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Active member
Yeah strikeforce is doing something right. Makes UFC look a little.... In this case anyway. If this keeps up i dont think dana will be in the UFC drivers seat much longer.

You cant say a bad thing about shields really.. He knew what had to be done, and he did it. Miller is no slouch & shields pwned him. It was for the title so i would have done the exact same thing.
I know you cant compare the two but i saw so much GSP in shields. Impressive, even if the fight was boring.

Classic inside right by fedor. When he throws them they stay thrown. Reminds me of tysons power. Power not just through the hips but his whole body down to his toes. Awesome

You cant stop elbows man, even in boxing, tyson was the best at it. If his fist missed you the elbow got you. No one wants to see a no contest.

If it were up to me i would 1st throw the ref out of the cage and then the rule book. Lets just go at it street style. Then no one can complain.. ever. The winner is clear.
Old skool fighters never complained and didnt make big $$$ like fighters do now

daddy fingaz

Active member
Well basically fedor did what Brett should have done all the way through, throw a straight punch down the middle and forget about throwing big looping hooks!

I certainly think brett could still have potential, he showed he is physically strong on the ground,hes got strong hands and just needs to straighten his punches and stop puching from the hip,( when he did throw sraight jabs he was catching fedor) if he brought his guard back properly he wouldnt of got tagged by fedors 1st wild left.maybe a few cardio issues aswell!?

dont think theres much point talking about elbows as at the end of the day their not allowed and we could go on all day about what 'could' have happened, although i would like to see elbows myself, they are devistating and using them properly is very skilled imo.



Active member
Yeah Rogers isnt bad at all. You could say Fedor was his first real opponent. I'm sure he will be busting people up for a long time to come. Everyone loves a KO specialist. Even though he lost i'm a big fan now. When it comes to heavyweights all it takes is one clean shot. He could have taken that fight just as easy as he lost it.

Your rite daddy fingaz.. it was rogers 1st straight shot that messed fedors nose up, a left jab at that. He should have stuck with what worked. Would be a supperstar right now. Still will be.. one day


i dont know about you all but i saw something tonight i have never seen before. at the end of the first round i saw fedor swinging with some desperation. granted, he regained his composure during the break, but at the end of the first i believe that fedor was a little scared.

tonights fight did nothing but raise the price of brett rogers stock. i sincerely hope that fedor does give him a rematch and fucking soon. rogers said it all in his post fight interview..."i didint let my hands go NEARLY enough".


(and for those of you that dont already know.....i fucking HATE fedor)

Hey Raven whats up !?!

i disagree

after last night (my first chance to see him live) i understand his methodology in fighting (or so i think)

no i am not a mma dude so bear with me

let me state my evidence

he is a judo and samba expert

not arts that are traditionally prepared against

he uses them interestingly

notice in the clinch he uses the judo throws to break it and throw the bigger opponent of balance and at an off angle

EVERY TIME he uses that moment that his opponent is off balance and trying to establish an angle to get in a power shot

the few times he has been hit hard enough that someone goes into for the kill they are so focus on trying to knock him out they give an arm or leg up going in for the kill and he puts them in a wicked lock

it seems team fedor has really honed the science of fighting the bigger more aggressive fighter

how would he far against the styles used by anderson silvia dan henderson or machita ?

most super heavy weights rely far to much on their freak of nature body than the science and philosophy of fighting

im gald he won, he deserved to win hes a far more well rounded fighter


i think the only way we could bring up elbows is if rogers had a win in the past with elbows and i dont think he has... anyways i was very impressed with rogers

as far as raw potential

hes one scary fucking dude

he went in that ring, with 10% of the experience and MMA training that fedor has

imagine all things were equal

I think fedor should train him ad then he rogers should fight brock lesnar

he just needs a little more pro training both cardio-vascular and technique

i guess you could say he is basically the shaq of mma


Active member
Thats how it is with stand up. Who ever lets the shots fly first is usually on top.

He is one scary mofo allright... really raw. Like kimbo... But so much better. I dont think its the last we will se from Rogers. He was a hand full for fedor and he didnt even do much. He will trouble all the top class.

And his chin... man. anyone else would have been on the deck for a week. He has a lot of gifts. rogers will be a huge name in mma before long

daddy fingaz

Active member
rogers quote tis quite amusing in so many ways:

“The speed on his right hand –- I think a lot of people sleep on that,” said Rogers. “I definitely knew that that was his punch and I’m just going to work real hard on defending that. I like to throw punches and I like to drop my hands and he kind of capitalized on that. I let him get too close.”

well duh !

hindsight is a wonderful thing!:joint:


Thats how it is with stand up. Who ever lets the shots fly first is usually on top.

He is one scary mofo allright... really raw. Like kimbo... But so much better. I dont think its the last we will se from Rogers. He was a hand full for fedor and he didnt even do much. He will trouble all the top class.

And his chin... man. anyone else would have been on the deck for a week. He has a lot of gifts. rogers will be a huge name in mma before long

light years ahead of kimbo and far fucking tougher

i think rogers would be perfect contender for brock lesnar

size wise they have similar frames which would nullify brocks size advantage

id love to see brock wrestle an opponent of equivalent stature

is he kurt angle good? or has his size gotten him where he is

they both have that fuck you put up or shut up attitude and they both worthy of being feared

G. Sensi

Tottaly agree... Brock and Rogers would be an awesome fight!

But I think Brock would take him... Brocks got alot more speed and probably more strength too...

But we havent really seen Brocks chin tested, so it could go either ways I guess



Brock and Rogers would be a good fight I agree but I believe that Brock's cardio is better. In the 3 rounder with Heath Herring he showed he has some stamina. I felt like Rogers gassed really quickly but he did come out with a nice start. I loved how Fedor kept his composure with the busted nose as usual he is rock steady.

Was a little disappointed with the mousassi fight but was impressed with the improvement in cardio sokodju (however its spelled) showed.

Thought the Miller / Shields fight was somewhat unimpressive and agree on Shields having a boring wrestler style. Hopefully he works on his ground and pound.

Thought the bigfoot fight was pretty close decent fight.

The main event was definately the best fight of the night IMO. Both fighters showed there potential and for the first time I questioned wether or not Fedor could weather the storm. The power of Rogers impressed me as well as the escape from the arm bar.


having a win using elbows is also irrelevant. the fact that rogers was in a position to use them and couldnt is what im getting to here. its like if once you were on the ground wrestling was allowed, but you couldnt use jiu-jitsu.

do you see what im saying here?

Your point is moot. You make the assumption that if elbows are allowed the fight, Fedor AND Rogers would react in the same way. If elbows were legal the whole fight would change from the beginning and that moment when Fedor was vulnerable to an elbow might have never happened. You think he wouldn't defend himself differently, or perhaps be more urgent to get from the bottom? The fighter's gameplans and the fight changes if you change the rules.

id love to see brock wrestle an opponent of equivalent stature

is he kurt angle good? or has his size gotten him where he is

they both have that fuck you put up or shut up attitude and they both worthy of being feared

You don't become the NCAA wrestling champion by accident. He would have won every single year if it was just his size. The man is just a freak, his back is so huge he looks like a Gargoyle. And he is as fast as a lightweight, like a puma or something.

And Shane Carwin was the Division II NCAA wrestling champion. 6'1" 265 to Lesnar's 6'3" 265.

Lesnar says the Division II champ would be the worst in Division I, which is a stretch.

Brock and Rogers would be a good fight I agree but I believe that Brock's cardio is better. In the 3 rounder with Heath Herring he showed he has some stamina. I felt like Rogers gassed really quickly but he did come out with a nice start. I loved how Fedor kept his composure with the busted nose as usual he is rock steady.

My dad went to Univ of Michigan after Vietnam. He was an Army Ranger so they selected him to do exercise tests with a representative from each of the varsity sports teams. Only the wrestling team representative beat him in cardio testing. Wrestlers have as much stamina and endurance as it gets, Brock has a huge advantage over everyone in that regard, most heavyweights tire out after two rounds.


Hey gogo, feel free to drop by and post anytime man. I'm always down to talk MMA. The more discussion going on, the better. That goes for everyone. It's nice to see alot of discussion in here again.

Anyways, great event last night - especially the main event. One more scalp for Fedor's collection. It was nice to see such a great card live and free on network tv.

I knew it was foolish to pick against Fedor but I was istill mpressed with Brett's performance. For a guy who only started training MMA full time just last May, he did pretty fuckin' well. His beard is tremendous too. That shot that Fedor dropped him with would probably kill most people. hah. Like someone said above, Fedor generates power throughout his whole body and the results of him connecting are usually pretty devastating whether he's standing up or on the ground. We all know he's the real king of ground and pound. Fedor showed great composure as always and battled through more adversity than he's had to in some time. Having the disadvantage of a broken nose literally only a few seconds into the fight would be brutal. This fight will serve as great experience for Brett though as he's already fought the greatest heavyweight of all time in his young career and even though he got stopped, he was able to mount more offense than many others have. Fedor is still the man and probably will be for awhile longer.

Shields -vs- Miller went exactly how I figured it would. Jake persued the takedown every chance he could when it was on the feet and did most of the controlling on the ground, keeping Miller on defense more often than not. I think he was saved by the bell at the end of the third though. It was another decent win for Jake but I really wish he would stay at 170 where he really belongs.

I'm not sure if Sokoudjou surprised me with his performance or Mousasi was just having an off night but that fight didn't end as quickly or dramatically as I thought it would. Sokoudjou to me was a step down from Babalu and we know what Gegard did in that fight. A win is a win though, they can't all be spectacular. I have no idea who Strikeforce can pair him up next with though? Mo Lawal? I hope not.

Solid win for Werdum too. Is Fedor in his future now? I guess it all depends on Alistair, but the chances of him fighting stateside anytime soon are looking bleak.

daddy fingaz

Active member
Your point is moot. You make the assumption that if elbows are allowed the fight, Fedor AND Rogers would react in the same way. If elbows were legal the whole fight would change from the beginning and that moment when Fedor was vulnerable to an elbow might have never happened. You think he wouldn't defend himself differently, or perhaps be more urgent to get from the bottom? The fighter's gameplans and the fight changes if you change the rules..

as i mentioned earlier i dont think there is much point dwelling on this but what i would say is that Fedor does seem susceptible to cuts, yes it would change how the fighters fight but this along with the fact that brett is meant to have some Muay thai pedigree (although im not convinced myself) elbows could have given brett a big advantage.

My dad went to Univ of Michigan after Vietnam. He was an Army Ranger so they selected him to do exercise tests with a representative from each of the varsity sports teams. Only the wrestling team representative beat him in cardio testing. Wrestlers have as much stamina and endurance as it gets, Brock has a huge advantage over everyone in that regard, most heavyweights tire out after two rounds.

you raise an important point about cardio, any form of full contact fighting uses imo almost a 'different sort of fitness' compared to other sports, numerous times i have seen 'fit' people turn up at the gym footballers or what not but as soon as there on the pads there nearly puking after 2 rounds( i think this is also evident on TUF as someone previously mention one of the guys was a former american football player).

People often forget the level of fitness required to fight even at a basic level, as well as how much affect nerves, adreniline, stress etc have on your stamina, i think that this affected bretts performance on the big night as he did seem to gas pretty early, maybe it was this inexperiance

anyway im glad people dont mind a bit of stoned discussion/rambling ! lol


allastair has looked awesome in his k1 fights. I think he will win the heavyweight belt or is it super heavyweight anyhow hes looking awesome. I wonder how much stuff hes doing over there thats not allowed over here though.. would really like to see him in one of the major shows.

G. Sensi

Do u guys think Alistair's juicing?

I got in a debate with a few people on another site last nite about it... I really dont think he is...

Hes Huge and gettin bigger everytime we see him, granted...

But I dont see any real evidence of Roids... His skin complexion is exactly the same... Hes got his hair... No acnce... No bitch tits... He looks lean without lookin like hes rippin thru his skin...

I for one think he's legit...

If you ever saw really old fights of Vanderlei back in Brazil... he was a tiny little stick of a man! He muct work hard and eat even harder to be the size he is now

I suspect Evans has juiced... Hes got some bitch titties...

LOL I just remembered Tiities from TUF... that would have been hilarious if he had swung on Rampage!

Too bad Rampage didnt go out 0 for 8 like he deserved... But Im glad Big Baby got a win... Hes fuckin MASSIVE! He should fight that tall white guy from Rampages team in the finale (If hes not in the finals that is)



daddy fingaz

Active member
I do rate Overeem, he is a top striker, not sure about the roids but he is certainly very top heavy either way, his legs are skinny as f*ck lol!
ive always had my suspicions about overeem. the fact that he doesnt fight in the states doesnt help his case much either. (no offense to any japanese ICers) it seems that Japan has long been where the guys that get caught juicing go to earn a paycheck. (barnett, bigfoot silva...etc)

innocent until proven guilty....but i have my suspicions. ...im just sayin.


as i mentioned earlier i dont think there is much point dwelling on this but what i would say is that Fedor does seem susceptible to cuts, yes it would change how the fighters fight but this along with the fact that brett is meant to have some Muay thai pedigree (although im not convinced myself) elbows could have given brett a big advantage.

that was a pre existing cut that just got opened up again

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