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Michigan Medical Question (Patient an Caregiver)


Well-known member
A good friend of mine just finished gathering all of her medical records and getting them signed by those who have been her doctors throughout the years. She has records documenting her chronic back pain as well as her almost daily migraines, as well as all of the failed treatments that she has tried.

I'm pretty confident that she'll get approved without a hitch, what do you guys that have had experience in MI think?

Now, she wants to name me as her primary caregiver. The plants would live at her house, but I would assist in growing, monitoring the plants, trimming, etc. What precautions should I take if this is the case? I believe that I am allowed to test positive for marijuana as a caregiver, and carry up to 2 ozs, but should I stop carrying papers, bowls, etc.? I guess the thing that concerns me is signing a paper that says "Yes, I grow marijuana, Mr. Govt." I don't want to make some trivial mistake that would put my security and her patient status at risk.


I think the set-up is that you are the caregiver, not the patient, so you are not the user. Growing/possession may be OK, but not use, paraphernalia, etc.

Why would you be named the caregiver if the grow is at her house? Just to give you a free ride? No criticism intended, but the police might ask...


Understanding the patient/caregiver relationship

More specifics on being a caregiver in MI...

That website has it's own forum, you might get more detailed answers there.

And as far as I'm aware, caregivers are not allowed to smoke, unless you're registered as both a caregiver for someone and also as a patient. They're primary job is to assist their patient with the medical use of marijuana, not use it themselves - and any 'behavior' that suggest otherwise might get your card revoked and charges thrown at you.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Yup like everyone else said you are not allowed to smoke. I am a caregiver in our great state, make sure you don't drive high! Be responsible in order to protect your status as a caregiver, no way I am giving up my right to grow :)

Uncle Sam will not know your growing, your information will be protected on a single database with very limited access. It is used only to verify your status should LEO need to check your license.

You can carry 2.5 ounces/patient

Thats nice of you to assist her in getting her medicine, having to maintain a grow away from home can be a bit of a pain.

Do you have any qualifications yourself for a license? Nausea and chronic pain are very vague. I just gained another patient today, I am almost full :)


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies! I know that the caregiver is not allowed to smoke, however I thought I had heard that they are allowed to test positive under the assumption that they may have come into contact with thc while assisting the patient, trimming the plants, etc.

"I think the set-up is that you are the caregiver, not the patient, so you are not the user. Growing/possession may be OK, but not use, paraphernalia, etc.

Why would you be named the caregiver if the grow is at her house? Just to give you a free ride? No criticism intended, but the police might ask..."

No criticism taken, it's mainly because I will be helping her with the grow anyways, and it just made sense that we should both not be breaking the law during the course of the grow(s). The law states that the location of the plants is solely the decision of the patient, the caregiver can either have them at his/her residence, or travel to the patient's house in order to assist them. I know the police might ask, I'm sure they don't spend as much time scouring the law as we do lol, but legally it is not a problem for the plants to be at the patient's house and the caregiver to not be. Man, that was worded badly but oh well, haha.

@PuReKnOwLeDgE - Thanks for the info! I think this is the first thread I've been a part of where all of my ?s were answered in a few posts. I didn't know it was a single database, that's good to know! I know a caregiver license is not a get out of jail free card, but I don't smoke outrageously anyhow, usually once a day in the evening unless I, by the grace of god, have a whole day with nothing to do, then I start a little earlier. Not driving high and keeping a low profile is not a prob for me. Like I said I'd hate to ruin her patient status/ ability to get her meds because of misinformation on my part.

She doesn't live too far away, and I'm over there fairly often anyhow so I think it won't be too much stress to keep things in order.

The only things I have that may qualify me is water on my knee which causes frequent pain due to a snowmobiling accident when I was younger, and a shoulder that comes out of place about every 3-6 months with minimal pressure (I was turning a wrench the last time) due to a turf-dive I took when I played football in high school. I actually have records of this from the Mayo clinic because I happened to be there with a family member when it was acting up.

Again, thanks for the replies everyone, it cleared a lot up!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
You should get your license for the water on the knee, chronic pain is defined by 3 or more months of pain. If it is always causing you pain, you can get a license for it.


Well-known member
Well then, I may have to look into it further, I just assumed that because I am able to function on a day to day basis I would not qualify. Is there somewhere that I could contact, or do you know if the Dr.s at the THCF clinic respond to e-mails? I'd just hate to spend a good deal of money and gas if I'm not pretty sure that I'll get approved, times are tough in MI.

It is always causing me pain, as is the shoulder, (more and more each time it comes out, I'm a little terrified that a few more times and I'll need surgery, I can feel bone fragments grinding around now) but not always severly.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Check it out

You will not spend a dime until you know for sure or not if your getting approved.

Step 1: Get last three chart notes for the condition you are applying for, including any test and what not that should be attached to the charts.

Step 2: Fax your paperwork to the THCF clinic, all information that should be included and also their contact information can be found on their site under the michigan tab.

Step 3: Wait for about a week or more to be contacted by the clinic, if they give you an appointment date, you ARE getting your recommendation.

Step 4: Go to your appointment

Step 5: Mail your state application

Step 6: wait about 45-60 days for your card to show up

THCF basically congradulates you on some occasions over the phone, letting you know you will be getting your recommendation. The state will not deny your application as long as you filled it out correctly. Doctors recommendation is key. THCF will not schedule an appointment for you unless they are approving you. Its free to fax your paperwork in. I gurantee if you have recent chart noted pertaining to your condition you will be approved. Thank me later :)

Chronic pain is very broad and vague, wait until we get mental health issues on there.


Well-known member
Thank you! I'd rep you twice if I could. I'll gather my forms and give it a shot, might as well. And I'll be thanking you again if it comes through!

Haha, if we go the way of California and start giving them out for insomnia...


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Good luck! If you follow the steps, cross your T's and dot your I's and I would bet a limb you get your license. Mental helath issues will end up on our list, its only a matter of time. It is being petitioned all the time.


now that I have you michigan boys in here...if I dare jack the thread since the question was answered...anybody have any experience with the co-ops listed online? I have a friend in Michigan who would love to get in touch with medical patients of lower income and help out, but naturally he is suspicious and paranoid.
