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HELP! FloraNova Bloom, canna coco, Lucas Meth

My clones are 11 days out of humidity, THEY ALL ARE ROOTED WELL, except 2 slackers on the left side. They are moving slow and kind of pale. look like they need more nutes. I am feeding them daily right now till they fill out the pots, about 30-20mL a day of water+nutes. i am also concerened about salt build ups tho with no run off. right now i gave them no nutes for 1 week(just 1 drop superthrive a gallon and tap wter at 160ppm), week 2 i started given them 1/4tsp of FloraNovaGrow, 1/4 tsp floralicious plus,1/4tsp cal-mag and some superthrive. They still arent responding.
The ppms for the solution has been about 660, starting water is 160, so 500.

I hit 2 of my 15 tonight with 800ppms, 1tsp(5ml) of FNG with same adds as previous, to see if i see some change.

everything is PH 6.0

My room is 24hour lights, 75-80, pretty humid, i had a computer fan blowing on them and i turned that off today because i think it might too much right now and decresing humidity for them.

Tonight i found this post from lucas on ICmag.com:
2ml/gal FNB every irrigation, or 6ml every 3rd irrigation
> much FloraNovaBloom is needed to equal Canna's Coco Bloom forumula?

about 2ml/gallon of FNB

> I just don't want to run into silly deficiencies... (btw - I am making the switch to B'Cuzz coco mix)

Canna is notorious for Mg deficiency, and the recommend adding epsom. FNB will not be Mg deficient.

coco has issues with locking up P and K , canna coco comes preloaded with extra P and K, I dont know if BCuzz is different in that regard

but, yes, you can feed with 2ml/gal of FNB at EVERY irrigation,and it will not cause deficiency (or you can water with plain water every 2 irrigations, then on the 3rd watering use 6ml/gal FNB

there may be other coco specific problems related to overwatering, but, you can certainly use FNB with Coco


i think i am gonna go with this solution for the rest of this run. PLEASE FEEDBACK!!!

is 2ml a gallon of just FNB, every watering once they can handle full soaks with run off good for the rest of the grow>?

I think its my path from now on, i can really only have them veg for 2 and half more weeks max. they will be going under a 600w HID in 1 week and set up on drippers which is run to waste.



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breathe deep
I saw you said 'THEY ALL ARE ROOTED WELL'. How well? Are roots on the bottom starting to circle? I like to wait until they dry a bit when they are that small to feed. Start every few days and then when they are drinking it all n a day i feed them everyday.
Thats my grow journal post of rollitup, sorry i dont have it on here... yet.

They are rooted well meaning i see roots poppin out the cubes by gently moving some coco away from the peat cube. I see more daily root growth then foliage, but thats a good thing.. i think haha.

as for watering, I ACTUALLY WEIGH THEM EVERY DAY. i have established these facts with my own setup.

1 16oz party cup filled 80%, of str8 canna coco, +moist root cube, +small clone =150grams on my scale before they received any water

Being in small cups i can easily weigh them.i Record daily the fluctuations in order to dial in my daily waterings while they are young, in order to get maximum growth in canna coco.
150grams is my dry weight, as in, there is like 1%, not enough for survival.
This is my danger zone mark, since i know this, i refuse to let them get below 155-160ish.

I have been feeding them out of a small dripper, 25mL a day with my small computer fan on them, brings them to about 185g, and then down to 160ish in 24 hours of light on, under neath floros.

CRAZY, i turned off the fan for 24 hrs, try to see if the clones looking pale had to do with humidity, it didnt, but there water usage was cut in 1/2! whether it be the fan drying the soil or the plants not transpiring as much, they used half the amount of water(13ml) in 24 hrs. i will be watering tommarow, turning on the fan, and giving them 25ml of FNB at 2ml per gallon, 5.8 PH, and will do so every feeding till they need more water every day.

My temps are a pretty strict 75 degrees. less heat means less water.

Im trying to dial this shit in, i desperatly need this run to go man. Thanks for the advice guys. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! this is my 7th run, my 1st tho out of perpetual, and only my 3rd coco run. KEEP IT COMIN !!! : )

Heres a pic of my veg room, 4 4ft t5 tubes, 2 small desk fans, lined in mylar. The front of it is lifted up, put there is a cover to keep temps and humidity up, also convered on the inside with mylar. I had 60 clones (35 to a friend) in here with 2 moms, and is incredibly sufficient and cheap. Plus its simply the top of the closet in my small ass room. space efficient.


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established plants in coco are hard to overwater but not young ones, just observe your plants, the best thing u can do is let them weep if possible for just a second or two for water before u do water them, gives u an idea of how much mositure the medium holds and how fast your girls drink, but yeah untill they get a little bigger, (around ten inches or so) id say water less, slow it up.
10 Days Out of Humidity Dome

10 Days Out of Humidity Dome

My clones are 10 days out of humidity today. I began my Lucas method from here on, 2mL a gallon of FNB, i am gonna use superthrive a drop a gallon every other watering, until flower.

CHECK OUT THE ROOTS ON THESE BAD BOYS, 10 days old (+10 days out of humidity chamber)and there roots are more impressive then any growth. This is exactly what i have been trying to do by daily watering, low amounts. In 10 Days i already have some roots starting to spiral in the cup. The top is definitly getting a little dry, i increased water to 50ml a day now.

I watered one of the clones till i got run off. he weighed about 350g when water came out, he wont be dry for about 4 days now but i needed a good idea of wats goin on.

My run off PH was perfect, 6.0 : )
my PPMs were 1420 on the dot. Whats does this say? should i flush them all, is that wayyy to high? i dont see nute burn but is this responsible for pale appearance? i dont know what is up with the slow growth with this volume of roots, and also why are they so pale, i hope they take off soon!
Never had this happen before, could it be the 1/2 tsp of cal-mag i gave 1st feeding????

well have to see, they look very happy today, especially after their watering and a mist. Even my 2 slackers, are going well.

please take a look at the pics,Any IDEAS!!!??? COMON!?:1help:


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they look like they could use more N....id not be afraid to give them 3-4 mls of FNB and see if they green up. are they in veg? or starting flower?


New member
My clones are 11 days out of humidity, THEY ALL ARE ROOTED WELL, except 2 slackers on the left side. They are moving slow and kind of pale. look like they need more nutes. I am feeding them daily right now till they fill out the pots, about 30-20mL a day of water+nutes. i am also concerened about salt build ups tho with no run off.right now i gave them no nutes for 1 week(just 1 drop superthrive a gallon and tap wter at 160ppm), week 2 i started given them 1/4tsp of FloraNovaGrow, 1/4 tsp floralicious plus,1/4tsp cal-mag and some superthrive. They still arent responding.
The ppms for the solution has been about 660, starting water is 160, so 500.
No run off? Did I read that right? Where do you think all those salts are going? Drill holes in the cups and flush with filtered water everyday before you feed them. Once they fully recover, figure out how much runoff you need to keep salt levels in check. I'm cheap and don't like to waste expensive nutrients, so I flush with filtered tap water right before I hand water with nutrient solution and only have about 10% runoff. If you're not worried about the nutes, you could increase your runoff so the new nutrient solution carries most of the old salts with it while running out the bottom of your pots.
i kept the coco drying out daily, i only give them 30mL of water a day thats only 2 tablespoons, i dont give them that much and its a very weak solution. I did have holes in the bottom of the cups tho. it wasnt salt build up, they were just starving. Buddin was right on the money, BUT HEY BETTER THE NUTE BURN.

The problem was lack of nutrients week 1, they are doing great right now on about 650ppm
2mL floranova bloom, 1 drop superthrive, and 1 mL floralicious plus.

the green is poppin back in the new growth.

I also transplanted them to the flower chamber where im gonna veg till im likin the size.

600w HID, drip system, drain to waste. watering 2x a day for 1 min each, gonna check how much they get tonight when it clicks on tonight. 24hr light right now, im lovin the daily results, right now.

Im gonna get a small amout of runoff and check ppms/ph.
PICS : )


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heres what i would do...

heres what i would do...

billybob, we can fix this easy. do these things and your plants will get nice and big.

1-drop the fng, drop the additives, including superthrive, and get a bottle of gh micro and gh bloom. do 6ml per gal micro to 9ml per gal of bloom (NO GROW), ph between 5.6 -6.0. the ph can be lower at this stage of development, and can increase, or drift up to 6 with no problems. this formula is a modified lucas (ratio) formula developed by grateful h3ad and used by many. its no frills, simple, and it works. (trust me, h3ads the man, you should read his thread:D)

2-cut holes in your cups, allow for slight run off, and water as often as possible, even if the coco looks wet, water at least two times a day. you shouldnt have to flush until harvest if you always allow a little runoff.

3-never let the coco dry out. youll run into salt buildup, ph issues, etc. dont treat the coco like soil, which is what you might be doing. i did it too. i know its counterintuitive, but water that coco as often as possible with 6/9.

4-for cuttings and seedlings, half strength (about 450 to 500 ppm). i just mix whatever quantity of 6/9 i want then take the portion i need and add regular tap water until i get my desired ppm. dont forget to ph your solution after adding water. your nutrient ratios will be the same, just diluted.

5-get a barley based pond cleaning enzyme (or you can pay retail and buy hygrozyme etc) and add to your irrigation every so often. this will help to keep your roots and the coco nice and healthy.

your temps and room sound about right, so just do this and your plants will go nuts. in the later stages of flowering, you can drop the micro, id tell you when, but i feel its strain dependent. read the h3ad thread, he ll tell you when. :D

anyhow, thats what i would do. ha! thats what i do-do. :D peace.
i am only using flora nova bloom, and im using it at 3ml(about 1/2 strength of 0-6-9 and about same NPK values) a gallon which is about 600ppm, i started my drippers today, gonna start waterings 2x a day and dial in the perfect amount of time per run so i get a minimul amount. i also have founf from a very exsperienced grower that about 2 feedings a week should be a stronger one to get more runoff. THANKS FOR ADVICE, definitly helpful.


your keeping your coco too dry.

water with some runoff everytime you water them, youc an allow them to get just a bit dry in betweeen waterings, but not like you would with soil.

I use nova as welll, works great.

5ml. of nova bloom along with 5ml. of calmag plus, ph and water them well enough to get runoff, guaranteed they will turn around. you dont need to go buy anything.


I too have been using FNB 5ml / Gal. I have been using Kool Bloom too. I have no complaints it has been working great. Even outshowing my DWC i have right next to them. I water to just barely runoff to where there is about 1/4" of runoff in tub holding the pots. they suck the run off back up by morning. I fully flush w 1/2 solution completely once a week in a seperate tub.
grand daddy purple, its notorious for slow veg. : ) doesnt help a bit.

They are doing great 7 days after transplant to 1 gallon, pics later.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
a lot of cats i know veg gdp under hps lights because the red spectrum makes her stretch out a bit.
do you know which gdp cut you have: ken's, apothecary, royale......


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
what strain are you running?
there are some notoriously slow veggers out there....
Day 26!

Day 26!

Alright guys and gals havent posted in 6 days, been busy busy.


i think this is my fastest veg yet, they have almost quadrupled their height from when i popped them in.

I have been water 2x a day, 24hours light, getting 10% runoff everytime.
The coco has 12 hours of dry time, i think next week i will pump it up to 3x a day. well have to see.

In the res:(per gallon)
2.5mL Floranova Bloom
1mL Floralicious Plus
1 Drop Superthrive
This is dialed in at 740ppms
(I also use this a foliar spray 2x a day)

1. MY PH RISES .2-.4 daily. i have a 35gallon res i try to keep at about 25gallons and no less then 10. I try to keep it in the 5.5-6.0 range, and i check it daily. I have noticed that the less water in the resevoir the more the fluctuation. I AM DRAIN TO WASTE NO RECIRC. is there any reason for this happening? i am positive it isnt chlorine, i leave everything out for 24 hours. i did leave the lid off the last 2 days and it has stayed the same.....weird?

2.i am including new pictures. As you can see most of them are doing great, there are 3 slow pokes( o well ) but there are 2 that are showing the signs of some sort of deficieny. WHAT IS THIS>>?? like i said it is only 2 of them, right now, but i can see mild cases of it on others, just not as bad.

The only thing i can think of is the 1 day i let my resevoir hit 6.6 and it have 1 watering at that amount. WHAT YOU GUYS THINK?

3. My runoff i have been checking every 2 days, and it is consistently 6.5pH, i have watered every time with 5.5-6.0 water 740ppm going in and it comes out like 700 6.5-6.8 ish. ??????ANY IDEAS???? is this a bad thing or is it just using more calcium, mag, and phos because it is coco+the plant uses it, and it is becoming deficient, i have no idea cause 10 out of 12 have little to no signs of it at all, but i am trying to catch it before anything happens.


6 days ago


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hes just saying wus up

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