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Potassium or CAL/MAG


Active member
I've been using R.O water, with no supplemental cal/mag, so I am assuming its a mag deficiency.

I looked up a few deficiencies, and noticed it may be a potassium deficiency as well.

I'm getting really nervous. I feel like im going to lose my crop.

I switched to TAP water to help with some CAL/MAG, and bought some BIG BUD for some extra magnesium/potassium supplementation.

I am wondering if it could be something else.

I use PH DROPS, and PH my water to about 6.0 (2:1 ratio of OceanForest/CoCo).

I PH'd my water the night I watered, and left my PH'd water in my TEST tube which was at 6.0, but the next day the water was DARK blue (showed PH around 9.0 or higher) in the test tube.

Would this be because its sitting out, because of the drops, or is the PH of my water fluctuating that much within a day or two?

I'm very confused and nervous. Maybe somebody has some good ideas.


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Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Nah, your dead brown spots are in the middle of the leaves. With potassium they normally hit the tips & margins first.

I would guess magnesium deficiency, but I really don't have a good reference as to where on the plant those leaves are. Mg will be affecting the oldest lower leaves first, then will work its way up the plant to the younger leaves.


There are FOUR lights!
The color will change over time. Looks like potassium def, get some 0-10-10 or so.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
A. I never suggest mixing with coco. I don't know why people choose to mix to different property mediums

B. I would PH 6.5. don't worry about the 9.0, the PH changes if you leave it longer then 5 min

C. to me looks like PH flux

close up pic of leaves would help

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
It is 100% Mag deficit, use Epsom salts @ 1/3 teaspoon per lt, spray 3 times a day for 3 or 4 days while your long term remedy kicks in, I have dropped Epsom and use a few mls Alg-A-Mic instead now, has Ca in there too so helps Mag and Cal, plus every benefit seaweed and algae bring, wonderful stuff, 100% organic if you grow that way.
habeeb looks to have the reason, PH as he suggests as part of your long term too.


Active member
I will take some close-up pictures right now.

Its funny you mention to PH to 6.5. Last night I did that. Hopefully it works well.

The reason I mixed the coco is because I figured i would get some better AIR to the roots. It was suggested by the Hydro Shop owner, and while originally I didnt wanna try what he said, I had a crop gone bad and the CoCo saved me some $$ instead of bags of soil.

Anyways, how big of an effect will this have on my crop/harvest. I feel like everything is looking a little small for day 25.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
If you catch it now as you have you should be fine, this has not gone on long or you would see a worse effect, you need to give the plant what it needs asap, thats why I suggest to spray now.
You need too be sparing as you have flowers beginning but they should be fine as long as you don't soak the bud.,


Active member
Wow thanks for the awesome responses.

I am not sure why it could be a PH problem, as I use the same 5 gallons of PH'd water at a consistent PH. Some plants have it, some dont.

I think its a MAG def, as well. I am going to get some Epson salt tomorrow and I will mist the undersides of all my leaves while trying to avoid my flowers.

Its getting pretty bad, hopefully I'm not trying to correct the problem to late.


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If you haven't already, I'd suggest asking for help in the coco forum also. There are plenty of people over there that can offer good advice about running an organic coco medium. All I can say is that your mix sounds very tricky. I'm sure it can work, but it might take some time to figure out.

As for the tap water, I find that letting it degas overnight makes it much more predictable. Mine also comes out of the tap way over 8. Try adjusting the PH of the water after you've let it sit out for awhile, you'll probably find that the result will be more stable.

How hard is your water?


Active member
Southpaw, GREAT idea! I'm gonna fill up my jugs tonight and let them sit overnight. Give them a nice thorough watering of plain PH'd water tomorrow night, and then re-peat with some food.

The water in my area is VERY hard. Ruins everything in my bathroom.

Thanks for all the help everyone.,


Active member
Heyllo everyone.

As far as my Epsom salts go, Iodized or non-iodized?

Getting some now. Thank you.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
bterzz, Hi, I didn't know there are two types of Epsom salts, I get mine from the Pharmacy, they are used to induce diarrhea in humans, and used to soak old feet in, horrid thought!, they will be $2.00 in the Pharmacy but many times more in a hydro store, I will go and see what it says on mine in case I missed it though, back in a tick :D


Yep, I've also never seen iodized! Interesting...

You just want plain old Magnesium Sulfate.

Just went and refreshed my memory on what all is in FFOF, and once again am blown away by how much stuff they pack into it. I'm with habeeb, I think getting your PH stabilized will do wonders. I'd be tempted not to fertilize that mix hardly at all.

Keep us posted!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi again, I checked mine and it is just 100% Magnesium Sulphate, no mention of Iodine? I would go with the non-iodine if I had a choice, your plants don't need it and you don't know what reaction it will have mixing with other nutrients etc.

On why your PH would alter in your pots?, I grow in 100% coco, have done many many years and if you follow a few very simple rules you rarely have a problem, one is DO NOT mix with soil!, these are two totally separate mediums that have a huge difference in ideal PH's, soil is best around 6.8 to 7.0 and coco 5.8 to 6.0, it is just impossible to balance, your plants roots can never be in the ideal PH range to fully take nutrients, as a result nutrient is being left unused in your medium, this leads to the PH swings as the salts build up.
The other rule with coco is regular flushing, it needs to be flushed 2 days of 7 (ime) when on full strength nutrients, without it the ph will very quickly drop towards 5.0 and every thing will be locked out.
With any medium getting a balanced PH is vital to a great harvest, you can never achieve this working two in the same pot
I hope this helps.
EDIT. Meant to say, your pics confirm it is a PH issue, you only see this mish mash of symptoms and those brown patches when it is a PH problem and almost everything is locked out, it is this that causes confusion, it doesn't show as any particular deficit but it looks a little like some, trust me it is all of them ergo it's PH :D
I would transplant these into one or the other I think, I don't know how you can ever fix it otherwise?, you have a lot of bloom to go, I think it would be worth the upset. my $0.02


Active member
It helps wonders. Thank you for taking the time to explain.

I am going to give them a nice rinse tonight with plain PH'd water with the addition of some epsom salt.

My next run, strictly CoCo.

3.5 weeks into flower and i'm starting to get flustered!

But thanks again for all the help. Really its much appreciated.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
in coco, PH 5.8 and under cal released. PH over 5.8 and over gets mag released..

looks like some leaves are curled up ( mag def)

also, are alot of the leaf stems purple? might be a P def if they are


Active member
PH huh. This is cuz my medium or maybe just bad watering habits?

I'll water with epsom tonight and see if it helps. I will be so upset if this goes bad.

2 projects 2 weeks into flower gone bad. Welll in thise case almost 4 weeks.


Active member
Fed Epsom into medium @ 1tsp per gallon tonight with some water PH'd at about 6.3.

I think this is where I am going wrong. People say CoCo is 5.8, and Soil is higher 6's... unfortunately for me I was unaware you shouldnt mix the two. I was suggested it, by a hydro shop owner, who supposedly has some clients working with it with "amazing" reviews.. anyway.. I'm unsure where to put my PH since im in a 2:1 ratio of Soil:CoCo.. Any suggestions? I went smack dab in the middle.

Here are some pictures.

As you can tell, some are overly dramatic, some are just beginning, and some are perfectly healthy.


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Hey bterzz, ive had this problem myself .. i know the reasons for me anyway.
I am pretty new at growing myself and was/am still trying to figure out to feed my plants at proper ratios and times ..
Somethings which can cause this in your leaves are
A)when you feed your plants on a basis were there is still enough food in the medium you will cause an overdose of nutrients - which can cause salts to combine and it also causes the pH to fluctuate in the root area in such degrees that your leaves burn
B)What water do you use? If you have a high chloride level theres a chance that the sodium in your fert will combine with the chloride and cause salt(table salt) and that is poison for roots - also causes burns as in your case, sodium also blocks pottasium uptake
C)ppm - its very important to either raise the ppm gradually or decrease, as the roots take in nutrients they have their own ppm count, it is important that the ppm in the roots is higher then that of the water or soil. if the ppm is higher in the soil then in the roots, the roots will actually dry out instead of taking in.

Hope this helps a little