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Trouble Cloning?? Please help Pic


So my clones have been in Rapid Rooters, with a rooting hormone called Juicy roots and watering with distilled water with a little green fuse rooting solution. Humidity is really high with a 65 watt floro right above the lid. My question is how much longer till they root? It has been 13 days since I put them into the rapid rooters. The strain is bubblegum. Here is a pic of the cut. (I know im not supposed to check on the inside but its never taken this long.)



i dont know why you use anything other then hormone,water,rapidrooter ?

i presoak rooter,sqeeze xtra water out, cut my clone, dip in hormone, then i insert into rooter and wait 7-10 days.
over 100 cuts have been taken in the last 2 months with 100% of those rooting in less then 10 days.

that pic shows ROOT/STEM ROT..do to way to much water,heat and or humidity
i use nothing more then a single 18w cfl..clones dont need that much light till they root and they dont need tons of water being they dont take up water threw stem untill they have roots etc.

i never have root/stem rot, they never yellow at all, and they never take longer then 10 days no matter the strain. my guess is you are tending to them to much and over caring will kill seeds/clones every time. goodluck


New member
looks like its about to root, maybe check the ph of the water your using and leave it for a little longer. putting a heating mat for germinating helps too. be patient


Weed Robot
looks like its about to root, maybe check the ph of the water your using and leave it for a little longer. putting a heating mat for germinating helps too. be patient

yeah what he said

give it some time it can be your temps are deferrent from last time but it looks like they'll be busting in few days .. the stem is bumpy thats signs


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
may be too much light - i use 9watt warm white cfl and keep at 70 or near as i can.

im in the desert and had trouble cloning for the longest time and just after 3 or 4 times doin it i now get almost every one to root theres some here n there that just dont do it one thing u might try is starting with a larger cutting not unless u like starting from seed every time :) trim your roots up and all just leave a longer stem for when you transplant it one the plug will never been seen which i really find annoying but thats my own issue really it doesnt hurt anything i just want my stuff to look as nice as possible not only that but after u plant the rapid rooter u bury all the extra stem with the plug burried deep so no way for it to surface and that stem is going to shoot out more and more roots :) just my expierence i clone using the rapid roote3rs and at first was a real pain in the but keeping approiate water lvls n what not so i switched over to peet pucks and they work awesome but beings i had such good results im kinda stuck between the too but i think ill keep using the peet pucks till i run out got about 100 of them it took me forever to find a store that even sold them here in las vegas so i find them but the deal is you have to buy there tray and dome lowes was the place i found them i guess during spring they sell just the peet pucks but in off season they only sell them as a set either way both excellent ways to clone the pucks i used nothing but water though and the RR's i used gel and olivias clone solution same brand of gel but almost every one rooted so ill use both these ways just depending on which ones cheapest at that particular time of the year if its time were i can get just the peet pucks alone then itll be them otherwise the gel and olivia's solution has worked excellent im actually glad that they both had almost 100% when it came to roots just my expierences :) theresno wrong or right way theres a million different ways you just have to kinda figure out what works best in your conditions such as RH, temp, and stuff of this nature
for light i use just them cheap clamp on lights u buy at a hardware store and use 100 w fluro bulbs in them not sure what the actual wattage is but its supposed to be as good as a 100w conventional bulb and i keep it very close to the tops of the cloner if i dont i dont get and RH beings the average RH here is like 3 or so lol desert like the other ppl have told ya too patience bro sometimes its a bitch it'll get easier though
A good gel, maybe some neem oil in your solution if you notice fungus...which I do not, but some sterile mediums can build fungus faster than you germinate/root.

Test the PH of your solution as well, overmind1632 has a good idea as well.