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Wierd shit on my soil.


So I have a rubbermaid that I filled with black gold seed starting mix and some perilite. I filled four party cups with the mix sprouted three seeds and left one of the cups in there.

I also have some plastic gardening tools that I have only used three times and have never seen outdoors. These were also in the rubbermaid.

I put the top on the tub and left it in my closet till I needed to get more seed soil.

Now, I just opened it up and found these white balls surrounded by fuzz ALL OVER MY SOIL. There is some condensation on the inside of my tub. I'm guessing its a mold of some kind, or eggs from an insect.....?

Does anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it? Can I just scrape off the top layer of soil and use the stuff thats below and not tainted?

mold spores maybe? Did you scrub the rubermaid containers with bleach water dillution before you used them? God knows what was living in the micro pores of the tubs from china... in the dark in the inter modal shipping container.


if they r insect eggs, then remove them.. or use an organic pest remover like spinosad. if they it is mold, get an organic muldicide like spunkmasters.. spunkmasters worm juice is excellent at defungiciding your top soil, spray it liberally on ur anus
kinda looks like some cobweb mold i encountered while growing shrooms...how much $ worth woult you be loosing to throw it all out??? may be worth it opposed to thinking its fine and loosing potential crops because of it??? my opinion which will not be offended if it is ignored. lol
there brain spider eggs... thousands of them, There gonna pop out and you'll have thousands of tiny carnivorous brain spiders sneaking into your head while you sleep, to eat your gooey grey matter.



leave the lid loose, that way you can get some air in there. that should resolve your problem. i had something similar going on in my soil container. and leaving the lid loose so it could have a little air circulation fixed it.

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