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Really need help.... It is a bad day.


Sven nevermind man lol
I have been drinking very often since I was around 16. I usally drink 4 or 5 times a week but never have I felt like I could not just not drink if I choose not too.
ahh nevermind I do not think you get what I am saying. It is the physical symptoms that are killing me not just wanting the alchol itself.
It is the entire body shakes and sweating, with the WORST anxeity you can imagine that is making me keep the alchol in my system. That is not just binge drinking, that is physical dependence.


if you are in ca you can get a rec for using herb as alchahol addiction cure and then smoke while on probabtion!


i am in the bible belt hahaha you smoke weed around here man and you must be the devil or something according to them. trust me weed here in the bible belt is like raping children.


It's probably a waste of time to even give my input, but I'm still going to.

This what you need to do. Get yourself some of those pylicibin mushrooms, organic dank was tellin ya about. Talk to your friends and family about your problem, you may be so much of a drunk you need medical rehab to get you past the withdrawals.In the mean time, get all the shit you need together, this includes herb, anti anxieties (if you have panic attacks), food, water, blah blah blah, enough to last you a week or 2. You'll need to get ride of any money, debit, credit cards, basically anything that you could possibly sling for a drink. Find a good friend or family member and go camping for a day or 2. This is where you take the mushies. This will give you new motivation, perspective, and the feeling of being rejuvenated. This is to get you over the first, and hardest days. After that it might be a good idea to give your monies to someone you trust. This way when you get tempted your not able to purchase anything. It would also be a good idea to get some counsling or aa if thats your thing. peace


thanks tango man. at least you try to give me good advice rather than just flaming me. It is the panic attacks that are the worst and if it was not for those I could handle the rest of it. But yea I will be going to the doctor here in about a hour or two, once I get past the first few days and once the withdrawl symptoms are done with I feel very confident in my ability to just say no to alchol. because it only takes one time of feeling like this for me to realize it is not what I want.


Sven nevermind man lol
I have been drinking very often since I was around 16. I usally drink 4 or 5 times a week but never have I felt like I could not just not drink if I choose not too.
ahh nevermind I do not think you get what I am saying. It is the physical symptoms that are killing me not just wanting the alchol itself.
It is the entire body shakes and sweating, with the WORST anxeity you can imagine that is making me keep the alchol in my system. That is not just binge drinking, that is physical dependence.

So what do you want a big ass pity party, go to a meeting, your withdraws will go away in due time. Man up & get your priorities straight Oh..I've been there done that... so stop already trying to pull the wool over folks eyes that give a care. :2cents:


So what do you want a big ass pity party, go to a meeting, your withdraws will go away in due time. Man up & get your priorities straight Oh..I've been there done that... so stop already trying to pull the wool over folks eyes that give a care. :2cents:

Thank you


i am in the bible belt hahaha you smoke weed around here man and you must be the devil or something according to them. trust me weed here in the bible belt is like raping children.

you can always use the freedom of religion approach. many churchs and spiritual groups and sect see and use cannabis as a sacrament. There is no way they can deny you this. Go to thcministries.com, not sure if that is the website but you can search thc ministries, you will find exactly what you need.

and i know about panic dissorder and anxiety dissoder, been dealing with it for over 15 years. I know how bad a real panic attack can get, you think you are going to die and your heart is going at a very un healthy rate. i have been to the e.r more than a few times and also been found blacked out after passing out from a really bad panic attack. You are not goig to die, relax, drink a humungous glass of ice water, i mean chucg that shit. try to eat healthy foods, and do yoga. Stay away from the alchahol. I mean really. how hard is it to poor that shit down t he toilet and then tell your best friend what is going on and dont be embarreseed, friends dont judge people like you might think. tell them to take you somewhere for a couple days or a week. It is all about the sourroundings you are in. I hate to generlize but if you are in a trailor park and everybody around you is in an impovershed state of one kind or another, then you need to get the hell out of there. Go online , you can get interships at organic farms all over the country including CA where you work on a farm, tey teach you a life long skill and you get fed, a room and they pay you a little cash.

Im only sayin this from experience. You are young enough to change your surroundings and get the fuc% out of the sytem and do your own thing. Alchahol hampers that. the better you are to oyur mind, and body, the better you will live.


hold on bro...i just read in one of your other threads you wrote that you are on probation, and if you get caught with thc in your system your going away for three years...

yet in a post one day the same day you are asking about what the best nutrient system is to go hydro and that you are going to run a hydro setup this and that....

that is bullshit

if you are tripping on a drug test pass what the hell you think they are going to do to you if they find you growing,manufacturing,processing and consuming cannabis. If you really are prob. where you say its three years for a prob violation, then ehy will probably give you 25 for growing. seems a little risky

something doesnt add up,


love machine
ICMag Donor
Dear Op,

I understand where you're coming from, alcohol doesnt run in my family but it runs in me. I started drinking when i was 14 - 15 due to peers, and i thought it was a cool thing to drink ( little did i know ) after a year or 2 hanging out with drinking friends i got deep in to it.

When i hit 18 thats when i got worse, beers and light drinks dont do it for me anymore and i started to make friend with mr. jack daniels

After a first night with mr jack i felt in love. A bottle of 750 ml a day until i hit 25. I felt like my life depend on jack. I woke up every morning sober and i hated it. Few months later my best friend passed away because of drinking problem. I love my friend but i do not want to follow his shoes. I told my self i have to quit or i wont be able to see my daughter grow up.

Heres how i quit :

For the first month, every morning i woke up i feel like killing myself because i was too sober. I picked up jogging, running and swimming ( helps me clear my mind and forget about the drink )
Every party i go to i see people drink beers or other heavy stuff, i just pick up a bottle of water or a glass of soda just to get the feel like im holding a bottle of beer or some kind of alcohol. ( it helps )

Best thing for you to do is keep your body moving, your mind clear and you wont have to think about drinking ( i know its hard to do, but if you stick to it for a few weeks i can gaurantee that when you pick up a drink again you will hate it )

ps. its all in your head man.
Good luck!


I take it most of you people saying just quit haven't seen someone who goes through alcohol detox. It's not simple withdrawals such as sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, shakes.

You literally lose your mind while going through full blown alcohol DT. The patients that I have seen are fully restrained in a bed because they have lost all control of themselves. They babble incoherent sentences along with becoming violent. If a person walked in on someone like this, they would think they were literally insane. I've seen one patient completely fine one day then fully restrained and a completely different person the next.

If you are this hard up, you need to seek an impatient treatment center where they can monitor you and give you the appropriate care. Find a number that can refer you to the nearest hospital or treatment facility as soon as you can.

Good luck


love machine
ICMag Donor
^^ trust me, when i start to quit i wanted to kill my self. too sober. too shaky, racy mind thinking where can i get a drink, throwing up outta no where.

The first step to quit is all in ur mind. YES IT IS VERY VERY HARD but once i get pass the first step, it'll get easier.

The key is to be productive, always find something to do, DO NOT SIT AROUND


Denial is one of the hallmarks of alcohol abuse. Claiming that the drinking is something beyond your control is an aspect of this. Drunks are drunks because they like to drink. And when they quit, it's not for Mom, wifey or little Billy, it's because they've had enough of it, and decide to move on.

Whenever you realize you're on the road to nowhere, you might set the bottle down, and get on with a productive life. If not, maybe you'll grow, from a young drunk into an old drunk.

Old drunks are pathetic.


Freedom Fighter
Sven nevermind man lol
I have been drinking very often since I was around 16. I usally drink 4 or 5 times a week but never have I felt like I could not just not drink if I choose not too.
ahh nevermind I do not think you get what I am saying. It is the physical symptoms that are killing me not just wanting the alchol itself.
It is the entire body shakes and sweating, with the WORST anxeity you can imagine that is making me keep the alchol in my system. That is not just binge drinking, that is physical dependence.

Hey man, I am not going to flame you...but I do have a couple of things to say--
If you are only drinking 4 or 5 days a week, then you are not severely physically addicted...you have some severe mental addictions going on...and it sounds like you have an anxiety problem there, that you are simply keeping in check by numbing it with alcohol--
It is crazy how powerful the brain is...and I am sure you are going to discount this as BS...that is the nature of the Beast--
BTW...I am not talking out my ass on this one...I have been drinking every day for the last 10 years...and I have finally seen the stupidity of it...I am just scared to make such a huge change in my lifestyle by quitting!! (Stupid huh?!!)
But it is coming for me...hope it does for you too!!
Peace, and good luck--


stone fool
You will need help, family or a clinic or hosp for a couple days, some barbituates to keep you calm while your system cleans out and lots of juice to drink to help. Get the help, it is worth it, two days of detox can set you on a new path, good luck. I am glad I did.

gramma watt

ahahah thanks razor.
I am not sure I am making it out worse than I should be. I just have seen my dad go down this road and do not want my life to be consumed by it. I am not on just my 4th day of drinking, I am on my 4th straight day of being 24/7 drunk. I am on my 4th day of having lost all control and the phyiscal symptoms are out of control. I do not even smoke cig's because I just never have had a addictive personality, until now.
I do not need meetings, I just wanna sober up one last time and I will never touch it again. But i tried tonight and I slept for like 2 hours and woke up shaking, sweating, severe panic, just sucks man.
I give you props for stopping meth man even if you just traded alchol for it. I lived in a small country town when growing up and have seen what it can do.
I just finished a 750 ML bottle that I bought at 6 o clock yesterday. (eastern time)
My friend, I disagree..you need AA and it wouldn't hurt to go to rehab. I am a former crack addict..rehab and meetings saved my life, and I smoke weed, but have no desire to ruin my life again with hard drugs or alcohol...