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AMA Reverses 72 Year Old Policy: Marijuana Has Medical Benefits!


Active member
In a huge reversal of policy, the American Medical Association has voted to change its tune about medical marijuana. Finally after 72 years the organization admits that marijuana has medical uses! And it is going to recommend that the schedule 1 status of cannabis be reviewed so that more research can be done on cannabis. I bet the US pharma companies are feeling left out as smaller startups are now marketing medical marijuana products.

The AMA adopted a report drafted by the AMA Council on Science and Public Health (CSAPH) entitled, "Use of Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes," which affirmed the therapeutic benefits of marijuana and called for further research. The CSAPH report concluded that, "short term controlled trials indicate that smoked cannabis reduces neuropathic pain, improves appetite and caloric intake especially in patients with reduced muscle mass, and may relieve spasticity and pain in patients with multiple sclerosis." Furthermore, the report urges that "the Schedule I status of marijuana be reviewed with the goal of facilitating clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines, and alternate delivery methods."

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White Grape

New member
I remember reading in The Emperor that in the 30's when the tax stamp act was passed they protested after finding out marijuana was actually Cannabis.
It's good to see they got their heads out of their asses after all these years.


progress is SLOW

but at least its happeneing...
thanks for the heads up Skip


Take A Deep Breath
Let's hope this actually makes an impact with the Obama administration, as opposed to how scientific advice gets treated here in the UK.


Active member
The report is not released to non-AMA members yet. This article was based upon a preview of the Executive Summary of the AMA's report.

The Executive Summary is out. You can read it here. The Report's recommendations and changes to the AMA's formal position on MMJ are noted here.



In other action, the house called for a review of the schedule I status of marijuana to allow for more research on potential medical uses of cannabinoids. The AMA refused to endorse state-based medical marijuana programs.

Didn't find Skip's quote, but did find this. Might be played down as more of the same call for research they've had for a few years...

edit: whoa, Fatigues has pretty good and quick search skills, thanks man.


these links were already available just the second one is only a part of the entire report...an ama member would have had to released that, why not the whole document?


I remember reading in The Emperor that in the 30's when the tax stamp act was passed they protested after finding out marijuana was actually Cannabis.
It's good to see they got their heads out of their asses after all these years.

I read that too, and I think it's another great example of how fucked up the whole prohibition thing is. The people who knew their shit didn't even get the chance to say "no" to the whole thing! But it seems times are changing... Can't wait until SB 390 is heard in cali!


I wonder how someone would become part of thier clinical trials. Paid to sit at home and medicate. A dream come true...


wounder if i can wait 72 more years to actually see weed at wallmart pharmacy .......

Mabey its pushing to mimick canada instead....


In ca the fires caused by cig smokers are everywhre during the summer along roads and most of all in beds when people are carelless then bad stuff happens, like huge out of controll fires,

SO to combat this they now spray a retardant on all california cigs,.

As well as a ca tax stamp on the bottem of each pack...

I have a feeling that we are all going to be seeing CANNABIS TAX STAMPS very soon.

I also feel that the same types of fire retardents used on tobbacco cigs will also be used for our marijuana cigs and products aswell.


Active member
their foundation has cracked...
the house is coming down..
and I see Jokers lying everywhere

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