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natural medicator
nice hash keeper :joint:

should be some fiiine smoke for sure

I know I'm late, but I'm here for the show now:wave:


Smokin on that serious...
anybody got an extra towel? :joint:

25 on the left
73 in the middle
110 on the right




Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Should have known to keep an eye out for this one! Less than 10 daze old, and I'm already behind the 8 ball. Wish it was one of those up there ^^^ :rasta:
Lookin forward to the show! Vert?
Stay safe n high Bro :pimp3:


Guyute54 -
makes me sick thinking about all the trim I used to throw out from the outdoor girls
indoor girls too, i'm right there with ya mang :ying:

Col.Dijon - smokes very well too :smoke:

FirstTracks - :friends: good ta see ya :friends:

clorox - LOL

vintner - the vert will not be at this house, we are planning the move in 2010, might see a vert grow by the end of that year

Pictures tonight :woohoo:
And i have a new side project going on :yeahthats I have 22 C99 seeds in my collection. My outdoor partner and I are planning to pop them all and do a open pollination.
I will keep 1/3 and so will he, and 1/3 will be sent in as freebies for you all. Should i detail it here, or start another thread ?
I expect the seeds will be put in dirt in the next 1-3 days :party:


Hmm well i took pictures for you all, but when i put my memory card into my tower it does not read it ???
Checked it again with my cam and it seems to be working fine, guess it's my comp :chin: Later maybe :wave:


maybe the tower has some peanut butter innit from little hands?? I remember my nephew trying to play a PB & J in his parents vcr..:bashhead: :laughing:
Those c99 are a nice toy to play with keeper...I vote for keeping em in here..


nah i keep a big stick by to smack such hands :yoinks:
dunno, gotta have a friend check it out for me
and i might just do that, 2 threads could become a bother to remember updating each one....


Well i tried the card again, and it worked this time :yes: lucky for the thread i guess, cause i had no plans to fix it :yeahthats
here are the pix from the other night.....

Flower room shots

MOFO, still not rooted as of last night - has been 14 days now i think
the two rooted cuts are going to both be mothers, and i have 3 of these in flower now as well....

Blue Sat 2.2 :woohoo:

Silverdog - seeing lots of nanners on these



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Lookin very lush and healthy there Bro! What is this Blue Sat 2.2? Looks dank, but not very Sat.
Keep it green yo & :smoweed:


sorry to hear of the nanners keeper...:badday:
everything else looks in perfect working order though!


yeah, I'm sorry too
almost bad enough where i might just toss them, almost....
for now i'll just keep picking them off


Looking good in here, keeper! :respect:

Bummer about the nanners.

That full blown male flower is a bit more advanced than just simple nanners. :badday:

Good luck with 'em! :ying:


Oh no! :yoinks:

That is an entire flower! No telling what could happen though.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Morning keeper, well I'm happy and sad, happy that it was hopefully the light leak and sad
for you that you had one. You have a great attitude. :) I've been pretty concerned for
the last 24 hrs since there's about 40 packs of this out there. Freebies, serverfund and
a few sent to friends. I don't grow in a perfect garden either. When I spend about 10 to
15 minutes in there in the dark I can spot a shaft of faint light that hits the top wall from
another room. I've left it because if plants don't herm I figure they're pretty strong
against the herm tendencies but its not very scientific, lol.

Hey I've given my share of blood to the clone gods. I thought it was
required, a blood sacrifice for roots.
Lol on the forgotten clones, it looks like one could still make it. Sounds like
something I would do.
I have my fingers crossed the leak was the issue.
Take care, bbs, ns


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey keeper, thats strange, I grew out eight of the Silverdogs and never saw a single
nanner, not true, one spit a couple at about nine weeks just as I was harvesting so that
didn't bother me. Dobbie's has some going, I'll check with him and warn him. I would
completely understand if you yank'em though. How many do you have going? And did
they all hermie? Sorry about this keeper, sucks to put time and effort into a plant and
have that happen. ns


hey no big deal on this end of things brah :friends:
just send me my $$ back and we call it even huh :nanana: Actually..........................
i am pretty sure i know what happened now, i was sitting in my cab with all the plants removed staring at the veg side waiting for my eyes to adjust when i realized i never sealed the inside of my closet door properly :wallbash: total noob mistake i know. Turned the light in the bedroom n and sure enough it shown in a bit. Now i got the bottom half sealed already and only need to do the top. That's tomorrow evenings project
hope it don't affect things for to long, i believe once fixed and male flowers removed they do not come back again. I've had a few light leaks B4 :(

anyhow i had a evening taking cuts, and i have pictures to share with you all :D
MOFO - she is my only mother i have :canabis:

blood offering to the clone gods

i like them a bit bigger than this, but its to show where i take my cuts from, leaving 1 or 2 cut nodes below the surface

now this is only the second time i have used the SW like this, first time i had 100% success - and my two local grow buddies always do this method with great rooting, maybe it's regional, dunno but i'll try it again LMAO

rooted these two under saran wrap with glass

this mother will be donated as are all my other large ones to my outdoor partner, unless of course we stick them outside in the spring :joint:

these are just over two weeks now, no sign of roots yet

Flower cab

outdoor strawD with outdoor bubble piled on top - i'm stoned !!!

had a friend over a few weeks ago and he gave me cuts, they went into the fridge where i promptly forgot them until i found them today while cleaning out the fridge :fsu:

have a groovy night friends :smoweed:
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