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Shipping to grow address?


New member
I couldn't really find anything recent about this, so forgive me, and I know the consensus is not to have anything shipped to the grow address, but I'm looking into buying seeds online and simply do not have anywhere else that I would be able to get them shipped. Would it be wise to use either a USPS or a UPS PO box? I realize that two forms of identification are required for both of these. Apart from that, I have never grown anything up to this point so even if the seeds somehow led to a search of my house there would be nothing to be found except an empty cabinet, which (I think) is perfectly legal.

I'd be using a prepaid credit card of couse and buying from a reputable site. I'd like some input, because I really do NOT have an option to send it to another house. Thanks
Well where are you going to get the rest of your stuff from? How big is the grow? If its a little grow I wouldn't worry about it.


New member
So far I've gotten everything from local stores (Lowes, Home Depot). None of the stores I've gone to have had any 150w HPS lights though so I'm probably going to have to order one online. It's going to be a small cabinet in the basement.


unless you are mmj, I wouldnt do it. better than a po box is to use a mailing service like "Mailboxes etc." (which I believe has been bought out)
Better yet, look for a mom-and-pop mailing service. They'll still want ID, but you stand a better chance of staying under the radar.


First time grows are always a paranoiac, anxiety producing event. Each squeak, each
small sound, every car door shutting, each car that slows as it passes...all these tend to
almost guarantee a grab to the arse and a heart-stopping moment.
However, note this...if you keep your grow small, plan well for security, buy small
purchases over time, spread the purchases out over several stores, buy online if
you must, but use pre-paid cards. Having seeds sent to an otherwise clean house is
a no worry situation in most cases, IF ...you or your family is squeaky clean on legals,
dont have much foot or car traffic, and don't do parties or get wild and noisy.
Advice: keep your life simple, open, and most of all PRIVATE. Remember the golden rules
of growing. Be aware, and always prepared for emergencies such as company or any
unwanted guest, sales-persons, appraisers, landlords, inspectors or psuedo-911 calls,
and be aware of any close neighbors and keep a real perspective towards not allowing
for any significant change in your daily life to be perceived by anyone.
good luck and peace m8

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Not that I'm suggesting you do this or anything, but I've had seeds shipped to my house on a few occasions no problem. However, I've only ordered seeds when I was in between grows (I don't grow continuously). So even if they did break down my door, all they'd find is an empty cabinet, some soil and lights. I might be wrong, but I figured the most they could get me for was possession of the stuff from the previous grow.


New member
Hmm, looks like there's only one private mailing service that isn't mailboxes etc or UPS store and it's nearly 50 miles away. If using them would really increase my security though that's a distance I'm willing to drive.


Active member
usps mail box is best, imnsho. there is a space on the card one fills out to add a business name or another regular name without ID needed. once you have the box start using the 2nd name right away ordering catalogs, magazines, ebay stuff and the like, maybe even going as far as sending yourself or having a friend mail you some junk-in-a-box...all under that 2nd name. iow, keep that box busy and you won't have any probs. with private boxes you have to deal with nosy clerks with too much time on their hands and many of them aren't ashamed to help themselves (no offense intended for any mailbox etc employees and their competitors, who may be here).

good luck...common sense always rules!


good ideas there del...

youre right about mom&pops being nosy.
theyre also more likely to accept incomplete
application info, or bogus numbers, misspelled names etc.
but yeah, make sure thats its busy wherever you go.


Active member
well if you are getting seeds you can request uberstealth shipping if you order from the bay. The boutique might offer it as well. There is a thread about it in the seedbay vendor forum. Much safer than say ordering from a domestic hydroponics company online if you ask me. For those a long drive in a car not registered to the grow addy and cash are your best friends.


Just starting? Plan to order beans often?

If you're just starting and won't order beans often, I would say its ok. BUT! .. if you get a seed package intercepted, I would never grow at that address again.

So if you aren't actually growing right now, order them. If they show up unopened, golden. If not, find a new addy.


Well-known member
i have seen one wrinkle on the 'what if i can only send to my grow address' question
hard reality is many of us don't have a choice, no grow or seed order
saw a post which mentioned remailing services - basically a company that will receive mail for you at their address, then resend to your address
pricey i'm told, and not really sure if you're getting improved security
but i guess you would likely have customs taking down the remailers address, which might make you feel better


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Send it to your house, small order & not in your name use "Current Resident", as long as it does not get intercepted and is not tampered with when it arrives then nobody knows anything as long as you sent a money order. The prepaid cards don't work.

Order the 2 or 3 best strains you can and make many more seeds with them to last you basically for good. :joint:
unless you are mmj, I wouldnt do it. better than a po box is to use a mailing service like "Mailboxes etc." (which I believe has been bought out)
Better yet, look for a mom-and-pop mailing service. They'll still want ID, but you stand a better chance of staying under the radar.

150 w hps isn't worth the hassle of setting all that up. Not even close. I would never set it up with a "mom and pop" place either, what the hell are you thinking?

150w hps... you can get whatever you want ordered to you without drawing attention unless it says hydroponics on the box or some shit. I think without the P.O. Box middle man might even be safer. Those people at the ups store are fuckups.

Send it to your house, small order & not in your name use "Current Resident", as long as it does not get intercepted and is not tampered with when it arrives then nobody knows anything as long as you sent a money order. The prepaid cards don't work.

Order the 2 or 3 best strains you can and make many more seeds with them to last you basically for good. :joint:

Making up a name should do just as well. I actually prefer that there is a fake name. That way you can be like, "I don't even know who Johnny McLovin is." Current resident means it was intended for you, because you are the current resident. Giving them a name also gives them another direction to go in with their investigation.

Doubt there would be an investigation though. They usually just trash the seeds.
hello seed companies make thier money sending seeds to places where seeds are illegal. period. send to your house w/ a fake name, even if they do get intercepted all you get is a federal letter from what i have heard. same as you would get for say... hosting copyright infringements on a file sharing program(like movies that are still in the theater on limewire).

but the letter comes w/ your empty envelope and says items in the package are deemed illegal by the blah blah import export act blah blah, the items have been removed and the rest of the package has been shipped to you


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Problem with the totally wrong name is sometimes they just don't deliver it to your address esp. if the mailman knows who lives in the house, etc. Current Resident can be an advertisement/junk mail.
I know of people that had cc orders sent to them no prob. weren't growing much but still. I wonder if sometimes fake names or other measures don't draw more suspicion than they alleviate.