankind and, in the latter case, to allow patients access to their medicine? You see where I'm going? Unless you want to say that the patient/consumer and his/her experience of using cannabis is NOT a priority for marijuana legalization, you have to see how some form of regulation could be good.

Under legalization, dealers don't exist without consumers, but consumers can exist without dealers. I'm tired of hearing people bitching about their right to profit in a discussion that should be about the individual's right to medicine and a natural plant. Your ability to sell it is logically dependent upon your already given right as an individual to possess, grow and use it. Thus the latter right is superior.



I have proposed this idea to many in the recent past. Due to amendment 20 such an association would necessarily be voluntary in nature. It would set standards for members that would then be certified. That certification would be like a gold seal that would attract more business than non-members. Dues paying, compliant dispensaries would attract more business and therefore tempt others to get in line.

Markets, incentives, and liberty work. It's great to see it happen before our eyes.
a "trade association" sure makes for one stop shopping for the DEA..and an extraordinary complex chemical test ( and what exactly are you going to be looking for here?) for $60....

sounds like a new kind of profiteering on the profiteers if you ask me.

Even FDA standards allow for a percentage ( albeit small)of rodent hair and feces in human food right?

It will be interesting to watch these developments in the "industry"
I am by no means against people getting medicine, nor the purpose you serve, but when FDA gets involved things get very shady, and just not right. Who in their right mind puts trust in any part of the FDA and government? I'm just saying that it won't be what you think it will be. Your intentions and purpose is worthy of respect, but the pharmaceutical company's, and a few others control the FDA; meaning with money beyond imagination. Beware of the shiny lure because there is a hook behind it.
Good luck on your goals.