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help with seeds


So i got some noname seeds 4 alredy saw the light so i need som help now. what sould i do? should i put a half of the plastic bottle over them?


Active member

You are gonna have to be a little more specific.

Are you saying that you PLANTED noname seeds and 4 have SPROUTED?

What are they growing in?
What kind of light are they under?

There is no need for a "half of the plastic bottle" as this will keep them too moist and probably kill them faster than you already are.

There is alot of good info on this site, take some time to read up and figure out what you are gonna do.


Are you saying that you PLANTED noname seeds and 4 have SPROUTED?
What are they growing in?
-some soil for flowers
What kind of light are they under?
-nothing (daylight) going to buy some

thank you for the advice about the half of the plastic bottle


Since you're obviously a new grower...

Seedlings are very nutrient sensitive. Did the soil have fertilizer already added? If so...that will be a problem and I'd transplant them to a seed starter mix asap.

Keep a flouro light as close as possible...an inch or two. That's to prevent stretching.

Try to keep the humidity up in the area. Even if it's just a tray of water sitting beside the seedlings. they do better at 50% RH or higher.

Let us know how it's going...


Hey Am, good luck to you my man. I too am new to growing, so I feel your pain. I would suggest doing some research on this subject, because believe me when I tell ya any questions you got about growing they have answers available on the net. Google should be your friend on this. Not trying to break your balls here, just trying to point you in the right direction. I found these couple of links to be very helpful in answering a lot of the basic q's....


I hope this helps you... but I can't stress how important research is in the process. It's helped me out immeasurably.



Thanks for the advices , im just gonna test if they will survive now whithout light or anything else , just some soil and water , no temperature control , no wetness control nothig :) testing 1 2 3 .