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Container Ideas for Larger Plants


New member


I drill holes in the bottom of home depot buckets and grow monsters! They're cheap and opaque enough not to let light in and damge roots.

Peace :D


New member
my last indoor grow i tried using 20gal rubbermaid totes (~$5/ea) and found that they were pretty good and could easily be moved around on a dolly as long as you strap it down. i also did kind of a side by side with some DIY "smartpots" - i noticed that these had "better" root balls when i dumped the soil although the plants grew very similarly - i think the most benefit was from increased root mass and soil volume.

since i am now convinced that air around the roots is the better choice for large container growing, i'd suggest using some smartpots. they can be found in lots of sizes. if you don't want to spend the $ on those, go out and buy a roll of landscape fabric and a cheap sewing machine to make your own at whatever size you want. airpots are an alternative to the smartpots, but the big ones don't come with bottoms as they're designed for outdoor use and to be placed directly on the ground.

for moving a large smartpot down those stairs, maybe sacrifice a really big rubbermaid tote and cut off one side to make a "scoop" to facilitate moving it on your dolly. just slide the "scoop" under your smartpot and strap it onto your dolly - wallah!

since you mentioned putting these into the ground at a later time, i think you'll really benefit from the fabric pot since you can simply slice the fabric to free the rootball or just cut off the bottom and set her wherever you want, letting the roots travel down from there.

when you're not using them, the fabric pots can be folded and stored vs a container which will take up space.

YES! THIS is brilliant!!
The thing is i am a patient also and not hercu- chick so weight will be an issue here. I thought about those flexible black bags for growing but they would most likely just rip open once I started trying to move it.
Using those garbage cans with the wheels might not be such a good idea because those wheels will most likely buckle under the sheer mass weight of it all and it could end up being a real mess.

I will look up 'smart pots' and the landscaping fabric is a wonderful idea and already HAVE some. Are you talking about that greyish fabric stuff or just burlap? I really LIKE the idea of having a liner for many reasons because i know how difficult trying to get tree sized plants out of pots can be, so a lining is almost a must OR containers that can easily be cut apart. The thing is if you can cut them apart easily then they probably are not strong enough but this combination idea is AWESOME!!!
Fabric around the rootball! You understood me perfectly.
THANKS!! Gosh you people have me very excited about this now.
Not that i wasn't before but now it is becoming more of a possibility.

Oh MAN! I am so liking this site so far because from the answers here you people have some great growing experience and i would love to put up some pictures of my grow.
As soon as i learn how to post pics.:laughing:

The next thing I have to consider is whether to plant outdoor as is or invest in a greenhouse but I have lots of time to work out that detail.

I will come back with pictures but not sure what to show you. I certainly don;t have huge plants now but do have some plants in my growroom I CAN show off. Plus I have the seedlings to show so yeahhhh.
Perhaps I will set up a journal. I'm just not very good with the update thingy.:nono:

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and help out highonpottery, greeneyes and the rest of you.
Way cool info:yes:


New member
your best bet would be to build a flowering bed lined with smart pot material with wheels on it so you can move it around - even in a 25 gallon container theyll get rootbound - never seen a rootbound plant in a bed since the roots stretch out to the sides instead of straight down with nowhere to go - look up somas beds - its the best way to go imho & you can construct them smaller or larger to your liking


New member
I'm going to try and add some pictures of my indoor plants. i'd like my outdoor plants to be twice this size(flowering room) before they go outdoors and then i took a pic or two of my seedlings in the veg room. I have a variety of different strains on the go now.
Lets see if I can do this.

I'll look up Soma beds. I like soma organic soil style.


P.S. I expected to see the pics. Is this how this pic thing works? i do not even see them.


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New member
I'm going to try and add some pictures of my indoor plants. i'd like my outdoor plants to be twice this size(flowering room) before they go outdoors and then i took a pic or two of my seedlings in the veg room. I have a variety of different strains on the go now.
Lets see if I can do this.

I'll look up Soma beds. I like soma organic soil style.


P.S. I expected to see the pics. Is this how this pic thing works? i do not even see them.

i had to click on the picture link to see them but they look great!


New member
Remember to allow air space in the drainage area as well.
The idea sound interesting but i don't know anything about creating indoor growing beds.
This might be an idea for later on but for now I think i will stick with the containers.

I'm ordering a variety of them so I can see which onces I like the best.

Thanks again for all the great ideas and thanks for the comments on my pictures. I don't know how to download pics properly here but i will take pics of the containers i choose and let you know what i think of them.

I just got my growing licence come in the mial today so it is all official and i'm thrilled.:woohoo:


The idea sound interesting but i don't know anything about creating indoor growing beds.
This might be an idea for later on but for now I think i will stick with the containers.

I'm ordering a variety of them so I can see which ones I like the best.

Thanks again for all the great ideas and thanks for the comments on my pictures. I don't know how to download pics properly here but i will take pics of the containers i choose and let you know what i think of them.

I just got my growing license come in the mail today so it is all official and I'm thrilled.:woohoo:


In the earth air comes in from all around the plant but in a solid container it must come from the bottom.
If I do large tubs, and I could see myself doing that, I would put gravel or some other material in the bottom then lay screen material ( like window screen ) over the top of the gravel then put in the soil. I'd be sure to modify the tubs to drain and allow air into the bottom of the tub.
The theory is that air helps the good microbes thrive.

Mr Mojo Risin

New member
check out things called 'tubtrugs' you will never break them, last forever, got 2 handles so 2 of yas can lift a side each and they come in all sorts of sizes and colours. i bought a hole heap of the big ones for one of my guerilla plots. more than happy with them and will be buying more for next season. i think they have a store in the usa aswell as here in Uk ;) cheap copies on ebay will do exactly the same job i expect.


New member
Thanks again jack,
Yes i agree that air is vitally important for healthy root growth
Maybe the material would be best for this alone but soft sided containers would be a lot harder to lift.

Hey mr. mojo
Is that called tub t rugs?
I will check them out. I've done many gureilla grows and that is hard labour but rewarding

I can't believe I can store 2250 grams worth of meds at one time
It still seems almost unreal

Where do i go to start a journal? I seemed to have started one today but already lost it.:laughing: I've got 23 different strains on the go already.


Mr Mojo Risin

New member
Hey mr. mojo
Is that called tub t rugs?

not sure mate, heres a link to where you can buy em :) hxxp://www.tubtrugs.com/

ive took out the 't's and replaced them with 'x's incase live links not allowed. exact same as these ive got. very good product and you can get good deal if you buy a few of them. i searched ofr the perfect containers for ages but always went back to trugs. should last me a lifetime. ive saw similar jobs on ebay but look kinda flimsy compared to the ones i have but im sure even the cheapos will still last a very long time. make sure to put holes in the bottom sides of them as the run off wont escape if the holes are on the bottom very well because of the weight in them (unless you have them mounted on something off the ground of course) ;)


New member
not sure mate, heres a link to where you can buy em :) hxxp://www.tubtrugs.com/

ive took out the 't's and replaced them with 'x's incase live links not allowed. exact same as these ive got. very good product and you can get good deal if you buy a few of them. i searched ofr the perfect containers for ages but always went back to trugs. should last me a lifetime. ive saw similar jobs on ebay but look kinda flimsy compared to the ones i have but im sure even the cheapos will still last a very long time. make sure to put holes in the bottom sides of them as the run off wont escape if the holes are on the bottom very well because of the weight in them (unless you have them mounted on something off the ground of course) ;)

Thanks a lot Mr. mojo risin
I am also looking for the perfect pot so this might save me some time but i am still determined to try a variety of containers to find the best ones.
Try this instead ...

Try this instead ...

Instead of going huge ... use the resources more efficiently.

Remember, once they're wet, with plants in them, they're much heavier.

Use 5 or 10 gallon containers with their insides coated with "Spinout".

It's a Copper Hydroxide paint that stops root tips & causes new roots to form behind them.

When a plants' roots hit the sides of a container, they continue to grow, round and round, but no new roots are formed behind them, where most of the nutrients are located.

With Spinout, plants builds a root ball that uses every inch of the container.

Here's a link: http://www.sepro.com/default.php?page=spinout

Contact the company and find a distributor ... it's not cheap, but it goes a long way. Two coats, usually, applied like latex paint. Wear disposable gloves and eye protection. Split the container with other growers & split the cost.

I've used it in side-by-side tests, and it works for long-season grows in 5 gallon buckets.

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