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6 bio buckets, water chiller, t5 veg, 1k hps flower


Bio Bucket setup

Bio Bucket setup

Just wondering with bio buckets can we use a powerhead at water level or a aereation stone to simulate the waterfalls effect of generating areation as I am kinda challegned for vertical space?


Is that AC located inside of the room? It looks like 8000 window unit but it's hard to tell. Great setup either way. :joint:



looking great sir! I am currently at day 12 of flower with my 8 bio bucket system under 1200w

very excited for you i too found a good deal on a water chiller.

Cheers! :dance: :woohoo:



Just wondering with bio buckets can we use a powerhead at water level or a aereation stone to simulate the waterfalls effect of generating areation as I am kinda challegned for vertical space?

Yes you can cateros I use air stones in each bucket plus the waterfall. As long as your dissolved oxygen is maxed it doesn't matter what way you do it. Waterfall is just really efficient
Just wondering with bio buckets can we use a powerhead at water level or a aereation stone to simulate the waterfalls effect of generating areation as I am kinda challegned for vertical space?

yeah i have learned you don't even need any waterfall man, i fill my res all the way up to the drain to get max fillage..lol, each bucket has it's own airstone.
Is that AC located inside of the room? It looks like 8000 window unit but it's hard to tell. Great setup either way. :joint:


yeah man, lol. i went out and bought two peices of the 3/4" MDF. Measured a few extra inches bigger than the A/C for air flow, then jigsawed the front. just like building a speaker box. then i jigsawed two 6" wholes one input, one output (with a booster fan). i mounted it to wall-stud on both sides with 3" steel screws. i could probably hang on the thing. then i just wrapped it in the same poly my room is wrapped in.

raph, thanks bro. i'll be watching yours too.
actually my temps have been running right at 64 degrees as cold as the air conditioner will go wish it got colder but guess i cant have my cake and eat it too i also use the big sun system reflector better light footprint than them cool tubes only thing you can do to help direct more of the light lost with them is to add the bat wing reflectors just an idea to get the most outta your light my brother used them cool tubes one grow and got rid of them right after that and went back to the same old sealed sun system hood honestly id suggest you think about doing the same just trying to be of help the cool tubes loose more light than they put off from what i understand you can get the same temps if not lower by using the same simple sealed hood and got alot more light for your money food for thought maybe one other thing dont go cheap on the hood and buy some off brand just to save a few bucks your better off spending the money no hoods seal like sun system hoods the knock off versions made in china or where ever dont seal like the sun system reflectors
actually my temps have been running right at 64 degrees as cold as the air conditioner will go wish it got colder but guess i cant have my cake and eat it too i also use the big sun system reflector better light footprint than them cool tubes only thing you can do to help direct more of the light lost with them is to add the bat wing reflectors just an idea to get the most outta your light my brother used them cool tubes one grow and got rid of them right after that and went back to the same old sealed sun system hood honestly id suggest you think about doing the same just trying to be of help the cool tubes loose more light than they put off from what i understand you can get the same temps if not lower by using the same simple sealed hood and got alot more light for your money food for thought maybe one other thing dont go cheap on the hood and buy some off brand just to save a few bucks your better off spending the money no hoods seal like sun system hoods the knock off versions made in china or where ever dont seal like the sun system reflectors

thanks for your thoughts bro. you know, i was thinking the cool tube probably does waste some light. I wouldn't go so far to say that it wastes more than it puts off, but I could see it wasting some.

I will definitely look into the big sun for the next go around. the current ladies have been put through a beating with all of the construction going on, so next go around will be much better either way.

i'll post some pics tomorrow! sorry for the lack of update..just not much really to show! early flowering is boring.
update, sorry so long

update, sorry so long

okay so here are some pics, not the best quality bc i was in there while the light was on. you know how cameras are around an hps, i've seen worse than this though.

here is a bud shot of the blue hash:

the cali hash's were seriously hurt and couldn't recover in time for flowering. either way, they're flowering..i'm just curious to see what comes out of them, you never know lol.

heres a group shot, you can see the cali hash on the left, and the blue hash on the right. being they all received the same abuse, it's obvious the blue hash is a stronger strain.


oh and i ended up trading my old steel co2 tank in for an aluminum one. i also purchased a second aluminum tank, so i can swap them out. i dont know what the hell is going on but i'm running through a tank in like a week and a half. i need to redesign things to try and seal it completely.

here are my new tanks!

in the pic to the right you can see the zipper i have. i setup a zipper door inside of the doorway with poly.

oh so i have powder mold on my rockwool, WHAT DO I DO? please help, i think that's possibly the reason for the cali hash's being so drastically stunted.