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love it to the bone, please try and put your hand or other infront of the flash to avoid the shiny flash in the budshots

lets see what the crowd thinks of these non auto strains, i think they might be hungry for some budporn.

so.. random pix of super silver haze, super silver cheese haze, FinX, TAK3 and unknown sativas... enjoy the collage :joint:



very nice work brother :)

those autos are huge....

thanks a bunch shroomyshroom :D they are about 4 foot tall or ca 125 cm. im about ready to start the AK47/pekhuruder F1's, cant wait to see those :yes:.



:redface::respect: you are the man Peat! :wave:

SOme really feisty pics mon!
Have you noticed any thricome increasing from the darkperiod ??

i cant say that i have really m8, maybe she filled in alittle more then her sister in the 24/0 room. i put her on the basement floor for the last few days, its real cold there, hope she reacts to that.

NICE update! Those pehkuruders are some nicest indoor autos I've seen! How long you think they'll go?

hey teddy :wave: im quite astonished myself. just goes to show a private breeding project is totally worth it, also i think we havent begun to see the auto revolution yet. :D i think we will see much astonishing in the future.

ill cut them in a week or so, mind you they are seeded so im unsure if a non seeded girl would yield more and finish slower. but i think 7-9 weeks of flowering on these. about 3 weeks vegtime. this depending on light regime.

i feel obligated to mention that i didnt breed these from start myself. they were developed by some talented finnish breeders and given to me at a stabile auto stage.

love it to the bone, please try and put your hand or other infront of the flash to avoid the shiny flash in the budshots

thanks jokercow :yes: ill do that, the shinyness has much do to with the hps being on aswell. without the flash its hard to see the details because there are lights from all angles. ill definately work on my picture taking skills :D

i seem to have double posted some pics and quite a few are off focus also hehe, what can i say,- im more talented with living things then electrical ones hehehe :D

peace guys thanks for commenting, much appriciated :D its nice to know someone is out there hehe :wave:


seems like there was a bit of an accident in the 12/12 room tonite. one of the super silver hazes had tipped over flat on the floor due to the weight of the top cola.

here is that cola yesterday, the long one in the middle bending strongly to the right.


that plant has a tiny pot because i didnt want her to go too large. i tied her up, it seems like more of them are going to need a tie up soon. was hoping i wouldnt have to do that until i cut down the TAK3's

ohwell its the good type of hazzle, better that then too small colas imo :D


ok update.. im about to upload some new pics, but meanwhile i can tell you that i removed one of the 600w lights from the room because of the radiation heat which i think might be causing evaporation of the trichomes in the top buds. the gals are too tall or the room is too low .. :D wish i had a proper macro objective for my cam to show this.


when i can afford it i will prompt be switching to either 250w's or 400w's. light overkill is highly overrated immothinks! :joint:

another thing ive noticed is some hermies in the TAK3's now at the very end when i have started to stress them alittle. no biggie, the indica is 100% milky trichs atm, ill abuse her with some bad treatment in a cold basement for a coupple of days before i chop her. cold and dark is the recipy hehe.


Hey brother from the north!'

Ya plants look yummy yummy !!

:lurk: :lurk:


he-hey doktoren brotherman nice to see you innit! :wave: hope you stick around for the northern hybrids m8 :D bout to pop some pehkuruder crosses in a bit.

Looking good!

kenobi .. yoyo m8 thanks alot, ive been having abit of issue with the radiation heat thats it. some accidental seeding seems to have happend also from the auto pollination projects but i can live with that for this time. next time ill set up a sex-room. -Me want me sensi,-just that -SENSI!

sweet jeebus son! Outstanding!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to arcticsun again.

thanks LB :redface::friends: i kno i promiced some pics but instead of taking some proper ones i started working in the room hehe. also had to pick the damn hermie bananas off the TAK3. found about 5-6 or so, i dont think they will drop any pollen but just incase.

the cheese/ssh are fattening up real nice. for now ill post up some shit pics of them from some days ago. some of them have suffered some heat stress and stretched to spear shaped buds. its no major biggie as they havent really started to produce much trichomes yet and so there hasnt been much evaporation of the oils or liquids or whathave you not in the trichomes. i just notice there seems to be damage to the trichomes on buds subjected to radiation heat.

today i restocked on nutes for them so its no point cheaping on nutes nomore. i gave them a 1,7EC mix with sensi bloom A+B, B-52 & bigbud. no enzyme today as they have been underfed the last feeding. im in week 6 with these now, so its on to overdrive next feeding. i think 10 weeks on these atleast. my christmas stuff.

these are cramped in between other plants in the room so please excuse the poor presentation of the girls and lack of closeups. ill get to that.

cheese/ssh #1 - notice the spear shaped buds, this is due to heat stress from the bulbs radiation heat.

#2 - this has a nicer more normal budshape.

#3 - lol sorry we can only see the top of this one behind an unknown sativa:D

#4 - all the way in the back of the room. only a few branches of this large plant is visible..

peace cannafamily.. good karma to all :yes:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to arcticsun again.

..Wow man!:D I got so exited bout your big plants that I'm gonna make some changes in my flower room....VERTICAL it is. I wanna have bigger plants!! BIG for me too big big big:D

And I was seeing some my freinds who normally take care of my garden when I'm away and they really didnt' like the idea of 40 little plants in flower + vegging and moms clones on hand water everyday..:D And my girlfriend "have to" get some sun or she come "mad" during the winter time:D grazy lady;)

take care man PEACE!


there are some disadvantages to big plants also, like they keep tipping over unless supported and one should do a proper trim job on a big girl so one doesnt get loads of popcorn buds.

i like my buds like i like my bewbs :biglaugh:

Ive been chilling lately, broke as a whistle and forced to survive on some premature cut and quickly dried test buds. Its been fucking cold as hell lately, had to take the bus to work earlier and standing there on the damn busstop i swear i could hear my nuts clinking together *ding*dingding IT WAS THAT FKN COLD!!!

Ive cut the autos and the TAK3 indica girl. the tak3 did go abit fruity on me in the end there and threw some hermies but she does look allrite apart from being cut alittle too early due to the herms. cant wait to smoke a proper dried sample of this one. VERY hashy taste on her, im amazed of the difference to her sister. weird btw that they were so unstable, i did use a pure male to female pollination. the male must have been no good i suppose... weird, but anyhow.


&& some pehkuruders hanging to dry also

im toking on their sister now, the littlest of the 3 pehkuruders. they are all seeded, im quite happy with this bud. i get stoned from it so i dont at all see the reason for the bad rep. considering the SHIT thats on markets all over northern europe. this is cool, my friends who smoke less then me seem to get wasted off it. they are happy with it= im very happy with it... cant wait for next summer.. CANT FKN WAIT!! :D:D:D

oh btw, i started a new group called the "Automatic Flowering Cannabis Breeders Group".. for people breeding on autos.

time for me to wrap myself in a blanket and fire up the fireplace, im getting chills even inside. had to close the door to the PC room and turn the heater to max, and im still having chills .. gah i surely didnt appreciate this summer enough while we had it.

peace guys, all my warmest karma to you! :wave:

peace guys


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Well, all our karmic warmth back to you AS, sounds like you need it. And it's barely November! :smoke:



hello friends, thanks for the warm karma. its well received the temperatures bounced back on the plus side of the scale and its no longer below freezing. seems as soon as we got a cloudcover the temps turned to plus. we still dont have any snow, the little we got rained away.

entering the dark season these days, basically it means i will not see the sun again until early march probably. unless i go on a vacation somewhere...-we will see, hopefully the winter wont be too hard.

lets see a proper update then shall we :D today ive got some pics of some Cheese/SSH freebies from Fritillary seeds. Some big yielders these, ive got 4 different phenos, here is a collage of them. hope you enjoy.


Some SSH F2 freebies 2 phenos.


all the best friends.. stay warm and safe -Arcticsun :joint:


Active member
grow's looking better than ever AS. It's been a spell since i've been this far north, but you are rocking it solid.


tnx hazy, nice to see you init bro :yes: we do try to move along the line of improvement :eek:: .. however slowly and gently it may be hehe

todays theme for the update i guess will have to be the fallos in all its glory :pimp3:



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