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MLB pitcher Tim Lincecum cited for Pot-FYI


It would be awsome if people started tossing joints to him when he pitches, just like they did for Jim Morrison. He plays in a very pot friendly city.

Maybe I can get him to sign a joint for me when he comes to Coors field? Coors field, where the socially accepted drug is a toxic liquid, not a non-toxic herb.
The trooper pulled the Mercedes over. When the driver, Lincecum, rolled down his window, the trooper smelled marijuana. He asked Lincecum to hand it over, and Lincecum reached into his dashboard console and produced a small pouch and a pipe, Schatzel said.



gets some
Ha good point. Don't pro athletes go through seminars about how to handle cops????

I know they do. They even get fined if they skip it. It's part of the rookie seminars.

Yet Timmay still hands over his bag and bowl when asked. He's a great pitcher but still a "dumb kid that has to learn the hard way". He's what? 23?

And well...nobody ever said athletes were very smart either.


Pleasantly dissociated
deny deny deny , thats pachoolie ocifer , lock those doors, comence to eat that weed, and when he goes to call back up, smash that pipe into a million peices , i like phelps too


I can understand an average guy doin that but why would a pro athlete -who can pay the fine easily- want to risk getting arrested, having his mercedes torn apart, and further screwing up his image? You guys do know that cops get pissed when you lie to them right? Or have you never told the truth? Half the time you produce the shit that quickly the cop smashes the pipe and either throws the weed away or takes it for "evidence".


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You guys do know that cops get pissed when you lie to them right? Or have you never told the truth? Half the time you produce the shit that quickly the cop smashes the pipe and either throws the weed away or takes it for "evidence".
right on, there are times to hide what you got & times to be honest about what you're holding. You are the master of every situation.



gets some
I can understand an average guy doin that but why would a pro athlete -who can pay the fine easily- want to risk getting arrested, having his mercedes torn apart, and further screwing up his image? You guys do know that cops get pissed when you lie to them right? Or have you never told the truth? Half the time you produce the shit that quickly the cop smashes the pipe and either throws the weed away or takes it for "evidence".

I see it the other way around. The pro athlete has a lot more to lose over that bag and bowl so why just give the cop his conviction? A suspension could cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe a shot at a Cy Young award, or a variety of other bad outcomes. Make the cop earn it!


gets some
Go ahead and repent for your terrible choice of smoking cannabis Tim. Don't use the opportunity to speak out in favor of legalisation or anything productive like that.

On winning the Cy Young award for the second straight season...


“I couldn’t ever have seen this happening growing up,” he said during a news conference at AT&T Park. “I just came out lucky on top.”

At the same time, he is facing misdemeanor marijuana charges stemming from a traffic stop in his home state of Washington on Oct. 30. No questions regarding the incident were allowed, but Lincecum apologized and acknowledged making a mistake while reading a prepared statement. He also touched on the issue in a roundabout way, saying, “it won’t ever happen again and I promise to become better in the future.

“I think a lot of growing up has to do with experiences you go through, whether that be good or bad,” Lincecum said, slightly emotional. “There’s different people who go through different experiences that shape them. It’s unfortunate also that you have to go through the bumps, like I am going through, to get to where you think you need to be. It’s just about changing yourself and looking for the right road to take instead of making it hard on yourself.”


Some people feel their career in (whatever it is) is more important than pot.

There's no wrong in that.

If alcohol were on the banned substance list and i tested positive and the only way out was to 'repent' against it's use...i would (as long as i saw my career as more important)

But in all honesty, if i was dude the way i would've probably responded would've been something like "I understand the choice i made. I was well aware of it, and still am. The fact that alcohol and other mind altering substances are allowed but marijuana isn't blows my mind. I understand the commission/MLB does not want illegal drug use from their employees and no matter how i feel on the issue, i was well aware of the 'qualifications' of the job, including not using illegal drugs. I broke the contract, I apologize.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
If I was in SF looking for bud and I seen him walking by, without knowing who he was, I would so ask him if he could help me score...

No wonder my gf said I looked like a pothead stoner when I had my long hair


gets some
The guy is lying through his teeth about not ever smoking again. It just irks me that smokers that actually can influence the debate ALWAYS end up bowing to the corporate pressure and continue to demonize cannabis. At the very least just STFU and keep your mouth shut and go through your court process. Don't help the other side continue the propaganda war.

All the while the fans that pay his salary get loaded up, on proven dangerous yet very legal and accessible alcohol, while watching the games he pitches in.

It's a rare thing these days to find someone that doesn't put cash above their principles. It's downright sad I think. No one has any integrity any more.