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Quick question: Is this the right lime?


I ve got a simple question that could be a world of difference in my grow. Right now Im using pelletized lime because I could never find powered/pulverized. But today I think I might have found the right stuff, but Im not sure. The brand is Mayville- garden and lawn lime. It doesn't say dolomite anywhere on the bag, but on the back it says "quarry lime". And it only gives two things in the guaranteed analysis: calcium 22%, Magnesium 12%. And says its calcium carbonate equivalent is at least 102%. This stuff is a fine creamish-white colored powder. Is this Pulzerized Dolomite Lime? (want to make sure its not hydrated lime) thanks as always


2 to 1 ca to mg is what you want. It is called Dolomite Lime or Garden Lime.



So it has a 2:1 ratio and it says garden lime on the package (two indicators that say it must be dolomite lime). I checked the calcium carbonate equivalent of dolomite lime on the net and that pretty much matches up too. So this has to be dolomite lime, because if it was calcitic lime it would have a ratio of: 31% calcium and 3% magnesium, right? I just want to be one hundred percent sure that this is the right stuff, because I wanna stock up.


Geezus just use it already!

lol. :) Yeah just want to be sure my man. If I put the wrong thing in the mix, it could be "coytins" for a lot of my gals. Gotta make sure every little detail is perfected so I can achieve the supreme.


Active member
Nobody achieves the supreme on the first go. But in organics you can have wonderful results on the first try. So get to work!

If you do have mag deficiency later on it can be fixed. And believe it or not, there are some great growers who use (gasp!) calcitic lime.

Dolomite is best and easiest, and it sounds like you have some, but regardless, get that soil cooking!