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A heavy heart and a bitter goodbye



Man im still feeling the weight as the news sinks in

we spent day and night together for a long time

had some of the most intense experiences of our lives together saw some of the best music and great pot that we shared with each other

hard drugs got the better of our friendship and i was hoping soon that things would change.

Guess they didn't cause now your dead of an overdose

fuck man

was hoping we would have a chance to burn again

aah well seems for every measure of joy there is an equal measure of sorrow
i hope at lest you have found your peace


i feel so horrible for your dad


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
this is never easy mate... Nov 5th will always mark the loss of a good friend of mine (RIP Wayne) to similar causes.

I'm very sorry for your loss.


Garden Nymph
In this we can be certain...that loss exists in all of our lives.
And when this loss happens, it is good to know that we have
those we can always turn to.

Peace & Good Thoughts to you and yours, reap.


sorry reapy..
it's tough when it's someone close..we're here for you man..


all praises are due to the Most High
rest in peace APC, I'm sorry to hear about his passing away

our thoughts will be with you as well these coming days ureapwhatusow

much peace hermano
I'm sorry for your loss, man. Life is but a fleeting moment...Death is not as final as they would have you believe...He lives on in you at the very least

Much Love


My deepest sympathies to you.
It sucks, big time. I know, I lost my brother 3 years ago to heroin. Once they go down that road there's no getting them back.



Well-known member
very sorry for your lose,
basicaly all the crew 5-7 friends that i used to do dope(heroin)with are dead i was too for 5mins so they say but thats where it leads again sorry for your lose