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be honest


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
do you creep other peoples profiles? for example, there is a well known breeder on here who is also quite an interesting character so once i am done reading my regular stuff on here i click "find more posts by" and read what he has said since the last time i was on. luckily his stuff is always short and sweet but always interesting as i said before. anyone else do that sort of thing on here or am i alone on this one?
I hadn't- I just started!

Now I have to get one with perusing icmag, but I just can't seem to get this mental image of a bong laced 3 some with a fine Phillipino and a 30+ hot Brazillian.

Damn, where did that come from?

haze crazy

I do. When I found interesting posts I'll take a look at their other posts to what other interesting things they write about. There are some incredibly smart and experienced people here who share their research and can teach us really cool stuff. I like to check breeders to find out about their proven methods and news on upcoming releases. SB staff members also have some great posts about what is going on over there. I see nothing wrong with it and don't mind if other see what I write either. There are many many interesting threads and stories I've stumbled on to by what you call "creeping". I consider it actually a higher form of surfing because you find more relevant results.

I fairly new to this cannabis internet porn and I have much to catch up on. Some here are prolific posters and they don't add much to the knowledge base, while others are very open and honest about the trade they are in. I guess the main reason I'm here is to learn. I would say make friends too but I already have too many friends. Actually I'm too cautious or paranoid to pursue friends here, but someday I'll turn up at a cup event and introduce myself. For now I'm creeping and lurking so.... Do you believe the part about too many friends? Don't that was just a cheap joke to get your attention....maybe a smile too....
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Sure, I do the same.. I like to follow along, and comment on what I few of my online grow buddies are doing..


Yea, I find everyone on here to be really cool people and a lot of fun to talk too and VERY helpful. As a newbie I constanlty bug Lazyman with my questions but he always gives me GREAT answers!!

I love Ic Mag!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yea I like to follow people around from thread to thread flamming everything they say.. Hahahaa


Active member
whatsup fellas!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
not so much anymore, I will do it for sure if they are being an ass, and I want to see if it is a pattern, then I stay away from them


What's the point in stalking when the probability of flashes of nudity is so low? You should've seen this one chick that's on my list... I love to smell her hair while she sleeps :) When she's awake too, but that really agitate her, for some unknown reason... :nono:

Anyhoo, ya all donna have to be using jer electrificic woodoo mumbo jumbo on me, ya hear me? Watchin' ma every move an' all, just ain't proper. If me hears about ya all doin' this heathen devil's work, imma gonna get me shotgun an' come after ya'll :yoinks:

Sunday and shit, all shit on tv, and some tasty hash warming my belly, naah, I'm not spaced out!! :crazy:


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Nope..way too lazy..

I just look at posts as they appear on the forum. And subscribe the threads i like. And sometimes i find something good from someones signature..