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Netflix anyone???



Im thinking about joining Netflix, and they say for like $9.00 a month I can rent one movie at a time OR download straight to my T.V.
So does anyone use the television option? It sounds like a really good deal, I mean I rent 2 dvd's at Blockbuster and thats 10 bucks...

If you got the experience let me know ~ Jenn


It's not a bad deal....
but if you have a BlockBuster or Hollywood Video nearby,
they have similar programs.
I find it easier to just walk in & switch instead of waiting for my next selection to arrive in the mail.



It's not a bad deal....
but if you have a BlockBuster or Hollywood Video nearby,
they have similar programs.
I find it easier to just walk in & switch instead of waiting for my next selection to arrive in the mail.


Ya I agree with you on the mail part, but Im pretty interested in the downloading straight to my television. I cant see how you could beat that.... I just wish I knew someone that has actually done it.

~ Jenn


You need a special component to get it to your television. You can get the free movies directly to your computer to watch by going to the netflix website, but thats a bit of a pain in the ass if you have a typical desk chair to sit in. If you have your television directly hooked up to the internet via a computer then you don't need to buy the special component. Netflix charges $100 for the component last time I heard.

Most of the freebies that Netflix has are either documentaries or foreign films. I've checked, and most of these get very high favorable ratings on websites like RottenTomatoes, but most folks don't gravitate to films of those types.

edit: by the way, I am able to get 2 movies per week from Netflix, as long as I am good at watching the movie the same day it arrives and then getting it back in the return mail the very next day. Thats 8 movies a month for $9...not bad, less than a buck and a quarter per movie.


I love netflix, and have been a user for over 4 years. They have quite the selection of hard to find obscure titles, both in movies and documentaries, foreign and domestic. Well worth the $9.00 a month, the only other thing that even comes close to netfix is redbox for $1 a day rentals on new releases, only down side is you have to return them by hand and they dont have nearly as many titles as netflix. Netflix has local offices too, so movies come quick, only occasionally come slow due to the postal service, also netflix is quick to dispatch a replacement for movies that dont make it to you for one reason or another and is doesnt count against your monthly rentals.
It will turn you into a film snob, you'll see so many movies you'll forget half of them :laughing:


Active member
I love netflix too. The movies get here fast and you can stream a lot of older stuff too.


We don't have tv in our house, but have a nice Imac with a 20" screen. We do the 1 dvd at a time in the mail but all the streaming online we can handle. The watch instantly part is awesome. Just find a movie and then watch it. We watched Cheech and Chongs nice dreams the other night. There is also a badass IMAX documentary about Beavers. lol

The only downside is that not all of their inventory is available for instant watching. In fact alot of it isn't. In their defense, they do still have a wide variety. It works good. I could imagine if our connection wasn't very fast that it wouldn't be as awesome


I love netflix too. The movies get here fast and you can stream a lot of older stuff too.

OHYEAH! I forgot about the streaming vids online, and they dont count against your rental and can be watched with basic memebership.


Also, if you have a Xbox360, you can stream Netflix to it (and directly to your TV).
PS3 support is coming too, so never fear, PS users, netflix will soon be here for ya!

I have the 1 disk, unlimited streaming. I intend on canceling my cable sub. soon. Between Netflix, Hulu, and torrenting, I can watch any movie/TV show I want.


Not to mention, Netflix gives out "1 Month Free" like it's nothing. I'm on my 2nd free month. The next 4 months will be free also. I recommend you look into this.


Active member
I use a friends netflix account on my xbox 360. I dont get all the movies, most of them are older, but there are current seasons of all kinds of shows and series, in HD, instantly and for free on top of whatever DVD's my friend gets in the mail. Pretty sweet deal.


netflix is awesome. always watching the "watch instantly" movies, they have a nice selection, you wont be able to see anything, but guaranteed you'll always be able to find an aewsome movie to watch on your computer. i have a laptop so im always in bed watchin a movie. netflix is cheap too, fast delivery, wayyyyy better selection of movies and documentaries than hollywood or blockbuster. blockbuster sucks, theyre run by nazi conservatives who edit their movies they put out on the shelves for people to watch without letting anyone know. they mite not do that anymore, but they were years ago when i went there. lame


I think im going to have to do this, I really want to watch the previous seasons of Weeds. I just checked their website and I guess I can buy that component for my televison for $80.00

I figure I rent 2 or 3 movies a month from Blockbuster at $5.00 a crack, so after 1 year I will be ahead of the game. Thanks for the input.

~ Jenn


Active member
I think im going to have to do this, I really want to watch the previous seasons of Weeds. I just checked their website and I guess I can buy that component for my televison for $80.00

I figure I rent 2 or 3 movies a month from Blockbuster at $5.00 a crack, so after 1 year I will be ahead of the game. Thanks for the input.

~ Jenn
If you have an xbox 360 you can use that to connect to the TV. There are other "Netflix Ready" devices that can do it as well.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If you have a pc, netflix as well as all other similar programs are obsolete.

If you have no moral objections to pirating than I suggest one of two things, first if you don't mind a little bit of a wait then you can get ANYTHING (movies,TV,games,programs,etc.) free through torrenting. Another option, this is the one I prefer, is to subscribe to websites such as Megaupload or Rapidshare. I prefer Megaupload, sites like these are a persons best friend when it comes to media. On megaupload you can download ANY movie/show/game/program/etc. at line speeds (how ever fast your net can go, I get 2Mb/s). In fact I'm currently downloading several HD movies, a game, a few episodes of some of my favorite shows and a computer program all at the same time. I'm doing all this for only $10 a month (you can also get a lifetime membership for $199, it also comes with other benefits)

I haven't payed for a movie,tv show,game, or any other piece of software in years. Also, I can watch many movies before they come out, in dvd quality; and if you are into HD content but don't have a blu-ray player (me) you can watch all your 1080p/720p movies straight from your PC/Xbox/PS3 with better quality than netflix provides (higher bitrates and such)


donut engineer
]you can get ANYTHING (movies,TV,games,programs,etc.) free through torrenting. Another option, this is the one I prefer, is to subscribe to websites such as Megaupload or Rapidshare. I prefer Megaupload, sites like these are a persons best friend when it comes to media. On megaupload you can download ANY movie/show/game/program/etc. at line speeds (how ever fast your net can go, I get 2Mb/s). In fact I'm currently downloading several HD movies, a game, a few episodes of some of my favorite shows and a computer program all at the same time. I'm doing all this for only $10 a month (you can also get a lifetime membership for $199, it also comes with other benefits)

I use(d) both torrenting and Megaupload until recently because I couldn't find a number of movies on either. Torrents require a tremendous amount of patience, imho, unless you're grabbing something that was released recently. Try to find a working David Lynch film torrent outside of Inland Empire, I dare you.

Megaupload has it's drawbacks, such as the poor quality of content and streaming problems. Also, I don't like giving those guys my CC #.

I used Netflix now for almost everything and am very happy. I switch between the $9/mo and $14/mo option because I just get so darn much from their Watch Instantly, but then some months (like december) I have ample free time to rent out a bunch of movies.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Megaupload has it's drawbacks, such as the poor quality of content and streaming problems.

What are you talking about? Megaupload is only a site for hosting, they have nothing to do with the quality of what is on there, infact you have to get the links from release sites, and it is the release groups that determine quality. As far as streaming goes, Megavideo and megaupload are two different things. Megeavideo (comes with subscription to megaupload) has never given me any problems, and they have ridiculous amounts of content without the need to download.

Megaupload is for downloading content that others have uploaded, to get links to these files go to sites like RLSLOG.net or zerosec.ws, these are my favorite sites for these types of content. I have been using these methods of getting free files for years, and have been torrenting for longer. Also, you don't even have to subscribe, you can get all the content for free though they cap how much you can download at any given time. (which would still be more than what you would get off of netflix)

P.S.- I have used netflix and was not convinced to pay for another month, they have very few movies and shows compared to what you can get through the methods I described. Also you are limited only to movies/shows where as with megaupload/torrenting you can get ANYTHING, whether it be movie/show/music/games/programs/Operating Systems/etc. for less than you would spend on netflix with faster speeds and no limit to the amount of these that you want. Where as with netflix you have to wait for them to send you your TWO movies and are unable to download anything that is STREAMED to your pc/tv. Meaning that you can't watch anything again once you send it back.