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How would YOU set this up??



If you were to have a Growlab GL290 how would you set it up? The room is 9'7"x9'7"x6'7". There will be 20 plants flowering. It would be soil.

What size lights?
How many lights?
What size pots?
What size fan?

How would YOU do it to maximize yield and efficiency?


Active member
4 square trays on each side of the room totalling 8 trays.
9 plants on each tray
can 150 with a vortex 14 on top
Shoot for 2 lbs a light/tray thats 16lbs

OHHHH you said SOIL>>> Well thats how I would do it If i had that kind of space and looking to maximize yeild and efficiency... Congrats on the room...


10 inch fans
8 inch is really cutting it close like really way to close get some 10''s and just size down the ducts go with 4000w dont want the electricty bill go with something like 600s or 6 CMH 400w lamps REALLY GO WITH BIG FANS!!!! :D and use 5 gallon pots and coco! if it was my room i would have 10inch fanas with 4 1000w lamps and you can figure out the rest


10 inch fans
8 inch is really cutting it close like really way to close get some 10''s and just size down the ducts go with 4000w dont want the electricty bill go with something like 600s or 6 CMH 400w lamps REALLY GO WITH BIG FANS!!!! :D and use 5 gallon pots and coco! if it was my room i would have 10inch fanas with 4 1000w lamps and you can figure out the rest

Nice 20north, that's the setup I am leaning more towards... I could get the plants fairly big with 4k. I am wondering if an AC is necessary. The lights are on at night. The temps are around 40*F at night during the summer and average 20*F in the winter.. I think If I aircool the hoods properly an AC might not be needed..


New member
The temps are around 40*F at night during the summer and average 20*F in the winter.. I think If I aircool the hoods properly an AC might not be needed..

Are you setting up the tent outside? Or does it get that cold inside your house?

Just curious. I have a GL 145 now and I'm contemplating adding a 120L or 145L (not sure it will fit in the room yet). So I'll end up with 2/3 to 3/4 the square footage you have. FWIW, I have a 1000W in the 145, which is basically 1/4 the tent you have. Seems to be going well. Not positive on the fan, but I think its 6" at around 400-450cfm? - going through a carbon can filter.


Are you setting up the tent outside? Or does it get that cold inside your house?

Just curious. I have a GL 145 now and I'm contemplating adding a 120L or 145L (not sure it will fit in the room yet). So I'll end up with 2/3 to 3/4 the square footage you have. FWIW, I have a 1000W in the 145, which is basically 1/4 the tent you have. Seems to be going well. Not positive on the fan, but I think its 6" at around 400-450cfm? - going through a carbon can filter.

It will be setup in the garage..


Power Armor rules
With soil I'd get big containers....5 gallon minimum.

I'd probably go with 4 x 600's or 1k's
2 x 6" Vortex fans for light cooling
Another Vortex for air exchange in the tent
A few Small clip fans for circulation
A decently comfortable lawn chair for reefer intake and observation

Give the plants lots of light, air, water, and soil and watch the genes have a party.


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